« on: June 22, 2011, 08:48:37 PM »
I'm a huge Forever Knight fan, and it's cool to see it mentioned here since I have recently been viewing some episodes again. I remember when FK first appeared in a CBS late night slot, around 1992 I think... oddly, the first episode I saw was entitled 1966, and when I started to see how the show was set up, I did wonder if that title was meant to be a tribute of sorts to DS.
On FK, they incorporated both the central notion of the female doctor in love with the vampire trying to cure him, and the use of flashbacks in which the actors got to play other characters or, in most cases, earlier versions of their vampire selves.
That short lived show Blood Ties seemed as if it was in some ways a remake of Forever Knight; so did the one whose title I am forgetting where the vampires slept in deep freeze units.