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Messages - Gothick

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Thank you so much, Midnite.  You are truly a Lioness amongst Scribes!


Current Talk '25 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 23, 2010, 09:44:22 PM »
Well, that's very interesting that Costello did appear in the film.  I had always wondered whether his departure from DS was an amicable one or not.  DC did not, to say the least, have a good track record when it came to amicable departures.

I thought Costello was in Ottawa pretty much full time from around October of 1969 through July of 1970 but evidently he made trips back to NYC...


Wow, and with Toby Stephens, too.  Must find photos...


Current Talk '25 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 23, 2010, 08:35:19 PM »
Hi Midnite, I can't resist noting that Bob Costello couldn't have appeared in hoDS because at that point in the scheme of things, he was living in Beautiful Downtown Ottawa acting as producer for one of my favorite series, Strange Paradise!

I don't recall at all Denise Nickerson ever giving a reason why she left the series.  I think I was at that Collins Assn. party too, because I remember standing with Denise just outside the building talking to her about Grayson, who she remembered as very professional, courteous, and always being on top of her lines which she indicated wasn't always the case with other cast members.

Then again I don't remember her story about being the movie either, so I must have missed her presentation at the event.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 23, 2010, 04:19:46 PM »
That's fascinating if DN had a cameo in hoDS.  In everything that I have read about the movie, I had never heard that.  I wonder who she would have played--perhaps someone at the costume party?

I read in an old issue of Castle of Frankenstein I picked up a month or two ago that Bob Cobert had a cameo in that scene (costume party), but I failed to spot him the last time I watched the movie.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 23, 2010, 01:17:54 PM »
Dear B. Collins,

Denise Nickerson wasn't in either of the DS films.  A publicity item stating that she was slated to be in the projected THIRD film, to be titled either Death of DS or Curse of DS (can't recall which), was published in a 1971 mag, but I think by the time that the little squib was printed, Dan Curtis had already decided not to proceed with a third movie.

Hope you can get some sleep.

Best wishes,


Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: Fest Reports
« on: July 23, 2010, 03:53:52 AM »
Thanks Midnite!  I look forward to more!

I've heard others comment upon Humbert Allen Astredo's tremendous verve as an acting coach.  It makes me regret all the more that we don't get to see him at the Festivals.


Barbara Steele's "Countess" du Pres was obviously the stylish Madam of a very exclusive bordello in Paris.  Steele's line readings in the part make me sca-REAM (oh dom, beloved, where ARE you?).

Listening to the free clips on the site for this set made me realize how much music Cobert either composed originally for the new series or re-scored so extensively it might as well be a fresh composition.  I look forward to hearing it.


Delighted to see that new copies of the 8 CD original series score collection ARE still available on Amazon at a nice discount.

I was perturbed to see that apparently Amazon aren't carrying the 1991 soundtrack CD.  Very peculiar.  It only seems to be avalable through the link that was posted at the beginning of this thread.

There are substantial clips available for free listening, which is particularly fantastic since one of my complaints about the technical side of that 1991 TV show was that the score was often so poorly mixed as to be nearly inaudible--you'd just hear a faint tinkle of a piano which seemed to be down the hall and in the "closed off wing," or something that might have been Ima Fly's attempt at a cameo or a string pizzicato...

But, I'm not supposed to be COMPLAINING about the deficiencies of that show here... It's great news for ALL fans that this set is now available!  Yes, fans, there are TWO CDs of this amazing music available!  As far as I am concerned the music may have been in many ways the best side of the entire project.  (Although I will always love the moment when Barbara Steele informs Jean Simmons that "the professor has been a bit DOTTY these days.)


That's REALLY bizarre that the release of Bob Cobert's music for the 1991 DS was not mentioned at all by Shadowgram or other Festival Organs.  (I feel as if I'm writing for "Private Eye" now!)  I mean, I'm not that much of a fan of the 1991 show, but I'm interested in the new CD because of my fondness for Bob Cobert's music for the series.  I would expect a lot of other fans who are more focused on the original series would feel the same way.

It must have been a political decision on somebody's part to keep us in the dark about this new release.  Wonder why?  Has somebody out there decided they hate Bob Cobert?

They regularly mention 1991 series actors' participation in new projects so I see it as more directed against Cobert and his fans (if it's directed against anyone) rather than a slap in the face to fans of the 1991 version.  Just my take on it.

I look forward to hearing the new CD.  I wonder whether the "collector's set" of the original series soundtrack cues is still available?  I always thought I would pick it up once the prices went down but then I sort of forgot about it.  It wasn't really reviewed anywhere, was it?

DS fandom can be a very odd terrain at times...


Current Talk '25 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 21, 2010, 07:30:02 PM »
That's good to hear that Pierson did make some mention of the feature film DVDs, although I would guess that if the Depp Shadows release gets pushed back later, the same will go for the film releases given how the suits think about these things (as Darren explained so patiently sometime back).

I wonder whether Daryl Schaefer was ever contacted about possibly looping Grayson's missing dialogue.  His mimicry of her voice is truly uncanny, and after all, even Sam said that the dialogue should be re-dubbed by a male to get the right quality.

I suppose that if they can't get Daryl, her dialogue could also be represented by subtitles.


Current Talk '10 II / Re: Casting Speculations
« on: July 21, 2010, 04:00:47 AM »
Haven't there been rumors about Angelina Jolie intriguing to play Angelique? Her current Vanity Fair mag cover shot could be seen as an interesting update of Cassandra....


Current Talk '25 I / Re: A New Slideshow Is Coming
« on: July 21, 2010, 03:58:36 AM »
What a sublime B&J moment on today's snapshot!  This image really captures for me the atmosphere of their onscreen chemistry during that last year...


Current Talk '10 II / Re: 1897 Concordance Vol #2??
« on: July 20, 2010, 03:55:37 PM »
This seems to be Kathy Resch's website:

No sign of 1897 volume 2.  I guess I was remembering Leviathan finally being released.  So, where's the love for Count Petofi?  He is still one of my all time fave-rave characters on the show!

It is nice to see that the Grayson Hall Tribute Zine, A Gift of Memory, is still in print.


Current Talk '10 II / Re: 1897 Concordance Vol #2??
« on: July 20, 2010, 02:48:14 PM »
I thought she did finally publish this, and Leviathans, some years ago?  Have you tried emailing Kathleen Resch?



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