« on: January 23, 2011, 07:36:13 PM »
All I can ever say on this topic is that when watching it back in the Sixties, it somehow made perfect sense. I now see how outrageously it flouts the continuity that had been established for Angelique. I think that at that point, Lela Swift was the de facto head writer orchestrating the storylines, the position that DC himself had formerly occupied, and some fan reported from an old newsletter from 1970 that it was Lela's idea to introduce a storyline involving a romance between Barnabas and Angelique.
On some level, I simply accepted that this Angelique was the same person we had seen before, but this time, instead of her knowing of all that had happened since 1796, she was the immortal Witch who had roamed the earth since that time. I don't think I actually remembered the lines that established that Angelique had been confined to Hell, first between 1796 and 1968, and then subsequently after her disappearance in 1968 and invocation by Quentin in 1897.
It actually makes even less sense that the Angelique brought back in 1897 would know and recall events from 1968. I suppose one could argue that Barnabas's use of the dangerous magic of the I Ching had not only propelled himself backwards in time; it had also created some kind of space-time warp that allowed for Angelique's reappearance from her time in '68, AND Julia's subsequent visit as an astral body (one of the most idiotic of all their ideas, given the rules said to govern astral travel, but don't get me started).