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Messages - Gothick

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Criseyde--I was thinking more of Ben Cross fans, who as far as I am aware get far fewer opportunities to see their guy at work than is the case with the ever-busy and ebullient Mr. Selby.  (I saw him give a reading here a couple of years ago, and his energy, generosity, and high spirits were truly inspiring.)

Also, the opportunity to see Selby and Cross share a stage is, again so far as I am aware, unique. 

I'm sure ticket sales will not be a problem.  Just thinking of how many might have wanted to be there that won't be able to do so.

Isn't Jon Hamm really hot right now?  I wonder whether he will be doing a feature film since Mad Men seems to have been up in the air for quite some time and, according to a NY Times piece I read a few weeks ago, no sign of any resolution.

Ah, the wonders of "the Industry"... and the dreary endless incompetence of "the suits" ...


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: May 02, 2011, 10:38:38 PM »
Another gorgeous shot of Julia.  The past month's slideshow has made me resolve to catch episodes 4 and 5 on hulu at some point soon...


Christopher Bernau who played Philip Todd (who uttered that deathless line during Leviathan:  "I'm ... so ... scared ... !!") was also in the 1969 replacement cast while the original B'way cast was doing the movie.  It would be so beyond cool if they had found footage of the replacement cast doing a scene from the play.  Seems rather unlikely but one can always hope.


Wow.  It's a pity this casting wasn't announced sooner.  I can imagine many fans who would have traveled across country for this being unable to do so due to the short notice.

At least we can take comfort in that the thought that a CD release is supposed to be on the boards...


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: New Default Theme
« on: April 27, 2011, 04:00:27 AM »
I actually tracked this thread down because i am so impressed with the shots of Keith Prentice and Grayson Hall selected for the new theme.  Excellent work!

It's fascinating to see your screen shots of the theme, too.  Even on my MacBook laptop at home, I can't get the complete sidebars to display.  I do get much more of the images than I get on my office desktop computer, and that's regardless of whether I view the site in IE or Mozilla Firefox.

Best, G.

Interesting exchange.  I used to own the first issue and don't recall pages being printed out of order.

It's disappointing that if they were going to bother reprinting these sad examples of bottom-of-the-barrel late Sixties and Seventies comic-book narrative, the publishers couldn't at the very least bother to get it right.


Current Talk '11 I / Re: The Robservations Slideshow
« on: April 27, 2011, 03:50:55 AM »
Hi mscbryk,

Go to page 2 of the Robs board and the complete show is there--today it's just images from two episodes, one from '67 and the second from '68.

I inevitably thought of you when I saw that shot of Julia and Cassandra ready for their lunch party with Prof. Stokes...


Current Talk '11 I / Re: The Robservations Slideshow
« on: April 27, 2011, 12:00:08 AM »
The slides for episode 480 include two of my favorite shots: Julia and Cassandra in their elegant "ladies who lunch" mode, and Julia going off the deep end about to phone the police.  (and then comes that immortal line from Barnabas:  "Remember ... somebody, Julia!" Lang:  "Dave Woodard!"  Ah, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition...)


Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1199
« on: April 26, 2011, 10:01:36 PM »
I know it is OT to this thread, but I have been re-visiting Parallel Time and I personally think Parker was never better in the series than as Angelique Stokes Collins--totally out-of-control, round-the-twist, borderline-psychotic eee-vil for evil's sake.  Let us just say that there's a real sense of commitment from the actress in this role, and a full-blooded relish in how she enacts each crazed scene the scripts demand of her.  There's something inspiring about such unbridled lust for all-out pandemonium.

I do have to wonder just how Parker thought she could get away with saying she thought Grayson won the prize for extreme acting in the series... perhaps she had simply forgotten about large stretches of her own work on DS at that point (1986)?

cheers. G.

Current Talk '25 I / Re: Another New Slideshow
« on: April 25, 2011, 09:52:09 PM »
I just keep coming back to today's photo, and just figured out why; in my perverted little mind, this is Julia's line to the Vulnerable Vampire:

"Barnabas, we have a change of pace tonight.  Tonight, I'd like YOU to play Doctor, Barnabas."

Current Talk '11 I / Re: The Robservations Slideshow
« on: April 24, 2011, 04:38:22 AM »
MB, you know I *adore* today's shot of Cassandra in all her bewigged glory putting Tony Peterson under her spell.

One of the iconic moments of DS...


Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1199
« on: April 24, 2011, 01:50:16 AM »
A fairly decent entry on Mary Lamb:

I honestly can't recall whether I read somewhere that the character of Melanie and her situation was based upon Mary Lamb, or whether I just assumed that the writers made use of this well-known episode of English literary history in constructing the PT 1841 storyline.


Current Talk '11 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1199
« on: April 23, 2011, 03:30:34 AM »
I find Bramwell in PT 1841 and Quentin in PT 1970 almost equally one-note.  They're both epically self-absorbed men.  In PT 1970 Quentin's case, the emotional cause of his personal dysfunction isn't revealed till nearly the end of the story, but with Bramwell, it's obvious from the get-go--he is the poor relation, a male version of Balzac's Cousin Bette, scheming to revenge himself against his uppity relatives in the Big House.

I think Melanie, Kendrick, and Julia are my favorite characters in this story.  Melanie's story is based on the real-life story of Mary Lamb (Charles Lamb's sister), and Nancy plays the role with such such poignant clarity and a tragic air that contrasts painfully with Melanie's girlishness.  Flora is always a pleasure but doesn't get that much to do apart from looking stately in Mary McKinley's beautiful gowns.  My main problems with Morgan are the character's arrogant sense of entitlement and the fact that Keith Prentice needed more coaching with his diction and line-readings.  His speech patterns just don't fit in with a Collinwood inhabited by Bennett, Selby, Pennock et al.


What strikes me as extraordinary about the imagery of the poster is how the flesh on Angelique's face has partly decayed, but her eye makeup and false eyelashes look as fresh as if they had just been touched up moments before.  I wonder whether there was ever an attempt to show a close-up of the corpse which got cut from the completed film but might have survived in a publicity still?  I have certainly never seen it, if so.

I think overall, given what has been written about the content of the book and the illustrations, I'm just as glad I gave it a big miss...


Cute!  The teeth make me think of Austin Powers.


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