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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '10 II / Re: Lamar Trask's motivation?
« on: November 25, 2010, 04:32:04 AM »
I think the Trask character had hated the Collinses for awhile.  He blamed them for the death of Roxanne, and then found out about his father.  I think by the time of the scene Garth Blackwood mentions, Lamar Trask is completely loony-tunes--his attempt to murder Barnabas establishes that fairly conclusively, I would say.

Just to defend Jerry Lacy, I'm not sure that the Trask character could have been effectively played in a more "understated" or "realistic" vein.  A number of the actors' memories of the direction on DS starting around this time refer to Henry Kaplan pushing for "more, bigger reaction" from the performers, particularly in those cliffhanger close-ups while Sybil angled the needle onto the sting record.  I remember a description of a set visit from 1970 where the journalist described Selby staring into camera three in fixed, utter horror for nearly a full-minute, then collapsing on the floor with laughter once the red light went off.  (In all fairness, Grayson might have been mugging and pulling faces at him off-camera--she did that sometimes because she did have a naughty streak.)

I thought Lacy had fabulous moments in each of his characterizations.  Gregory was my favorite because the hypocrisy was so deliciously nuanced, and I think in part we have Violet Welles' writing to thank for that.  The writing during 1840 got very loose IMO mainly because once again the writers were being goaded to run the story off the rails, this time by Lela because DC was off preparing his fabulous career as the new Orson Welles for liftoff *rolls eyes*.

Happy Thanksgiving, all.


Current Talk '10 II / Re: A Fan New To DS Discovers NoDS
« on: November 25, 2010, 04:21:23 AM »
That was very interesting to read.  And he quoted a Grayson line from one of my own favorite scenes in the film!

Perhaps watching NoDS will lead this writer into exploring a more sophisticated variety of fiction.

Funny how he thinks of Quentin as the "writer" in the film.  Of course, we all know that Alex and Claire were the writers.  Self-identification, anyone?


A friend mentioned the other day that Perez Hilton ran an item in his column (which I don't read) implying that Depp may not be playing Barnabas after all in the DS film.

I'm sure that it's just Hilton stirring the shit without anything to back it up as per his usual m. o., but it's odd that Tim Burton sounds so under-enthusiastic about the DS project in that latest interview.


Current Talk '10 II / Re: Roger Davis as Ned Stuart?
« on: November 24, 2010, 04:51:43 PM »
He left to do an adventure series called Alias Smith and Jones.  I think it's out on disc now.


Current Talk '10 II / Re: Today's Robservations Slideshow
« on: November 21, 2010, 04:44:34 AM »
Love the last shot from episode 889 in tonight's show; just a great shot of Julia with Chris.  It has that wonderful Gothic flavor that characterized the early period of the Leviathans storyline.

And purely for its sense of composition I love a shot of Julia with Trask and Randall Drew from the 1840 slideshow tonight.  Again, a Gothic, evocative moment, beautifully shot.

Thanks, MB!


Current Talk '10 II / Re: Today's Robservations Slideshow
« on: November 20, 2010, 04:36:46 AM »
Wow, Alexandra's last scene on the show was played opposite Grayson.  Interesting. That never really sank in before.

Love the shot of Barnabas rescuing Julia in 1840.  I have a lovely t-shirt that a dear friend silk-screened with this image on it.  Whenever I wear it, someone is always sure to stop me and exclaim, "Hey, I remember Barnabas Collins!"


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Another New Slideshow
« on: November 19, 2010, 04:24:09 AM »
Julia, this snapshot also gave me my first look at Carlotta's earrings. 

She is so utterly GLAM!



PS. Mad Scientist, it's funny that you and I have the same avatar.  It's giving kind of a Hitchcock flair to this interchange.

Barn:  Remember SOMEBODY, Julia!
Jules:  Oh-ho-ho-ho-hohoho NO-ho-hohohoho!  BARN-a-bas!



