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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '09 I / Semi OT: The Norliss Tapes
« on: May 26, 2009, 08:19:15 PM »
Dear Fans,

Last Friday evening I watched The Norliss Tapes (1973), a Dan Curtis produced and directed TV film that was a pilot for a series that was never optioned.  Apparently, the series, had it been produced, would have been a lot like Darren McGavin's Kolchak: the Night Stalker series, but with a much more hip, together protagonist than the klutzy, frumpy Kolchak.

I had seen Norliss way back when in '73 when it aired as a movie-of-the-week type feature, and have very vague memories of it.  Seeing it now, I found myself wondering whether it rates as Dan Curtis' schlockiest, most over-the-top production.  Some would say that the Zuni fetish doll segment of Trilogy of Terror was more schlocky, but that did have the sublime Karen Black and actually was scary, whereas to me, the monster in Norliss was a mixture of pathetic and ridiculous.

Screenwriter William F. Nolan did duty on several other DC projects.  The part that had me giggling the most, strangely, was the endless rain in the picture; it was very obvious to me that the local Fire Dept. made a good penny on this particular project.  I found myself recalling the patient men of the Tarrytown Fire Dept. and their use in other DC projects of the early Seventies.

Even though I found it so poorly directed, I still enjoyed the movie.  There were fun moments such as seeing Stanley Adams in a cameo as a truck driver, too.  The fact that Angie Dickinson kept getting out of bed with flawlessly sprayed and styled hair and makeup was a reminder of the ladies of Collinwood long, long ago.

Watching this made me even more decided in my opinion that DS, the series, was fabulous DESPITE DC's involvement.  The man seems to have had all the subtlety of a sledgehammer on acid.


Darling... may your birthday be an occasion for true happiness!

No need to apologize... real life has thrown all of us for a loop at some point or other--seems to go with the territory!

hugs and best wishes,


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Quentin's Shirtless Capture!
« on: May 20, 2009, 03:18:08 PM »
IMO Quentin was at his absolute best in those first few weeks of 1897--a charming, exquisite, boozing, womanizing ROGUE.  He actually had quite the nasty streak as when he all but strangled poor dithering old Grandma-mama-mama in his effort to convince her of some significant fact of life or other.  I loved those scenes where he would get in Beth's face and even though she hated herself for it she couldn't resist.

Quentin in early 1897 brought DS to a more "adult" level, reflecting the cultural shift between 1966 and 1969 in the US (maybe I am over-interpreting here?). 

For similar reasons, one of my favorite Angelique periods is herself in the beginning of 1795, when she's scheming to get all the goodies "Mamselle Josette" has for herself.


What a year it continues to be for Barbara Steele!  The new disc of Nightmare Castle, which is set to include a video interview with Barbara discussing her career, is coming out sometime this week or next.

My roomie has been busting up watching Barbara's commentary to The She-Beast.  We both lament the fact that Barbara has never been given her own chat-show.  We adore her razor-sharp, off-the-wall wit!


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Julia's Medallion
« on: May 18, 2009, 02:36:08 AM »

You found Julia and her medallion in the middle of that haystack?  You're a better man than I am, Mr. MB!


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Quentin's Shirtless Capture!
« on: May 18, 2009, 02:27:44 AM »
Darn, I missed it! *pout*

Thanks, Cousin Taeylor, for posting about it.  I love that felicitous phrase--"bare chested and DIRTY."  Sounds like Quentin needs a tongue bath! Volunteers, anyone?


I think I had heard about this story a couple of years ago.

It just sounds like yet another instance of a couple of dreary individuals with bean-counting propensities trying to spoil other people's fun because they have none of their own... just my not so humble opinion, of course!


Thanks for sharing that.  I never watched Little house, either originally or in reruns, so I was also unaware of KLS' appearance on the series.

I recently rented Charlies Angels, season 1, disc 2 via Netflix just to see Thayer David's episode of that show.  His part was tiny--he had two or three scenes where he was on camera, and I think his dialogue was limited to three lines.  Still, I loved getting to see Thayer on the show.  I have the disc with his episode of Starsky & Hutch in my Netflix "queue," as well--another series I never watched, and it's a treat to be able to catch Thayer's work in it thanks to the magic of DVD.


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Pomegranate Press
« on: May 11, 2009, 05:44:08 PM »
I haven't.  I bought my very first PomPress book at NY's legendary sci/fantasy memorabilia shop, Forbidden Planet.  Seeing a book with a picture of Barnabas and Maggie on the cover was a marvelous experience in ... 1987, I think it was?

Most of the other ones since then I have bought at the Festivals.  If I needed to buy one now, I would probably just use Amazon or Abebooks.

Good luck!  Is there a phone number you could call?

Best, G.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: favorite lines of dialogue
« on: May 07, 2009, 08:02:14 PM »
Thanks, MB, for that capture.  I'd forgetten that that scene is staged in front of the portrait of "the first Mrs. Collins."

Another great moment is when Maggie is pouring a cup of tea for Will Loomis and the smirk on Hoffman's face as she hands him his liquor right on beat to be caught by Maggie.  Will's line about tannic acid, and Hoffman's smug expression, are priceless!


Current Talk '09 I / Re: favorite lines of dialogue
« on: May 07, 2009, 07:17:34 PM »
One I've been meaning to post is a rare favorite line spoken by TLATKLS.  It's from early on in the Parallel Time 1970 and Maggie is talking to Hoffman, Housekeeper from Hell:

"You're a rare woman yourself, Hoffman.  You're the only person I know who could turn an apology into a testimonial."

Classic stuff...

In general, ALL of Grayson's scenes as Housekeeper Hoffman are instant favorites.  I love her gloating whenever she talks to Maggie about "Mrs Collins."


My copy of SHE BEAST arrived last night.  I had time to preview the commentary on the disc.  It starts out with just Ian Ogilvy, an American producer and a British moderator.  When Barbara enters on screen, she also enters the commentary, and she's a total delight!  She says something like, "My Gawd, my makeup is HIDEOUS!  It stops at the neck and I'm wearing 20 THOUSAND pounds of eyelashes!"  And continues very much in that arid vein.  She and Ian Ogilvy also have some amusing badinage that I can tell is going to make this a LOT of fun to listen to.

The transfer is stunning and actually makes the movie watchable--that, in and of itself, is a miraculous accomplishment!


Current Talk '09 I / Re: THE SATANIC RITUAL (JESUS blooper)
« on: May 06, 2009, 11:27:36 PM »
Midnite honey, did I really write that back in 2002?  The weird thing is--I can actually sort of recall writing that!

You score top points in super-deft internet skill for retrieving that ancient post!

Hats off (if I wore one)


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Ultimate Hawt Vampire Poll
« on: May 06, 2009, 04:14:37 PM »
I can't believe anyone would choose Rick Springfield over Geraint Wyn-Davies in the role of Nick Knight (on Forever Knight).

I didn't see Ben Cross' Barnabas listed; was he included?


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Blingmistress of Collinwood
« on: May 05, 2009, 02:56:49 PM »
I loved her stuffed cockatiel, too.

For some reason, the cockatiel seems to have migrated to Tim Stokes' flat after Hannah walked out on Alexalique.


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