« on: March 14, 2009, 10:28:08 PM »
Yes, I meant paper--forgive the egregious typo.
Perhaps surprisingly, I feel moved to defend the PomPress books. I would say the written content of the books is uneven, not one hundred percent brilliant or totally worthless. The text in the books that I use most frequently and keep on a reference shelf with my DVDs is the episode guide from the revised DS Almanac (if I am remembering correctly), which I believe was the work of Ann Wilson. Other pieces I have gotten special enjoyment from include Lara Parker's essay "Out of Angelique's Shadow," KLS' interview with David Henesy, Alex Moltke's preface to one of the books (in which I think she described Grayson as, I'm paraphrasing, "Auntie Mame meets Charles Addams", and wrote fondly of Thayer David), and a two or three page series of photographs documenting Thayer David's trip to an actual Manhattan antique shop in the very first of the books, which unfortunately has been unavailable for many years.
There are no doubt mistakes in the books--my Sun is in Leo so I'm too sloppy myself to be bothered by those. I see the expressions of "faulty memory syndrome" and all-out blatant mistakes as the literary counterpart to all the flubs on the original series.
These books have given me many hours of pleasure over the years. I've always found them to be reasonably priced, and before I was able to have the luxury of owning the show in home entertainment formats, it sometimes gave me comfort at the end of a particularly weary day to take one of the books down and commune with my childhood favorites.
As for Mr. Thompson's work, I will leave that to others to review, as I doubt whether further comment from me would be welcome here.