« on: October 24, 2008, 02:55:07 PM »
Hi MSC, and anyone else who's still reading this topic,
I did watch the episode in question last night (and then wound up watching most of the following episode as well--but if I decide to comment on the latter, I'll do it in the appropriate thread). I think the highlight for me was the scene between Mrs Johnson and Harry. (Ironically, a few evenings before, I had been test-driving the Collectors Series second set which had just arrived, and happened to view the scene where Carolyn first suggests to Liz that Mrs J would just love to work at Collinwood; I'd forgotten what a delicious scene it is when Liz arches her eyebrows, quirks her lips and says "Sarah JOHNSON?" as if she were the last person on earth she'd want to have underfoot at the Great House!)
I recently watched a Something Weird twofer (She-Man and The Sins of Rachel) and something about Craig Slocum's acting really evokes the atmosphere of sleaze and moral decay (maybe decay isn't the right word--think a stained sofa with sagging upholstery and tattered fabric) a lot of those late Sixties miniscule-budget productions radiate in spades. But in this scene with the brilliant Clarice Blackburn, Slocum's shifty-eyed equivocation actually works really well. I thought again there was a slashy subtext when Sarah was quizzing Harry about why Joe would be living at Collinwood since he has "his own place to live."
My roommate was watching when Joe was wandering the woods semi-barechested and speculated that he was probably out there looking for action...
cheers! G.