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Messages - Gothick

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That's uncanny--that we're repeating the same days of the week as in 1966--

Glad to see the Watching Project will continue!


A friend of mine who is a video game junkie told me years ago that he had tried to watch DS but couldn't get into it because it was "so slow."

He often comments that he finds movies I like to be "slow."

I've stopped recommending anything other than documentaries on topics of mutual interest to him.


A distraught, slightly drunken Roger confronts Elizabeth in the drawing room:

"But why turn to WEED, Liz?  Why???"

An arched eyebrow, a disdainful moue of the heavily lacquered lips, a pouting grimace as she turns, gives him a freezing look, and says:  "Because I *choose* to do so."

Actually, Cousin B, I think your comments about Liz and her pain are very astute and on the mark.  Which is why, when the pain went beyond even her power to bear, Liz seriously contemplated taking a certain step during that harrowing month of June 1967.... 

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Current Talk '11 I / Re: The Robservations Slideshow
« on: June 25, 2011, 01:51:28 AM »
Just love the Barnabas/Julia shot from episode 1043 this evening.  That's one of my favorite moments--Julia puts her foot down and says "No" to Barn's latest bout of the crazy.  Not that it lasts all that long, of course... sigh.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but we don't actually know whether there will or won't be use of the Old House in the new movie's story.  All we know is that it was not mentioned in the press release synopsis.  I'd be willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that there were some MAJOR ellipses in that synopsis... knowing what I do of the oeuvre and m. o. of Mr. Tim Burton.

Also, it's not clear that the "ruined" Collinwood will stimulate Barnabas to make a trip in time to change family history and restore the manor to its former grandeur.  We really know very little how things are set to play out in this redaction once Barnabas is released from his coffin.

Forgive me if I'm being too flippant, but I actually had a really strong image in my mind when the green friend was mentioned of a weary, heartbroken Liz alone in her boudoir, wearing that gorgeous deep blue dressing-gown, taking some long slow tokes on a doob at the end of an elegant holder.

In the psychiatric profession today, they refer to this sort of thing as "self-medicating," I believe.


Interesting article, MB.  I wonder whether massive events such as Comic Con will be able to continue without the studio financial support and perquisites.

I hadn't heard that Universal had stopped production on the Guillermo del Toro Mountains of Madness movie. That's too bad.  I was really looking forward to that one, although I don't think it would have been as good as the independently produced Whisperer in Darkness, which, from the Youtube trailers, looks as if it will be THE definitive Lovecraft film adaptation--full stop.

I also wonder whether it isn't a matter of the majors no longer catering to geeks as to the TPTB deciding they can do it all more effectively for less money online. 

It will be interesting to see how much creative control Burton is able to maintain over the new Dark Shadows product.  The whole 3 D thing seems to have imploded.  I do wonder what other changes may be dictated by new trends between now and the release date...


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Another New Slideshow
« on: June 24, 2011, 12:42:15 AM »
Every time I see a shot like this one, MB, I thank the gods somebody made DC hire Arthur Ornitz as the cinematographer on this movie.  I think it is thanks to Ornitz that there are a few classic moments of style, atmosphere, and subtly evocative terror--not to mention some gorgeous use of color and shadow--in the movie.


I remember a special that Alice Cooper did with Vincent Price in the early 1970s, when this movie is set.  Thinking back on it, it had a kooky-spooky quality that I can see appealing to Tim Burton.

I imagine the use of elements such as Alice Cooper and people passing joints will simply be to help set the scene--of a film set in the early Seventies.

To borgosi, if anything I had negative expectations.  To be brutally frank, I still don't know whether Depp can pull off the role of Barnabas Collins.  But I am now sufficiently intrigued by the project that I am at least keen to see the trailers.  The movie itself--we'll have to see.

I'm still waiting to hear firm, authorized news regarding the original films' DVD release.  For the sake of people here who I know want it so badly, I hope they include the little WB pilot as an extra, too.


Current Talk '11 I / Re: Radio Tribute To DS' 45th Anniversary
« on: June 23, 2011, 01:12:05 AM »
What fun!


Heavens!  The green friend at Collinwood? What can be next--a sequence shot in a--a bathroom at the Great House??


I only listened to part 2. Could Jim Pierson be any more lifeless and unengaging as an interviewer?  When poor old Frid was trying to remember the title of Wuthering Heights and Pierson kept saying "Heathcliff" it reminded me of the scene where Barn was telling Julia to "remember somebody" and Dr Lang muttered "Dave Woodard."

It's kind of hard to watch.  He's so tired, and so past it all.  But he gives it his best shot.


I'm a huge Forever Knight fan, and it's cool to see it mentioned here since I have recently been viewing some episodes again.  I remember when FK first appeared in a CBS late night slot, around 1992 I think... oddly, the first episode I saw was entitled 1966, and when I started to see how the show was set up, I did wonder if that title was meant to be a tribute of sorts to DS.

On FK, they incorporated both the central notion of the female doctor in love with the vampire trying to cure him, and the use of flashbacks in which the actors got to play other characters or, in most cases, earlier versions of their vampire selves.

That short lived show Blood Ties seemed as if it was in some ways a remake of Forever Knight; so did the one whose title I am forgetting where the vampires slept in deep freeze units.


Current Talk '11 I / Re: The Robservations Slideshow
« on: June 21, 2011, 02:00:00 AM »
Ah, episode 518.  My very first episode of DS!  I found it somewhat dull, to be honest... but Prof. Stokes piqued my interest... and the next day brought my first sight of Cassandra!  From then on, I was hooked.


Oh, I can imagine BarnaDepp in Superfly duds and see-through platform wedgies getting down at the new Blue Whale disco with some fly chix.

We are talking Tim Burton, dears.  All bets are off.  And we are talking about an actor whose concept of an 18th century buccaneer was based on the drunken swaggering of Keith Richards in the final throes of a bender.

Although I am more impressed to date than I expected to be... with what I have seen...


Hi MB, could the individual be referring to the Depp Barnabas wardrobe?  This Barnabas may find himself embracing some of the, uh, "Superfly" trends of the early 1970s... you do recall that era, don't you darling?  *wink*


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