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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '08 II / Re: Today's caption pic - egad!
« on: October 14, 2008, 02:14:04 PM »
I know of a Benefactor who is not only Mysterioso, but *exceptionally* naughty.  Ahem.

Poor dear Julia looks as if she just slipped an exceptionally BITTER pill into her own mouth.  But then, Barn so often WAS a pill to our dear Doctor. 

Maybe she's trying to bite back the loud laughter that bubbles to the surface at the thought of giving Barn a good brisk bitch slap.

I can just hear Julia bellowing a la Ralph Kramden, "To The Moon!"


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Prop Project: The Skeleton
« on: October 09, 2008, 06:45:12 PM »
I know at one point in ca. 1968 it showed up with its skullbones scotch-taped together.  I thought that was some sort of ultimate benchmark of Dark Shadows--like Barnabas delaying the start of a take to complain that his coffin was too short.  Priceless.


Current Talk '08 II / Re: John Lasell
« on: October 08, 2008, 03:19:18 PM »
Hey Joey, it would have been a wonderful idea to interview John Lassell.  I don't own the relevant DVD sets, so don't know whether any interview footage with him was included in the recent releases of Dr Guthrie's episodes.

I am afraid that if he was not interviewed for those, it's unlikely ever to happen.  I also have no idea whether he was ever invited to attend a DS Festival.


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #03
« on: October 07, 2008, 11:49:43 PM »
I read what Nelson Collins wrote and thought he gave a very fair review of the episode.  I absolutely agree about the sloppy writing.  The whole thing with Woodard was handled so shoddily, and in the next episode, it all slithers into gratuitous, embarrassing schlock.  I really wonder whether the influence of the network suits to have more typical Eighties style horror elements inserted into the production was already making itself felt at this point. 

I loved Barbara Steele's scenes, as mentioned previously, but Nelson has a really good point about our beloved Dr Hoffman's  dodgy lab methods.

I can't get over Julia's manicure.  Every time I see those nails, I wish there had been a sequel to the Natassja Kinski Cat People with Steele as an older Cat Matron, perhaps similar to Elizabeth Russell's character in the original Cat People from the 1940s.  Meeee-OWWW!

Watching it again last year, I confess I was intrigued by Ely Pouget's performance as Maggie.  I thought that character needed to be more fleshed out and Pouget's energy made me want to see more.  Why on Earth was she banging Roger?  Was this ever explained?  Forgive me if I'm not sticking close enough to the actual action of this specific segment here.

Now where's that shot of Joe Haskell's bared butt cheeks? 

Mournfully, Gothique

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Creepy (Not the Way You'd Think...)
« on: October 07, 2008, 11:39:40 PM »
One of my all time favorite Carolyn moments--which I was going to mention in a thread some months ago about bitchy moments among All Who Live at the Great House--is when Nicky Blair is turning on the schmooze and the charm and Carolyn informs him frostily, "Mr. Blair, WE are a very old New England family."  You could have seen the icicles forming on Blair's moustache, and his smile took a delightfully fixed turn.

It's one of the many moments that makes the much-abused Adam and Eve storyline a truly GREAT time in the history of Dark Shadows!

An unrepentant 1968 fan,


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Creepy (Not the Way You'd Think...)
« on: October 07, 2008, 09:15:59 PM »
I thought Carolyn really needed a Daddy.  The way she hero-worshipped Roger when Vicki first arrived showed quite clearly that she was desperate for an older male to fill the void left in her life by the long-ago departure of Paul Stoddard from the scene.


Current Talk '08 II / Re: today's slideshow
« on: October 07, 2008, 09:11:04 PM »
I thought the same thing, MSC.  I could imagine Rod Serling solemnly intoning:  "Witness a room ... not so much a chamber of horrors, as a void of the soul ... a wide, empty place in life's road where too many wayfarers have washed up for life's last hurrah ... the address, Collinsport, Maine ... a burg that's just one more destination in that unknown region of the crepiscule we call ... The Twilight Zone."

Room 24 doesn't need air conditioning because the room temperature has the perpetual chill ... of the morgue.


How interesting.  It's nice to hear from someone who was an adult fan back in the Sixties.  They used to be mentioned in articles about the series, back in the day.  Remember the doctors who refused to see patients between four and four-thirty because of the show?


Hi Philippe,

The first box in the Collector's series (i. e. the very first episodes aired in June-August 1966) is also on sale for $24.99, I believe.  I finally ordered the set and it arrived on Saturday.  I had a lovely hour test-driving the discs; love the new menu and Alexandra's interview footage (which is new to me, but I think had been previously released, perhaps on the videotapes?).

A funny thing to me is that the music they use for the menu is music I always associated with Angelique.  One of the cues is one I always think of as "Angelique's spellcasting music" and another one (the one that pops up when you click on the episode guide menu) I call "Angelique's evil delight!"

