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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '25 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: September 20, 2019, 05:16:10 PM »
I think it's Danish. Nice that they are hosting the film.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Why We Hate Gerard
« on: September 20, 2019, 03:32:58 AM »
Same here, KMR. But the perception from DC, the publicity unit, the network heads etc. was that it was the vampire thing that made it so huge.

There's a funny interview on one of the DVDs (I am not sure if the "coffin set" includes all the interviews) with an ABC publicist who told a story about a network executive more or less accidentally tuning into an episode of DS sometime in 1967 and turning, baffled, to the publicity guy and saying "what's going on with Cousin Barney's teeth??"


Ah yes, the little known fact that thanks to technological advances, the Collins family in the 1980s pioneered the commercial growth of date palms in Collinsport... Maine residents found it all baffling, but everybody pretended not to notice.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Why We Hate Gerard
« on: September 16, 2019, 04:36:39 PM »
I have written about this several times over the years--a long time ago, having sifted through all the evidence available to me, I came to the conclusion that DS was canceled because Dan Curtis had decided to wrap up the show.

Just my personal belief--at one point when we were discussing the final month or so of the show, somebody commented that the cancellation was announced at the March ABC board meeting. The ratings were actually going up when the announcement was made, and board members were concerned that the network was losing a very popular show.

I also think that some of the major actors were totally burnt out on doing it at that point. A more immediate motive for Curtis must have been plans in place to shoot NoDS and looking at another four to six weeks of having major actors not being available. I've always thought it was significant that the NoDS shoot started something like 1 to 2 weeks after the taping of the final DS episode.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Why We Hate Gerard
« on: September 16, 2019, 03:36:26 PM »
OH! and Christopher Pennock as Gabriel was marvelous--finally, Pennock was given a role worthy of his talents. His scenes were great fun.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Why We Hate Gerard
« on: September 16, 2019, 03:29:04 PM »
I LOVED Virginia Vestoff as Samantha. She was the standout in that storyline, for me.

I did think there were some good elements but there were long stretches of absolute nonsense that were hard to sit through. It was fun watching Jerry Lacy chew the scenery once more as Lamar Trask (a character named after Lara Parker's real-life name--I always wondered whose idea of a joke that was). I also liked the showdown between Julia and Angelique.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Why We Hate Gerard
« on: September 16, 2019, 12:56:37 PM »
What about Count Petofi? I'm not sure if "opportunist" is the right word to describe the Count--it does not seem sufficiently grandiose for that magnificent schemer and manipulator.

He did say "I have but one God, and his name is Petofi," and I don't think he was joking.

It's been over a decade since I last watched 1840. My memory is that when Gerard comes on, he is a charming rogue with some minor psychic powers (healing Flora of her headaches... that was such a trippy scene) who has spun a yarn to the family about his travels with Quentin. He definitely had his own personality, one which I would describe as deceitful and devious but not full-on malevolent. Wasn't Gerard initially a friend of Letitia's? I remember a couple of scenes between them that showed more of himself than he wanted to reveal to the family.

I thought James Storm did a good job, all things considered, in the role. I know people who live for Storm's unique enunciation of that fateful name... MIRRRRRAAAAANDAAAAHHH!


Some fans speculate about the new series. I don't really have time to read through all of this, but perhaps it will be of interest to some of you.


The painting of Quentin's portrait is a significant element in the second half of 1897, the part where Count Petofi is the main villain.

MB I definitely agree that omitting Jason and those incredible episodes with those great scenes between him and Liz (which gives the lie to folks who say that Joan Bennett wasn't any good on DS) is unforgivable. I barely glanced at the article so did not really think very much about what they were suggesting.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Why We Hate Gerard
« on: September 13, 2019, 07:03:22 PM »
At some point in the early Fall of 1970 (I think), Dan made Lela Swift the producer of the show. So, she was producing it and directing it. In terms of the production context of DS, this meant that she also became the de facto head writer in terms of having the ability to dictate where storylines would go or how they would play out.

I think Kathy Resch and Marcy Robin wrote in an essay in an early PomPress book that the 1840 storyline was plotted during a two day "retreat" where Sam and Gordon and whoever else was writing the show were holed up trying to come up with something that could be produced with the limitations of the cramped studio space and small budget. The original plan had been for KLS to play Samantha but that was jettisoned because she decided to leave the show--she, like many other regulars, was working without a contract.

NOTHING about Judah and his resurrection was hinted at in ANY of the foreshadowing--I am not sure at what point they came up with that, but it may have been during this storyboarding session which must have taken place at some point in mid to late September of '70.... roughly 49 years ago now.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Why We Hate Gerard
« on: September 13, 2019, 03:07:09 PM »
The 1840 storyline played out somewhat similarly to the 1897 one in terms of foreshadowing in "the present" that did not play out once everyone was back in 19th century times. In 1897, the discontinuity wasn't quite so blatant, in part because they spent eight months (or was it nine) moving through what they wound up with. Those in charge of the show simply presumed that the viewers at home wouldn't recall what had been shown during the lead-up in Dec. 1968-March 1969. In all fairness, they did try to explain some of the disparities, but at one point either Barnabas or Julia told one bewildered character "We can't answer ALL the questions now." And as usual when they told Professor Stokes or Maggie that they would "explain later"... they never did.

With 1840 it was a more compacted timeline that was complicated by some real life developments. David Henesy left the show, so the Tad character went off to boarding school or a relative's home (I can't recall which). Jonathan Frid ALMOST left. Grayson had to leave because of an in-law's death and I think she had minor plastic surgery at one point. But she did come back.

Fans were following all of it really closely and it was glaringly obvious to those of us watching that the various "clues" about the Java Queen, Rose Cottage, Gerard and Daphne's shipboard romance, etc. formed a trail that led to precisely nothing once everyone had arrived in 1840.


Apparently, there were Leviathans on Supernatural. Maybe the new DS is going to be set up as a Supernatural spinoff. Seems highly plausible.

Remember, you read it here first.


I apologize to the moderators for how many times variations on the word "eye" appeared in my post.


If they're eyeing it as a replacement for Supernatural, I predict that the story will focus on teenage versions of Barnabas and Quentin, frequently eyeing one another with smolderingly slashy ambiguous eyes while shirtless and damp from their exertions trying to banish this week's MonsterCurseMemeHorror that will SPELL DOOM FOR THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.

It will be fun!

cheers, G.

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