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Messages - Gothick

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Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: Happy Birthday Taeylor
« on: October 27, 2008, 02:36:29 PM »
Happy Birthday Taeylor Collins!

I keeping seeing reviews of Madonna's show (I think she just came through Boston), and the photos of her on the tabloid covers this week have her sporting a circa. 1971 Nancy Barrett/Carolyn Stoddard Hawkes kind of look!

Hope you have a grand time for your special day, and at Madge's big show!

cheers! Gothick

Current Talk '08 II / Today's capture, ep #347
« on: October 25, 2008, 07:59:41 PM »
And in today's capture, perhaps the sound track should be Julia struggling to get out the words to that song "T-T-T-Touch me" from Rocky Horror Show!

Creature of the night, indeed!


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Today's capture, ep #608
« on: October 24, 2008, 10:42:10 PM »

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / DVD Sales through Amazon vendor
« on: October 24, 2008, 07:32:49 PM »

an occasional Friday pastime of mine has been scouting around Amazon to see what latest sales are available on the DS DVD sets through Amazon vendors. 

Amazon is being undersold sometimes to the tune of substantial amounts of money for NEW (not used) sets of these discs.  Today I found set 22 being sold NEW for around $17 plus postage.  This is around half of what it would cost during a Deep Discount annual sale.

For those who are afficionados of horror films generally, they have loads on sale on a Halloween sale page that's on their main "Movies and TV" page on their site.

cheers, G.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0615
« on: October 24, 2008, 04:01:30 PM »
As Taeylor Collins pointed out, there's a huge whackin' cut in act one of this episode. Obviously one of the rare bloopers that HAD to be removed was excised after hours.  Maybe Julia dropped an earring?  (j/k)

I wondered whether today's Sheriff Patterson was one of those last-minute re-casts.  This happened more than once on DS when the actor originally signed for the role simply failed to show up for the 5 p.m. read-through the evening before. It would explain why the actor seemed barely to know what he was doing or saying in the role.

It was interesting how they did this episode where Sheriff Patterson seemed to be starting a fullblown investigation into Joe's near-poisoning and all the other odd happenings around town.  And then so far as I am aware, this subplot is simply dropped.  Maybe Nicholas made one of his late-night visits to the dear Sheriff and gave him his special "memory treatment."


Current Talk '08 II / Re: a lavender menace
« on: October 24, 2008, 02:55:07 PM »
Hi MSC, and anyone else who's still reading this topic,

I did watch the episode in question last night (and then wound up watching most of the following episode as well--but if I decide to comment on the latter, I'll do it in the appropriate thread).  I think the highlight for me was the scene between Mrs Johnson and Harry.  (Ironically, a few evenings before, I had been test-driving the Collectors Series second set which had just arrived, and happened to view the scene where Carolyn first suggests to Liz that Mrs J would just love to work at Collinwood; I'd forgotten what a delicious scene it is when Liz arches her eyebrows, quirks her lips and says "Sarah JOHNSON?" as if she were the last person on earth she'd want to have underfoot at the Great House!)

I recently watched a Something Weird twofer (She-Man and The Sins of Rachel) and something about Craig Slocum's acting really evokes the atmosphere of sleaze and moral decay (maybe decay isn't the right word--think a stained sofa with sagging upholstery and tattered fabric) a lot of those late Sixties miniscule-budget productions radiate in spades.  But in this scene with the brilliant Clarice Blackburn, Slocum's shifty-eyed equivocation actually works really well.  I thought again there was a slashy subtext when Sarah was quizzing Harry about why Joe would be living at Collinwood since he has "his own place to live."

My roommate was watching when Joe was wandering the woods semi-barechested and speculated that he was probably out there looking for action...

cheers!  G.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: a lavender menace
« on: October 23, 2008, 11:31:25 PM »
Hey, Claude--great to see you here, and contributing to this thread!

