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Messages - Gothick

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The debut episode of "Cursed Dwellings" can be heard in this podcast, which also features Penny Dreadful and myself being interviewed (separately) by the podcast host, Rachel. Danielle speaks about the introduction of Barnabas storyline on DS, and I talk about the initial storyline of Strange Paradise. It was fun to do, and I'm happy with how it turned out.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Cfy2h4sglM


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Ann Wilson Passes Away
« on: October 12, 2022, 07:29:55 PM »
May her spirit know peace. Ann's episode guide to DS, printed in one of the PomPress books, is the gold standard for episode guides to the series, at least those available in print sources.


Hi fans,

Sole Twins audio has launched "Cursed Dwellings," an online radio drama serial all about the origins of Victoria Winters. Episode one begins with Collinwood servant Betty Hanscombe's return to Collinsport, while a dying Jamison Collins summons his daughter Elizabeth to his room on an important matter concerning the Collins family secret.

I think the year is supposed to be around 1946. And a character from the Strange Paradise universe is due to make an appearance, too, in a subsequent installment.

Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYElLbtU42g


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / THE MUNSTERS 1964 LP
« on: September 23, 2022, 09:23:31 PM »
I was excited to see this old LP released by Golden Records to promote The Munsters back in 1964. My parents gave it to my sister and me as a Halloween gift sometime either that year or in '65, I believe--it was a long time ago so I'm not sure of the year.


There are songs--it could be staged as a musical version of the show.

I was quite surprised a few months ago to see a "teaser trailer" for that new film version by Rob Zombie--it looked much better than I expected (I expected something unwatchably bad--it was actually pretty good).


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Terror at Collinwood
« on: September 23, 2022, 09:05:13 PM »
Penny Dreadful will probably post about this soon--I'm excited to see that the new issue of Scary Monsters magazine has a horror host theme! It includes a lovely feature on Penny Dreadful with some great photos, as well as a sidebar all about "Terror at Collinwood."

cheers, Gothick

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: O/T What was that show?
« on: September 07, 2022, 09:08:10 PM »
Another possibility is Mr. and Mrs. North. It ran in syndication for many years I believe.

Here's a selection of episodes:


cheers, Gothick

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Happy 50th Anniversary, Night of Dark Shadows
« on: August 30, 2022, 09:02:58 PM »
That's a very cool still from Screen World. Love the expression on the Divine One's face. So delectably cat-like.


I just checked this site, and it says Barbara Steele has had to cancel. Barbara is in her 80s now--hope she is in good health and doing well.


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Terror at Collinwood
« on: August 03, 2022, 08:27:12 PM »
Also interesting to learn from Jeff Kenny's interview that HBO has been using Seaview Terrace as their production base for another season of The Gilded Age. Because of this, the house has been taken off the market for the time being.


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Terror at Collinwood
« on: August 01, 2022, 10:56:38 PM »
MB, this most recent episode where Danielle interviews Jeff Kenny will interest you in one detail. Around the 42 minute mark of the interview, Jeff reveals that he was the one who found the original film footage of that 1966 DS promo that was included in the Blu Ray release of that Dan Curtis documentary a few years back. I remember that that material was very exciting for you because you had a memory of having seen the promo way back when.

As Danielle comments, the fact that this turned up in a random eBay auction gives one hope that other long lost material could someday surface. You know hope springs eternal here for Grayson's Playtex commercial--as well as her GIRL TALK interview!


I think there's already a thread for this, but I'm not sure just where it is.

Online version of the KLS David Henesy interview. This version supposedly includes material not published in the mag (which I have not seen).



Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Terror at Collinwood
« on: June 25, 2021, 07:32:56 PM »
Interesting info about both the NoDS restoration and the continuing saga of the "Reincarnation" reboot. Good stuff!

I haven't seen any of Ansel Faraj's films, but I added the one about the Haunted House of Venice Beach to my Watch Later list on you tube. As Ansel mentions in the interview, this was the final work Chris Pennock ever performed in, and it's mentioned that he recites a piece of poetry that is VERY familiar to veteran DS fans. May his spirit know peace.


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Terror at Collinwood
« on: May 02, 2021, 02:11:24 PM »
Our very own and much beloved Penny Dreadful has begun a new DS podcast: TERROR AT COLLINWOOD!


