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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '09 II / Re: the conclusion of the burke devlin plot
« on: December 02, 2009, 04:46:20 PM »
I actually think the interweaving of Barnabas' introduction and early storyline, and the Jason story, works really well.

Both are predators, both charming in their way.  The contrast is that everyone in the family is well aware that Jason is bad news, an unscrupulous, scheming rogue, with a "winner take all" plan that is gradually revealed.  Whereas everyone in the family is fooled by Barn's "charming cousin from England" act.

I would write more about this but am less than stellar today... just wanted to put it out there that the counterpoint between these two stories gives an extra interest to that period of the series, in my own opinion...


Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0896
« on: December 01, 2009, 05:05:50 PM »
It's really funny watching Grayson do a scene with Donna. 

Even though Donna comes across as jarringly off key, I do get the impression that Grayson thought she was cute and fun.


Current Talk '09 II / Re: the conclusion of the burke devlin plot
« on: November 30, 2009, 05:01:37 PM »
All excellent points, msc.  It is certainly interesting that the sidelining of what had been a major pivot of the plotline takes place fairly well in advance of Barn's arrival.

For me, the episode that cinches it that we're now in a very different world is when Liz wants to invite a married Vicki and Burke to occupy the West Wing of Collinwood.  Roger, of course, is appalled, but the scene where this plays out is very much just a sidebar to whatever is happening with Barnabas, Julia, and Woodard ...


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Mostly OT: She-Wolf of London
« on: November 28, 2009, 04:07:04 AM »

Some people may have watched the early 1990s syndicated series She-Wolf of London (aka Love and Curses) when it was shown in various red-eye slots on Sci-Fi.  Now the series is being released on DVD next February.  The premise may ring a bell with DS fans:  American grad student in England is bitten by a werewolf, finds herself getting hairy and fanged every full moon, and enlists the help of her advisor, an anthropologist and folk lore authority, to help her find a cure.  Soon romantic vibes bloom between the two, despite their quirky, often downright prickly relationship with one another.  A lot of the magic of this show revolves around the chemistry between the two starts:  Kate Hodge and Neil Dickson.  Check out this link for details:


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: The Blue Whale Pub
« on: November 28, 2009, 03:02:49 AM »
How extraordinary.  Judging from episode one of the first season, the only thing in common these two series have is that both feature characters who are vampires.

What's the DS section like?  I can imagine it mostly consists of people slagging how cheesy and lo-fi our beloved show is compared to the slick shiny new-fangled (sorry, couldn't resist) toy...


Calendar Events / Announcements '09 II / Re: A DS alum on Thanksgiving
« on: November 28, 2009, 03:00:03 AM »
Utterly fabulous!  I adore Barbara Steele.  I would be content simply to take her out to dinner and let her discourse upon any topic of her choosing.

Luckily, her conversation has been captured in a couple of the DVDs of her old films released in the past year--especially the commentary track on She Beast, and the video portrait of Barbara included as an extra on Nightmare Castle. 


Current Talk '09 II / Re: TV show 'Bones' last week
« on: November 24, 2009, 10:06:17 PM »
Wow, Ralph Waite is still acting?  That's a name out of the past.

I would guess it was an intentional reference--EVeryone out in H'wood seems to watch DS these days...


Current Talk '09 II / Elvira reads HoDS beads
« on: November 24, 2009, 09:24:23 PM »

While running my usual every-so-often search for Grayson Hall items on YouTube, this clip popped up from Elvira's airing of hoDS:

(this is part one of two)

Warning:  not only are there some really excruciating jokes ("being grounded is no big deal if you've already been buried!"), but only intermittent clips of the movie are shown.  I'm guessing that whoever put the footage up on YouTube did this themselves, because the main intent was to showcase Elvira's unique ... um, humor?

holiday cheer to all,


Very cool.  Too bad there was no actual footage posted with darling Joel!


What a fabulous t-shirt!  Evan's definitely Hip to THEE Warlock!

Happy Birthday!

Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0890
« on: November 24, 2009, 05:11:15 PM »
In retrospect, I can see how upsetting this episode must have been to the old guard of DS fans back in the day.  The way Frid plays LeviaBarn is so subtle, cold, calculating, and insidious--a very different kind of villain from the 1967 Barnabas (who was sort of a debonair Mr. Hyde, or at least that's one way I would describe him).  Frid's physicality and body language are so different from his previous work.  Really excellent work from him in this show.  Just how unnerving the fans found it can be viewed as kind of a tribute to how deftly he conveyed the character's new ruthlessness and froideur.

From a theatrical point of view, the Barnabas/Julia dynamic seems more lively when they're at odds rather than when they're in sync.  Both actors had wonderful chemistry in their scenes together.  I find the scene where Barnabas tries to throw Julia out of the house and berates her for her "curious belief that you have the right to know everything about me" one of the most disturbing moments in the entire series.  It's like one of those moments when a pit seems to open beneath one's feet and you wonder whether you really know a person who has been in your life for years when they suddenly behave in a turn-on-a-dime about-face from established patterns.


Just a reminder that it's always worth checking Amazon's "New and Used" vendor section for these because they often sell the DVD sets at a price that's considerably lower than Amazon's own listed price.  A year or two ago, I picked up several sets in the $20 to $30 range over a period of months.

Happy Shopping!  as we lurch towards Black Friday...


Current Talk '24 I / Re: A New Slideshow Is Coming
« on: November 21, 2009, 05:15:17 AM »
Just happened to log on here while waiting for a bus and was rewarded by an exceptionally handsome snap of Don Briscoe.  You really capture his beauty here.  Thanks for this.



Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0888
« on: November 20, 2009, 04:50:20 PM »
My favorite moments in this one are:

(1) Julia waking up after spending the night in a chair at the Old House.  (And why the hell was she in a chair?  Are we supposed to believe that after all this time, they had only renovated the one bedroom--Josette's?  It's frustrating, to me, that after Barnabas returned to mortal state again, we never got to see  his bedroom.  I would have loved to have seen what they would have done with that.) You really need to go back and watch how Grayson plays this little moment.  It's priceless--the craning of the neck, swanlike stretching of facial muscles, and arabesque of the lips is really beyond describing.  I LOVE GRAYSON HALL!!!!

(2)  Julia and Carolyn at the Antique Shoppe.  "Are you ready, Carolyn?"  "Yes--for anything!" 

(3)  Carolyn's encounter at the Altar of the Great Old Ones with the Mysterious Stranger.  I love how deftly Dennis Patrick defines this new character, and of course, Barrett is spot-on as always.


Current Talk '09 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0886
« on: November 20, 2009, 04:43:31 PM »
MB, that capture from that Frid/Hall scene is the stuff of Grand Opera!  Excellent work!

Nancy, if I'm not mistaken, the source of the story about "they cast the wrong guy" came from the original edition of KLS's Scrapbook Memories.    And we know how reliable (not) KLS's memory of things tends to be.  I wonder whether there are any references to this story in any of the DS interviews from the original broadcast period or immediately thereafter?

Some of the most frank and revealing comments about the inner workings of the series were in interviews with Joel Crothers and Nancy Barrett after the show had ended, if I recall correctly.


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