« on: December 18, 2008, 03:29:38 PM »
My hat's off again to our Darling Mysterioso, el Benefactoro (pardon my hideous mauling of Spanish),
for featuring one of my all time favorite guest players today--the beautiful, flamboyant, fabulous Cavada Humphrey! When I went to IMDB just now to make sure her surname did not end with an s (my memory is in tatters these days, alas), I was startled to see that Cavada passed away on July 11, 2007. Was there an obit posted here? I don't recall seeing it, but I am often away out in the woods and fields doing my Nature Boy routine in July, so perhaps I missed it.
One of my all time favorite moments on all of DS is Madam Findlay's arrival at Collinwood, when she strides imperiously around the drawing room and waves her arms and sways and speaks cryptically of the battle waging within these walls--truly classic stuff.
She also got one of the most melodramatic "farewell" scenes in the series' history.
Interestingly, her role as Madam Findlay wasn't Cavada Humphrey's sole DS connection. For awhile she shared rooms with novelist Madeleine L'Engle, who penned the classic children's novel A Wrinkle in Time. Madeleine L'Engle married Hugh Franklin, who appeared as Collins family lawyer Richard Garner in the 1966 episodes of DS.
Thanks again for featuring such a distinctive, memorable presence from our Dark Shadows memory-hoard!
cheers, G.