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Messages - Gothick

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Calendar Events / Announcements '25 I / Re: Chris Pennock Interview
« on: January 09, 2020, 09:14:09 PM »
The other part where Chris discusses how he was cast, his thoughts about Jeb, wanting to play Alex in Clockwork Orange, memories of Mike Stroka, and other topics...


Calendar Events / Announcements '25 I / Re: Chris Pennock Interview
« on: January 08, 2020, 04:03:45 AM »

Calendar Events / Announcements '25 I / Chris Pennock Interview
« on: January 08, 2020, 03:51:02 AM »

Last night I watched an interesting short video interview with Christopher Pennock. In my DS DVDs, it's on collection 19, disc 3, which comprises episodes 962 through 971. Perhaps it was included on the "coffin set" as well.

Chris discusses his impressions of fellow actors Jonathan Frid, Grayson Hall, Thayer David, Don Briscoe, and Kate Jackson. For me the most interesting were his comments about Thayer. He described Thayer as being very humble in his work on the show and quite collegial in his interactions with the directors and his fellow players. He also described Thayer as an artist who was constantly honing his craft and improving as an actor. He described Thayer as his "inspiration." Lovely memories.


That is a nice article about Alec Newman, although bewilderingly, they failed to mention that his best known role is as Barnabas Collins on the 2004 DS.

Journalism today just is going to the dogs! Or is that the wolves...


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Innovation's '91 DS Comic, Book 3
« on: January 07, 2020, 01:59:47 PM »
Maggie looks totally crazed in today's selection. As if she's ready to skewer someone with a stiletto. Has she been possessed by Angelique again in this version? I feel as if I need a scorecard...


Current Talk '25 I / Re: A Twist on DSFMS
« on: January 06, 2020, 11:15:47 PM »
Carolyn's first real act of rebellion against Mother was to dump Joe in favor of dating Burke. That really hurt both Liz and Joe.

Carolyn wasn't all that likable as a character in the original 1966 arc but Nancy was so wonderful that she made Carolyn compulsively watchable. Also fascinating to see how Burke handled himself with Carolyn... he clearly knew he had a tigress by the tail there.


Exquisite. Thanks, MB!


A British viewer commented that the new version worked best for him as a kind of homage and send-up (there are a lot of jokes, apparently) of the Hammer Dracula films. The final part is described as an homage to the last two films, DRACULA A.D. 1972 and SATANIC RITES OF DRACULA. That actually sounds kind of interesting to me. A lot of what I have read about the series feels quite off-putting so don't know when or if I will ever watch it. I hope it is fun for you. I think if you watch in a spirit of fun and expecting outrageousness, it will work best.

cheers, G.

Two surprising Dracula performances I have enjoyed in recent years:

(1) Denholm Elliott was incredibly good in this offbeat 1968 British TV adaptation that takes a lot of liberties with the Stoker narrative (though practically none at all, compared to the new mini-series--the latest reports I read about that thing today were mindpeeling):

(2) I posted about this one a year or so ago because a young Blair Brown appears as Mina. Norman Welsh's performance as the Count is floridly theatrical but you know I revel in such things. This recording is missing act 2 but since we all know the story, we can follow it anyway. And this one also makes some changes to give more dramatic tension to the narrative. The finale may have been inspired by the Orson Welles radio Dracula which I think was originally broadcast in the late 1930s (it's also on You tube):

cheers, G.

Current Talk '25 I / Re: Innovation's '91 DS Comic, Book 3
« on: January 03, 2020, 07:21:47 PM »
Well, that's interesting--re the Tarot spread.

In the usual way of interpreting these cards as established in 20th century Tarot teaching, the Hermit card is in the Foundation position, and the Hanged Man shows the recent past. Both these Major Arcana cards would be fitting emblems of Barnabas's long centuries trapped inside the coffin, followed by his sudden release, thanks to Willie.

His Significator card is Death. No need to comment. It presents the energy he is embodying at the present moment but also could be interpreted as showing that he is going through a time of drastic personal change. Death in the Tarot often means the death of an outworn form of the personality so that a new manifestation can take full appearance.

The Moon, in the Likely Outcome position, definitely portends the return of Angelique, his nemesis--"the most evil woman who ever lived" or however the dialogue in the script had him describing her.

The Tower, in the Near Future, just as clearly figures as a terrible omen of Barnabas's aging and his attack on Carolyn when Julia's experiment goes horribly wrong.

These readings are based on the tradition of the Celtic Cross (a way of reading Tarot that became popular between around 1880 and 1900), as described in the books of Eden Gray, Rachel Pollack, and other Tarot authorities. What the Innovation comic writer did with these cards in terms of their positions is quite odd but then again--so is a lot in these books!


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Innovation's '91 DS Comic, Book 3
« on: January 03, 2020, 07:13:11 PM »
Seems to be a different artist and a radically different switch of style. So far, I like the art--can't really comment on the story. I'll have to look at Maggie's Tarot notes on Barnabas.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Innovation's '91 DS Comic, Book 3
« on: January 02, 2020, 06:13:01 AM »
Thanks for that background, MB. I look forward very much to the new slideshow in April.

Was the complete script by Scott Rockwell ever published in any form?

Best wishes,

G ... who tonight embarked on a "Happy 50th anniversary" revisit of the PT 1970 storyline... starting with episodes 969-70. Great fun! Sam Hall wrote some hilarious dialogue for those two shows.

The Netflix trailer, which may have been included in the article a couple of posts ago, has some different scenes from the BBC ones:

Reports I saw on another forum today from UK viewers describe this new version as a campy hoot with some deliberate humor. Claes Bang is known as a comic actor so this may be a 21st century version of CARRY ON COUNT DRACULA. The Count also has some nude scenes, according to initial reports. Kinky!

Far from being definitive (almost everyone agrees that the 1977 BBC version starring Louis Jourdan was the closest to definitive ever filmed, if by "definitive" you mean "as close as possible to the novel") this version seems like a way-out pastiche with lots of stuff brought in from other trendy horror vehicles of recent years, in addition to the warped humor. Expect everything including the kitchen sink to be thrown at the main concept. People do say it is all quite entertaining.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Innovation's '91 DS Comic, Book 3
« on: January 01, 2020, 09:56:38 PM »
Interesting. I can't recall the specifics of the chronology, but I would imagine that the never-published "Origins of Angelique" story co-authored by Lara Parker eventually saw the light of day as Angelique's Descent.

Is this one issue going to be the main slide show for the next twelve months? Asking for a friend.

Happy New Year!

GothEEEEEEEEEK (turn to camera 3 and scream)

Current Talk '25 I / Re: Today In DS History
« on: December 23, 2019, 01:27:17 AM »
He looks that way because just a few minutes before, the life of his own sister was hanging by a thread held firmly in the hands of this clever, ruthless Witch. Great scene.


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