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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '25 I / Re: Another New Slideshow
« on: March 16, 2010, 02:11:50 AM »
MB honey, you know I am just ADORING all the attention the slide show has been lavishing on this scene between Stokes and Julia.  I've always loved the scene, and to get to study it in this intricate level of detail... FABULOUS.  I particularly enjoyed yesterday's shot for some reason.  Although it really made me think of how Johnny Depp may look in Julia drag...


Miss Lara Parker (who everyone called Lamar in what is laughingly referred to as "real life") has a VERY pronounced Southern accent when she's not On Stage.  On the last DS DVD set, there's a segment entitled Lara Parker Rehearsal Tape, which is this amazingly little thing where they are rehearsing a scene from PT 1970 where Lara had to play two roles and I guess there were extra camera rehearsals because of the whole double-tracking thing that had to be done.  Lara's own speaking voice when she's not rehearsing as Ange is very deep-fried Southern.  It's too bad she wasn't considered for Steel Magnolias or one of those other Southern belle shows her stuff comedy-melodramas.


Given Depp's outlandish Mad Hatter make-up which keeps getting shoved in my face on every visible surface (thank you, Disney) I'm wondering whether Depp will play a dual role in Depp Shadows, portraying both Barnabas AND Julia.

He certainly was devastatingly feminine in that one cameo in Before night falls--Depp would make a minx-like, alluring, deadly Angelique.


I LOVE that particular scene!  It's one of my all time fave DS moments!  I love the catty back and forth between these two legendary ladies and how Julia narrows her eyes and informs Ange that "history may change and you may never GET to 1970."  And then Ange purses her lips and responds: "Oh no, Julia... for YOU the future will change... I puhROMISE you!"  This stuff is better than heroin ... better than Land o' Lakes ... like BUTTAH!

crazed fan G.

Golly!  David Warner.  I had no idea he was still working.  That is fabulous news!  And Alec Newman, too.

I don't know whether I will actually go ahead and get any of them, but it's very exciting that the discs are doing well enough where Big Finish both desire and have the means to hire actors of this calibre.

Lysette's participation will be a treat, too, for those who enjoyed her as Angelique.  (I am not among them, but I have always thought Lysette was a fine actress and had she been allowed to go on and portray "Lauralique," I think she would have knocked ALL our socks off!)


Current Talk '25 I / Re: A New Slideshow Is Coming
« on: March 12, 2010, 04:13:28 PM »
Very happy you did bring back that old slideshow for the Robservations board, MB.  I've been enjoying the images and thus far, none of them seem all that familiar to me. 

I'm really loving today's shot of PT Julia Collins.  Just wonderful...


Current Talk '10 I / Re: Interesting Find: Worldvision DS DVDs
« on: March 11, 2010, 04:23:41 PM »
I know people are weary of hearing me harp on this, but I know that somewhere on the tapes for 1970 must be Grayson's Playtex bra commercial, because people remember it being aired during DS b'casts that year.  I've asked why this hasn't been included in any of the DS releases and there is never any answer.  Those of us in Grayon's Legion want to see that commercial!

On the old MPI VHS series, three episodes were included with the original commercials as an extra.  I do not know whether these were ever made available on the DVDs.  I know one of the commercials had a lovely sequence involving Marie Wallace and Jerry Lacey.  It would be a nice thing to have in one's DS library.


Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0952
« on: March 11, 2010, 04:20:11 PM »
The whole thing with the police jailing Philip on a pretext that is beyond flimsy is pretty damn ridiculous.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: A New Slideshow Is Coming
« on: March 10, 2010, 05:36:45 PM »
I was both delighted and downcast to discover that there's been an entirely SEPARATE slideshow running on the RobinV's Crypt/Robservations page here--and yesterday and today both feature really fun Laura Collins '67 snapshots!

Since we're getting towards the end of when Laura's storyline was wrapping up, I won't have many more of these to enjoy.  But I'll keep checking out this page to see what extra goodies El Misterioso has selected for us fans!

Best wishes,


Thrillsville.  (set in Portland, Maine.)

Dear God.  Poor David.  Still, they say there's no such thing as bad publicity. 



Am home today nursing myself through a minor bout of fluishness and happened to stumble upon this guy's videos on YouTube.  They are selections of old 1960s photos of the DS cast, mostly taken outside the studio, with cute musical tracks.  Only some of the videos actually play when I click on them; some just bring up a dark screen.  This one played like a charm and featured a couple of shots of Grayson which, believe it or not, I had never seen before, along with plenty of Jonathan, Lara et al. that were also new to me:

It would be great if a quality book could be issued some day that would collect a nice selection of these from various fans.

I am finding it hard to believe that in not too many years from now, it will all have been fifty years ago.  As the late Sandy Denny said,  Who knows where the time goes?


Exciting indeed, although I am disappointed that Barbara has abandoned the fabulous Gothic baroque extravagance of Italian Victoriana in favor of the banal, suburban, serial-killer dysfunctional paranoia of the contemporary US...

Still, I would watch Barbara Steele recite from the LA phone book.  Hope this movie gets distro!


I thought her actual birth year was 1908?  In 1973 Grayson talked of having attended her 65th birthday party.


Current Talk '05 II / Re: The 2004 WB Pilot
« on: March 01, 2010, 04:15:43 PM »
Having seen the unreleased pilot--it's not like some fabulous gem to swoon over or anything.  Mostly what it is, is an unfulfilled promise.  There are a couple of good scenes in it, and the Scots actor who played Barnabas (Alec Newman???) was brilliant, and the guy who played Willie had a tousled sexiness that was alluring (Matt Czuchny??? my short term memory is in tatters now).  I absolutely hated the ending (apologies to those who loved it) because it was so corny, dumb, and typical WB crapola--but for those who like that sort of thing...

I really can't believe they spent five million dollars (plus) on it--cha ching, cha ching cha ching--not much of the money shows up on screen...


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