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Messages - Gothick

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I could envision Cornwall standing in for Maine.  (or the rocky beach below the Cliff Walk at Newport, to be more exact.)

I would be fine having Brits play some of the roles--such as Roger, Elizabeth, and Stokes.  They would have that classic edge that would provide at least some of what made the original series so extraordinary--because of the training and theatrical experience several of the principle players had.


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #10
« on: December 04, 2008, 05:02:25 PM »
I liked Blackburn's *look* as Carolyn.  I know nothing about her career but I suspect a lot that people find irritating about her performance has to do with how she was directed.  I would say the same about Fyfe.  I personally find Willie very annoying.  Fyfe, from what I can recall, was allowed to bring more gravitas to the role of Ben and although Ben did not seem to get much to do, I liked him much better in that part than as Willie.

Given how extremely compressed the story was, some of Willie's odd antics in the later shows feel like padding out the show to achieve the required 45 minute running time, which seems very strange as they were trying to fit in so much in such a brief space of time.


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #10
« on: December 02, 2008, 11:15:24 PM »
In the collage (or montage, or whatever it should be called), that's a wonderful shot of Julianna McCarthy as Abigail.  I loved her courtroom scene in that show.

Whenever I see the pictures of Ben with the contacts and the fangs in, it looks as if he's in extreme physical discomfort.  I've heard it said that wearing the contacts can make it feel as if you have saucers glued to your eyes.  Talk about suffering for your art!

The shot of Trask Thinnes here makes me wonder whether the vamp makeup on the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer may not have been inspired by Trask on this series.  Those eyebrows of his just seem to get more woolly and prehensile with each passing episode!


Perhaps the new craze will finally spur Paramount (or whoever currently owns the rights) to release a restored cut of Roger Vadim's Blood and Roses (1962).  It may be the most moodily evocative vampire movie of all time--certainly one of the most poetic and enchanting.

The scene in the 1795 storyline where Angelique looks in the mirror and sees herself with a bloodied bridal gown may well have been inspired by a similar sequence in Blood and Roses.


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: Unique DS Reference
« on: December 02, 2008, 03:13:09 PM »
What on Earth?

Maybe I'm overly sensitive, but this sounds like a coded reference to the President-elect's race.

MB, how do you manage to dig this stuff up?

cheers, G.

Joan Hackett was one of those who died way too young.  I remember her incredible bravura performance in Bobby even though it's been something like 35 years since my one viewing of the story.

DC in some ways really was a throwback to the old days of the big studio directors. Carbon copying entire sequences in remakes seems so Old Hollywood. Of course van Sant did the same thing in his Psycho retread.


When will we EVER see a full length release of the brilliant film The Dark Secret of Harvest Home? I know several people who want one.

In the unforgettable words of Bette Davis in the movie:  "He came to see! Let 'im See!"

heh ... heh...

cheers, G.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: DS VS Star Trek? Why So Little Respect For DS?
« on: November 27, 2008, 12:31:19 AM »
Are we talking about respect, or sales?  My impression from the recent DVD reviews and all the hype around Depp Shadows is that DS has a high degree of respect and "name recognition" among more imaginative industry people, just as it does amongst more imaginative genre fans.  It's all the remarkable that this remains the case given how many years DS has been off the air.  While Star Trek has pretty much always been on some channel, in some incarnation or other, that has not been the case for DS.

I have been personally very much surprised by the endurance and vitality DS has shown as a pop culture presence.  Granted, that has a definite retro edge to it, while Trekkers are celebrating the imminent arrival of the latest movie in the series, which will unveil yet another "next generation" concept.  I do feel that the staying power of DS does show that there's a substantial number of people out there who prefer quality to the buckets of CGI glitz we get in today's entertainment.

As for people not laughing at Trekkers--what about Bill Shatner and the whole "get a life" thing?  And did you watch that movie about people whose lives revolve around Star Trek cons hosted by Denise Crosby, with the woman who attended Jury Duty in her Starfleet Uniform? 

I'm personally very thankful that the abortive Sci Fi Channel documentary which sought to portray the series and its fans as the latest freaky flavor of the decade sank without broadcast and without any visible trace!

cheers, G.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0679
« on: November 25, 2008, 11:41:43 PM »
I'm pretty sure this was a hairpiece.  We can ask Taeylor to have a look at some point.  He used to be a hairdresser.