Mad Scientist, thanks for your thoughts.  Interesting about Sweeney Todd.  I had the impression from the trailers that there was an awful lot of the trademark Burton candy-colored chop-suey fleecy-flossie flying about... and it was a musical...

Whatever.  As long as the 1970s feature films come out on disc restored and with extras, I'll be a happy fan. They can totally shred what's left of the Franchise at that point as far as I am concerned...  I wasn't a fan of the WB pilot and I suspect that Depp Shadows will make that look like a bit of quiet noir realism...

cheers, G.

Current Talk '25 I / Re: Another New Slideshow
« on: November 15, 2010, 06:14:52 AM »
I loved the gorgeous close-up of Carlotta on display here earlier this weekend.  Beautiful work, MB.


I know it doesn't do any good to post this, but a few nights ago I was watching a bit of the new Sherlock series on and it suddenly hit me that Benedict Cumberbatch would make a perfect Barnabas Collins.  The lighting, the coat, the hairstyling for Sherlock all would be ideal for a re-conceptualization of Barnabas.  Of course Cumberbatch would have to dial the whole manic genius thing WAY down for Barn but he is clearly a highly skilled actor...

He just seems to have more of "that Barnabas edge" to me than Depp.  Of course, I am clearly the only fan who thinks this, so...

I have the feeling that Depp Shadows could very well be "whimsical."  Whimsy seems to be a frequent feature of Tim Burton's work.


Thanks for the link.  I had no idea he was still alive.

In Stuart Little's classic book on Off-Broadway from the early 1970s, Powell's performances opposite Anne Meacham are highlighted as great moments in mid 20th century theatre history.  It was reading this that gave me an insight into Powell's significance as an actor.

I thought the short reference to DS in the obit was pretty much par for the course, given how people in the media tend to portray the series.  And frankly, I would prefer "camp classic" over "low budget soap opera."

Fascinating to learn that he was from Belmont, Mass.  And Thayer was from Medford.  Wonder who else in the cast came from Mass.


Current Talk '10 II / The not-so-secret Weapon of Lieut. Forbes
« on: November 11, 2010, 05:18:37 PM »
I see that those gloriously tight trousers of Lieut. Forbes have returned for their annual appearance... I think of it as the Miracle of the Pants ...

Unlike a certain character in Spinal Tap, Joel Crothers had no need of anything encased in foil to make his mark in this role!

Ah, the memories...

cheers, Gothique

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Today's Robservations Slideshow
« on: November 11, 2010, 03:13:36 AM »
I really enjoyed tonight's slideshow from episode #99, particularly the shot of Carolyn and Vicki chatting in the drawing room while Mrs Johnson's sharp ears eagerly absorb every word for her report to Burke.  Again, there's something about the composition that marks it as of the first year and how much realness the  production unit put into giving these characters regular, normal lives.

MB, that's a fabulous gallery of shots, and thanks for including Angelique's lustful vamping of Barn--that storyline came up early on in my viewing of the series, and made a big impression on me.  It's almost as if DS was doing a tribute to Hammer horror, and actually ahead of the game in one respect--it wasn't until 1970 that Hammer really introduced the prototype of the lustful, ruthless blonde female vampire, as incarnated by Ingrid Pitt in The Vampire Lovers.

I enjoyed the glimpse of Lorna Bell (aka Mrs. Chris Pennock), too.  I wish Lorna had been allowed to strut her stuff a little while longer--seems as if she would have been a fun character, somewhat in the Suki Forbes vein, although the actress seemed a lot less polished at this point in her career than was the deft and vixenish Jane Draper.


Current Talk '10 II / Re: Today's Robservations Slideshow
« on: November 09, 2010, 05:04:54 AM »
In the shot included in the slideshow, Carolyn's attire has a very Addams Family look to it, at least in the big scene in the foyer with Julia.  I'll have to take another look at the episode soon.

Love the shot of Liz grilling Vicki upon the latter's return from Bangor.  And then the whole Betty Hanscomb kabuki.  Grand stuff!


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