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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '11 I / Re: Oh Dear: One Blogger Trashes Depp Shadows!
« on: March 20, 2011, 10:44:25 PM »
Maybe the movie is being designed as a sequel to hoDS.  That would certainly explain why no casting has been mentioned for Roger, Carolyn, David, Stokes, et al. although Julia was of course one of the victims of the hoDS story as well.

This thought just occurred to me while pondering the recent Burton/Depp oeuvre and the fact that they made Alice in Wunderkind as a sequel...

It's all complete speculation.  And I'm really surprised at the emotional heat of the notion of their being humor in the movie.  There was lots of humor in our series, starting with Roger's deliciously acid use of sarcasm, Liz's drop-dead wielding of "the freeze," some of Willie's shrugging little asides, Quentin's withering retorts in 1897, some of Magda's earthy comments... LOTS of explicitly witty moments I can think of.

I personally can live without the trademark fancy-pants Goth-chick-on-K humor of some of the Burton product, but I don't automatically assume... at this point... that that is what we're in for here.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Another New Slideshow
« on: March 20, 2011, 03:48:21 PM »
I was in the mood this a.m. to watch some hoDS, mainly to look at setting details and such, so I popped in my trusty VHS recording of the film (taken from the Laserdisc release).  One detail I noticed this time around I don't recall having made note of in prior viewings is that when Maggie goes into David's bedroom, it looks as if there is this small mirror on a stand rigged to one of the posts of the bottom area of the bedstead.  The small rectangular mirror, if that's what it is, appears to be angled towards the closet.  In the original sequence, Maggie walks to the closet and sees David hanging from a noose (not sure about the action, if any, beyond that).  If what I am looking at is indeed a photographer's mirror, it would have been set up on that rig to assist in accomplishing one of the shots in the "hanging David" scene.

I just love little details like this...

I have to say I thought it was really unfair that Lela Swift did not get a credit for her work as DC's unofficial AD. Someone named Gerrity gets official credit as the AD, and Trevor Williams (I think) appears a production designer, but no sign of Lela.


Current Talk '11 I / Re: The Robservations Slideshow
« on: March 20, 2011, 04:32:52 AM »
Some real treats in tonight's show!  One of my all time favorite DS moments is the close-up (and Joan's gloating voiceover) of Judith as she exultantly enters the drawing room to purr over her new status as unrivalled Mistress of Collinwood.  Nice shot of Magda over the cards, too.

I swear Sky looks like an Ohrbach's men's department mannequin in that first snap from today's Leviathans show.  Love the shot of Angelique's acid analysis of how "mighty" Sky is as chief lackey-in-waiting to Nicholas.  Love that color and style on LP.

I get a real kick out of Grayson on the sofa in that PT 1841 shot.  She seems to be saying, "Gawd!  this storyline is giving me a bitch of a headache!" lol.

cheers, G.

Golly.  This is Batman?  Whatever happened to King Tut, Bookworm, or Eggman?

And I don't even think about what they've done with poor dear Mrs. Cooper.


With all due respect, I can remember a couple of times when Lara was "breaking the fourth wall" because she was clearly searching for the TelePrompTer.

An entirely honorable occupation on our series, of course...


Wow.  This sounds fabulous!   Hope I get to see it!

Thanks, darling!

xo G.

Green really impressed me in her work in the preview episode of Camelot that was (and maybe still is) available for streaming on the Starz website.  There's a scene in there where Green's character, who is just starting to come into a sense of her own power, has to compound a poison and the force with which she slams the pestle into the mortar... it did make me think she would be fascinating, and very dangerous, in the role of Our Favorite Witch.

If you think of her describing Angelique in Leviathans and the counterpart PT 1970 character, Green's comments could actually be related to episodes of our series--just probably ones she did not see when looking at "clips on the internet" which may have included footage of Ange in the 18th and 19th centuries.

I am actually starting to feel intrigued by this.  I still don't know about Depp's casting--but I do feel that Green has what it takes.  Now it remains to be seen whether Burton will feel compelled to goof it all up with his usual zany sense of overly crazy aesthetics and whether Elfman will compose his usual dippy phoned-in rubbish for the score.  I guess time will tell.


Current Talk '11 I / Re: If You're A Fan Of NoDS...
« on: March 17, 2011, 12:30:43 AM »
Fascinating.  But it only looks a little more like David Selby than do the Gold Key comics drawings of Quentin...


Current Talk '11 I / Re: The Robservations Slideshow
« on: March 16, 2011, 02:43:45 AM »
A memorable sight for us Grayson fans--an actual capture of Constance Collins with Brutus!  Great shot!

It was interesting to see images from one of Laura's final episodes.  Somehow, I thought the storyline wrapped in early March... I must be thinking of the taping dates rather than the air dates...

I just love the daily Robservations slideshow!  And in the hoDS show, I have really been enjoying all the lovely captures from the Stokes and Julia scene.  I wonder whether there will be a capture of their two shot from the family dinner after the funeral?  I love what they're both wearing in that scene--they both look so very elegant.

Thanks, G.

Congratulations, Penny!

Best, Steve

Current Talk '11 I / Re: The Robservations Slideshow
« on: March 12, 2011, 02:59:50 AM »
Thanks so much, MB, for this selection.  I love the contrast between Laura's smugness and Mrs J's "who the hell died and made HER Queen?" annoyance.

The scene where Chris breaks up with Carolyn is heartbreaking indeed. 

And what a memorable moment--Naomi gives Joshua a piece of her mind before going off to the courthouse to testify for Vicki.


Calendar Events / Announcements '11 I / Re: Sam Hall turns 90 today
« on: March 11, 2011, 10:56:12 PM »
Go Sam!  Happy Birthday!


David is always so gracious and well-spoken at these events.  I envy any fans who do get the privilege of attending.


Current Talk '11 I / Re: The Robservations Slideshow
« on: March 10, 2011, 04:44:41 AM »
Just love Laura's expression in her big face-off with Guthrie.  How does the dialogue go; something like--

Guthrie:  I know now that you ARE ... the Un-dead!

Laura (coolly and cooingly):  And what if I AM?

Great, nail-biting suspense in that scene.  Love the episode cliffhanger, too.

And in PT 1841, did Barrett and Karlen make an utterly adorable couple, or what?


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Another New Slideshow
« on: March 07, 2011, 10:56:55 PM »
Today's scene from hoDS provides one of the few moments where the feature film actually evokes the mood of the original.  Candles flare before Josette's musty portrait, her music box plays on the soundtrack counterpointed by Frid's melancholic, richly upholstered tones; the dialogue speaks of eternal love, eternal life.  And only seconds the later the scene shifts to a moment of hysterical, brutal, pointlessly provoked carnage.  It's definitely a moment that pinpoints why so many veteran fans were so disappointed in the movie.


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