MSC, there is a whole series of those shots from the day when that postcard was taken.  Several images from that series are in the first KLS book, My DS Scrapbook Memories, a volume I cherish for the candid series of Thayer David and the ravishing shot of Joan and Grayson in their chic mourning mini-skirts.

Apparently Ben Martin used to just drop in at the set and snap photos.  I don't think these were originally meant to be used for publicity.  There are a bunch from 1897 that were done for the gum cards.

cheers, G.

Thanks for this, Jimbo.

An OT plug for the recent DVD release of the 1964 Hammer feature The Gorgon (Peter Cushing, Barbara Shelley, Christopher Lee) which has a real DS atmosphere to it, including a love affair in the shadow of Gothic horror and a score that may have inspired some of Robert Cobert's work.

The Gorgon is part of a 4 movie set which bears a title something along the lines of "Hammer Icons of Horror."  The other films in the set include The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll, Scream of Fear (which again has an atmosphere reminiscent of the original 1966 storyline on DS), and The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb which is just a bit of trivial, silly fun.



Oh, and Diana Millay's best scene in the film (NoDS) is coming up in that restoration, too!  Mustn't forget the immortal Phoenix!

Maybe an alternate ending for NoDS could have been a reverse on the ending of hoDS--instead of [spoiler]a bat rising from nowhere and winging out into the night air,[/spoiler] a golden bejewelled sacred Bird with the head of a leering, cackling Diana Millay could have come winging down from out of nowhere into the Great Hall with claws extended towards Kate Jackson as she screams and screams and screams ...

Something to help you sleep better, dear *wink*


Glad you appreciated the zinger, Patti.  Every still I see of that performer shows him adorned with an ever-higher pompadour.  Fascinating *raises left eyebrow a la Spock*

And MB, I imagine that the gent in question had some formidable security arrangements.  Everywhere I go in town these days I hear gaggles of 13 to 15 year old girls shrieking and twittering about that movie.  Honestly, it's enough to make one feel like Tippi Hedren. *wink*

I just keep telling myself that more pub for Depp Shadows means we're that much closer to a restored release of Night of DS.  I want those missing Grayson scenes and I want the seance with full color and soundtrack, dammit!

cheers, G.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0658
« on: November 19, 2008, 10:09:41 PM »
I just watched this last night on the DVD set (it came a couple of weeks ago) and am more impressed with it than ever.  Sooo deliriously Brechtian, and one of the shows that feels as if it echoes NYC avant garde theatre of the day (another one is the dream that Quentin has [spoiler]after he murders Jenny, when Magda comes in with her tambourine--always love that show because it's just so ... weird![/spoiler]

The revelation that Joe was mistaken in who he thought he was talking to in the mausoleum gave me a real fright the first time I saw it.  That sequence is worthy of something out of the 1940s Universal "house of monster" films.

The episode ending in one of the most bleak scenes ever seen in DS.  Fabulous work all around.


Well.  It's not DS related, but the male lead's hair reminds me of Baron Meinster's little pouf (actually three hairpieces sewn together, apparently) in the 1960 classic Brides of Dracula, one of my personal all time favorite vampire movies. 

I really, really hope we don't see Vicki pacing the halls of Collinwood with those annoying little white earbuds and her nano-eyepod while some cheesy emo-rock sludge-a-thon plods on the soundtrack in Depp Shadows.


Current Talk '08 II / Re: Discuss: '91 Series - Ep #09
« on: November 18, 2008, 04:44:39 PM »
Love the latest montage.  Julialique looks like the cat that ate the canary.  FABULOUS capture!!!

Trask Thinnes' caterpillar eyebrows are deeply, harrowingly, traumatizingly SCARY.  Just imagining that leering, hideous face looming over mine closer and closer would have me babbling any heresy or black mass litany that he would dictate, just to make him STOP!

For some reason, I find that photo of Vampette with blood smeared wide-open maw hysterical.  Blood by Helena Rubinstein?  This is the kind of thing I expect to see a lot of in Depp Shadows.


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