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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS Redux: Your Vision?
« on: July 29, 2008, 06:18:28 PM »
Just chiming in to say I'm a huge fan of Blake's 7 and had seen something vague in Jacqueline Pearce's blog about a new version.  Perhaps if it is a hit, there will finally be an official release of the series on DVD here in North America.

I think many DS fans would enjoy Blake's 7 due to the theatricality and flamboyance of much of the series.  I mean of course the original series.  The new one is probably going to look a lot like Firefly, I would guess, which is kind of an interesting homage since I believe that Blake's 7 was an inspiration for Joss Whedon's original story on Firefly.  Blake's 7 definitely was a huge influence on Babylon 5.


Nice montage.  Nice to see Bob Cobert looking so fit and in such a great mood!


Congratulations again, Penny Dreadful!  Love the photo!  I'm glad that that furry husband of yours was able to attend, too.


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Carolyn Gettin' Groovey! (Spoilers EP 2)
« on: July 24, 2008, 02:45:22 PM »
She played Brutus Collins' wife Amanda (?) in one episode of PT 1841.  And in NoDS, she played a character who was never seen on the show.  If she was blurring the TV show and the movies together, that's at least eight--nine if you regard original Charity and possessed Charity as different people (which I would say they were).


Thanks, Joe, for your report about Darren's panel.

Just how many technical glitches can one DS Festival have, anyway?  Were they trying to recapture the spirit of a particularly blooper-laden episode?

I keep thinking of people switching mics in front of Lara and the expression on her face... it must have been choice.


It just reminds me of the time years ago when David Selby and another actor performed a play David had written about Lincoln coming to life in the Lincoln Memorial and having a lengthy conversation with a black janirtor in the present day.  I found the play fascinating but it was performed in the main Festival hall and it was difficult to concentrate because so many DS fans with no interest in anything not related to DS or old TV shows were constantly running in and out of the theatre.

Still, I got from it a memory I will always cherish.  And I learned just how deep the amazing David Selby's integrity runs.  Not to mention his reservoirs of patience.


I'm looking around for a full account of Darren Gross' NoDS restoration panel.  I remember seeing a note by MB to post any accounts of this in an already existing topic which I seem unable to locate.

I did see that Kousin Kajun (sorry, couldn't resist) reported briefly about the restoration.  What I'm looking for is more about what Darren said and something about the newly restored sequence he debuted at the Festival. 

I do hope that Darren's presentation wasn't bumped this year.  That's the kind of thing that tends to have me reaching for that little doll and those sharp black pins...


Um, I think I just did.

:::heavy sigh:::  I am soooo not ready for the Capn Barnaby action figures...


Lovelady Powell rocked the house!  She needed to become a regular on the show.


No new content of note, but a brief report about the Festival appeared on the new website for the magazine Cinema Retro,  The notice included a familiar publicity photo of Jonathan Frid as Barnabas (probably dating to 1968) and mention of the Johnny Depp movie project.


Thanks for those who clarified Mr. Frid's remarks about Grayson.  I recall Louis Edmonds telling me on one occasion when I was asking for stories about Grayson "a little bit of Grayson goes a long way" said very fondly and with a sly wink.  He then told a story about seeing her in Happy End with her arm in a cast because she had just broken it earlier that day.  In his dry way, he paid tribute to her incredible showmanship and professionalism.  I appreciated his candor.

I'd love to hear more about what Mr. Frid said about Thayer David.  On the one Dave Brown cassette I bought years ago, in one of the 1980s get-togethers Frid was recalling how Thayer was like everyone's uncle on the set, even though he was the same age as himself, Louis, et al.  He talked about how kind and encouraging Thayer was.  Alexandra in her foreword to one of the KLS pompress books shared that Thayer battled depression for years.  What an incredible man, and incredible artist, he was.


Golly, both the entrances of Jonathan and David sound so fun and memorable!  I can't believe JF got into the coffin once more just to make his fans happy!!! Let's hope he had more leg room in the 2008 mark coffin!

I'd vote for Quentin Collins for president!


I am just wondering how certain "members" who haven't yet had the pleasure will react the first time they encounter the infamous "Nathan Forbes crotch" floatie ...


The mockup for the cover and verso designs looks excellent.  Nice to see that Karlen is featured on the verso.

MB, have you read the review on the DVD Talk site of DS The Beginnings vol. 5 yet? It's a regular riot!  (I don't agree with his comments about the work of David Henesy and Joan Bennett on the series, but he expresses even opinions that I disagree with in such an entertaining, campy, fun way!)


Hi Taeylor, as a David Selby fan, I do hope you've had the chance to see the obscure Canadian indy feature "The Girl in Blue."  Not only does Selby deliver a brilliant performance in the movie, you get to see quite a bit of his nude body (only from behind, alas) in a bathtub sequence.  Lovely film that deserves to be more widely known.


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