I remember that episode well.  I also remember an episode around that time where Tim and Tate are talking in the Blue Whale (or whatever it was called at the time), and Roger Davis almost cracks up because you can tell from the look on his face as if he suddenly thinks they're playing it as if the two men are talking about going to bed together (at least, that is my own interpretation of that scene).


Current Talk '08 II / Re: a lavender menace
« on: October 23, 2008, 11:06:34 PM »
Hey MSC, You've really intrigued me and I need to revisit this episode.  I love watching Clarice and Louis chew the scenery, and watching Joel thrash around with his shirt off appeals to my perverted sensual lechery (a hothouse bloom, delicately nurtured).

From what Craig Hamrick wrote in the original edition of Big Lou (I never was able to get hold of the revised edition), I'd say that Louis Edmonds was about as openly gay as it was possible to be in 1968.

I'd be hard put to identify one specific moment as "the gayest ever" scene on DS.  Some of Count Petofi and Aristede's scenes were really, really out there.  I don't think you're much of a Petofi fan.  I also think that Julia moaning and flailing for "Tom" was epically gay in the Tennessee Williams sense of Blanche du Bois standing in for all the gay men in the audience of A Streetcar Named Desire.  (Somebody once commented that what really caused the eventual Gay Liberation movement was Tallulah Bankhead's turn as Blanche in a production that I think happened in Florida.)  I also find the scenes where Barnabas is one-on-one with Chris agonizing over his "affliction" to be very slashy, although that may not be what you intend with the adjective "gay."

cheers, Gothique.

(edited by admin)

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: Happy Birthday to marcos1
« on: October 23, 2008, 06:56:37 PM »
Hey Mark!  If you're out there, here's to you and your special day.

I still get a warm fuzzy feeling whenever I think of the lovely poem you wrote for Grayson.

Best wishes,


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Anyone here have the Chiller channel?
« on: October 21, 2008, 11:18:28 PM »
Hope somebody can help.  I saw some of  the Chiller network b'cast of hoDS at a friend's place down in Connecticut--I think she had it on Tivo or something seriously, but I don't think she is equipped to make a DVD-R for you from it, if she even still has it.  Be aware that they are running it with commercial interruptions, and I think there were some minor cuts.  It's hard to be sure because we were talking through a lot of it, and talking AT the screen part of the time (e. g. my friend hollering to Barn when he was being dumb with Julia--"buy a clue!").

best, Steve

Current Talk '08 II / Re: To YOU who is the hottest male on the original?
« on: October 21, 2008, 09:01:13 PM »
The curse is that you only get to look--you can't touch.  *pout*


Current Talk '08 II / Re: To YOU who is the hottest male on the original?
« on: October 21, 2008, 07:20:54 PM »
My personal fantasy is that the photos of Joel Crothers from the Seventies continue with less and less clothing until he is wearing nothing but a thong.  Now, that's MY idea of a Dream Curse!

Of course, my REAL fantasy would end with a happy, smiling, uh ... *festive* Joel *cheeky grin* in his best outfit, i. e., his birthday suit...

I think it's past time for the bulging Lieut. Forbes crotch floatie to make its next spectral appearance!


Thanks, Joe, for those photos.  Looks as if the ladies were having a wonderful time.


Thanks, Darren, for sharing the details about the Technicolor print you screened of hoDS.  It's too bad that DVD reviewers don't seem to pay as much attention to inaccurate color palettes as they do to screen ratios--but such is life.

The shot of Carolyn slumped on the floor discovered by Mrs J looks somehow specially filtered or graded on the videotape I have (which is derived from the laserdisc).  Whatever technique Ornitz used for that shot really packed a visual punch, I thought.  I appreciated your remarks comparing his work on hoDS with his previous work on Boys/Band. 

My congratulations to you on presiding over such a triumphant event!

best wishes,


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0650
« on: October 20, 2008, 05:16:32 PM »
It was probably hate mail from the fans.  Back then, they took the fan mail VERY seriously.  They re-tooled Leviathan halfway through based on the mail.


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