To me, this music tells the viewer:  "we know that THESE discs are all about the beginning of Victoria's journey ... but keep watching ... there's a WITCH in her future!"

We Ancient Blood fans do have our ways...


That point is definitely worth stressing, MB.

I read years ago about a homemade porn movie in which Barbra Strreisand had supposedly appeared in the early 1960s before she became successful.  The report described Streisand herself being shown a sequence from the movie and pointing out to others in the room that while there was a blurred facial resemblance, the lady in the movie had very different hands--shorter, more stubby fingers, compared to Streisand's own hands. 

I can imagine a fan of the times getting carried away with a casual resemblance and thinking he was seeing Briscoe in an old magazine, when he wasn't. 

Altruistically, for the sake of science, I would be willing to put in the hours if not days required to go through every issue of Colt magazine from the mid 1960s.  Even if it required sacrifice of time and energy.  For the sake of my fellow fans, I would do it!  and, uh, yeah, I would just be thinking of Dark Shadows the whole time *wink*

cheers, G.

Hey Taeylor, of course I don't mind at all.  You write brilliant, witty, amusing posts, and I'm proud to have you for my "Cousin" in the Shadows!

Just to set the record ... straight (?!?!?!?!?!) (and Dear God, please do not let that string of punctuation turn into one of those sickening smilies), I was told by a veteran DS fan of the Ancient Blood (as am I)--for the new folks who may be reading, this means a fan who was around in the 1960s for the original broadcast of the series--that he had heard from a friend that Don Briscoe had done a shoot for Colt Magazine, a publication popular amongst a certain select circle back in the day.  Given the nature of that remarkable magazine, we may presume that Don appeared in the best apparel nature could have provided for him--i.e., his birthday suit.  Unfortunately, 1960s issues of that magazine are rare as the proverbial hen's teeth, although there are archival collections--one at Cornell that I know of--where we may finally be able to track down more information regarding this rumor.

So, it wasn't really Gothick just erm, um, *fantasizing* *wink* about such images--although I have to admit that since hearing the tale, I HAVE amused myself mightily by imagining with all the vivid powers at my command just how special those photographs could be!

cheers!  G.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #02
« on: October 02, 2008, 03:26:31 PM »
Is this the episode where Julia has her line about the "Professor being a bit dotty"?  That line just makes me sca-REAM!  That and the clenched-jaw enunciation of "I have a great deal of WORK to do" where the word work is pronounced "wuhhkk."  Gotta love Barbara Steele!

I remember a certain show in which a certain very hunky male vampire seemed to have been buried in hospital pajamas.  Later, they switched so he had been buried in a flannel shirt and what I think were work trousers.  Ah, our vampires and their little wardrobe malfunctions!  Maybe the mortician for Daphne decided he wanted her corpse to have a luscious glam-goth look to it.  (I saw a friend of mine at a gathering recently whose specialty is hairdos for corpses--he works at a mortician's).

cheers!  G.

What a fab little article.  I like it that our gang is lumped together with Miss Kenneth Anger.  Collinwood Babylon, anybody?  (It would make a great fanfic!)

MB, your new avatar is SERIOUSLY scaring me.


Current Talk '08 II / Re: The DS Seances 1966-1971 (Inspired by Sandor)
« on: October 01, 2008, 03:05:22 PM »
Hey Taeylor (and hi Sandor!), what a great idea for a thread!  I look forward to everybody's memories about the DS seances.

One seance sequence I would love to see again is the restored one from the film Night of DS that I got to see at one of Darren Gross' presentations several years ago at a DS Festival.  It was, I thought, possibly the best bit of film Dan Curtis ever directed.  The camerawork had a fluid, uncanny swirl to it that really evoked the sensation of consciousness shifting and the veil between the Worlds running suddenly mist-thin.  Brilliant.

A personal favorite seance sequence of mine is the one from 1995 where Carolyn's spirit speaks through Julia.  Again, a sense of the uncanny in how Grayson changed her voice and the enigmatic words spoken.  Another one I love for similar reasons is the one from 1968 where Philippe Cordier's spirit speaks through Barnabas.  A tour de force for Jonathan Frid.  I loved it when they occasionally had him do something different from the usual.


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Color Scans of the 1971-72 Sunday Comic Strips
« on: September 30, 2008, 04:38:44 PM »
Wow, Doctor and K-9, these REALLY bring back the memories!  When these strips were coming out, I was BEREFT due to the loss of my all-time favorite show.  The Sunday comics really helped console me.  They were much better than the Gold Key Comics.  I gave my copy of the book that collected all the strips to a friend who is a gifted young artist and a lifelong fan of DS.

My local paper stopped carrying the strip when a story was beginning that I think involved people from the Caribbean--sort of Strange Paradise meets DS!

cheers!  Steve

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