There's a website for the podcast, too:


Themes from the first episode include Penny's memories of how she got into DS thanks to her extremely cool Uncle Vlad (!), her discovery of DS fandom in the 1980s, general thoughts about the series and its relationship to the genres of the Gothic tradition and supernatural terror in literature and film, and her conviction, which she argues brilliantly, that DS was NOT CAMP.

cheers, G.

Current Talk '24 I / Episode 197
« on: April 25, 2021, 04:02:07 PM »
A few days ago I viewed DS episode 197 and was startled to see on the production slate that this was marked, and announced as, take TWO of this show. I can't recall having seen that in my current viewing which began with episode 123.

I wondered if this was a rare instance where the tape broke while they were taping. I noticed what seemed like an edit towards the end of the episode--I think it was a scene between Roger and Jason in the basement.

It's been funny watching these shows to recall that a lot of the stuff I've read about the series described the weeks immediately prior to the arrival of Barnabas as so abysmally slow and boring that the ratings were plummeting. Notwithstanding those repeated statements, my experience has been that the episodes of February and March of 1967 have proved to be among the most exciting I can ever recall seeing in any storyline of the show. Now I'm wondering whether it was true that the ABC network suits had issued an ultimatum to Curtis regarding the fate of the show. They were making some changes to their schedule around this period, so I suppose it is possible. But if it happened, it certainly wasn't because the show was somehow "boring."


Current Talk '24 I / The Secret of Laura Collins
« on: April 15, 2021, 05:51:53 PM »
Dear fans,

A few weeks ago, I started re-watching the original 1966-67 Laura Collins storyline, beginning with the episode in which Laura first arrives at the Maggie Evans Coffee Shop (as I have come to think of it). I've really been enjoying this, in part because this is the first time in decades that I've been watching DS on a regular daily basis. My delighted discovery is that I love the show more than ever.

A few observations: First, despite what you may have read or been told, Malcolm Marmorstein was a REALLY good writer. Based on his Laura scripts, I'd rate him up there with Violet Welles and Joe Caldwell. Maybe Marmorstein's early Barnabas scripts--his final period of writing for the show--weren't up to the gold standard of his work on the Laura storyline; it's so long since I viewed those early Barnabas shows that I can't comment (but I might be able to do so eventually, if I keep watching). In an interview on one of the MPI DVDs, Marmorstein revealed that during his final month or so of writing for the series, he had gone out to LA for an extended stay. In the interview, he said that he did this because his wife told him she needed a vacation from living in NYC. Evidently, Bob Costello and others interpreted Marmorstein's month-long sojourn out on "the Coast" as his looking for another job--and that may have in fact been in the case, but Marmorstein claimed it wasn't. All that notwithstanding, nevertheless he revealed that when he was told that his association with Dark Shadows was at an end, Marmorstein immediately began working on Peyton Place. He claimed in the interview that this was a fluke which occurred thanks to a chance conversation, but it's certainly an interesting development. He actually said he didn't miss a single day of work between composing his last script for Shadows and his first one for Peyton.

In my previous viewing of the Laura saga (which I recall as having been patchy and intermittent), I'd definitely picked up that elements of Laura's storyline were re-used for the Cassandra storyline. Now that I've been watching it all properly, in a regular, orderly manner, I'm struck by how much of what was done with early Barnabas and subsequent supernatural storylines during the 1967-1969 period was established by specific plot features and structures of the Laura storyline.

We have a mysterious blonde relative who unexpectedly shows up in town with a problematic backstory. We have multiple incarnations, or are they incarnations, of the same person over a period of 200 years. We have a major character being proclaimed as "one of the Undead." We have a seance, which leads to yet another seance. We have the ghost of Josette Collins, heralded by the smell of jasmine perfume. We have the Undead character's obsession with an important family member. We have a threat to David. We have dreams of occult significance, though so far the dreams are only described, not staged. We have mysterious portraits with an evil influence. In one scene, Laura even gives David a music box, though it has not been referred to in subsequent follow-up shows.

There's more, too. But since so much of this was written by Malcolm Marmorstein, I definitely get why he felt he should receive credit for inventing the Barnabas character. So many of the elements seem to have been re-used, in a shifted or modulated form, from how he wrote Laura.


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