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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '25 I / Re: Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: July 22, 2011, 10:09:15 PM »
I love today's photo of Natalie and Vicki.  Natalie's scenes come close to topping Julia's.  And her wardrobe!  I don't know what the design department was thinking, but I keep wondering if someone was winking at us and hinting that Natalie was a "Countess" because she had been running a top-class bordello in Paris and one of the aristocratic customers decided to marry her and make her respectable.  She certainly dresses like a very high-end Madam but more from Balzac's time than the 1780s/90s.  Just my thoughts... Barbara Steele complained in that video interview a couple of years ago that she didn't like doing DS because DC did not allow her to play Julia with nearly the degree of eccentricity she felt the character needed... she clearly WAY made up for lost time with Natalie!


Isn't there a scene in the 1991 series early on where Liz comes to the Old House and brings some kind of statue, maybe an Art Nouveau dancing lady, to Barn as a present, saying she found it in the attic and thought the statue belonged in the OH?

I always thought that statue was a prop that somebody had turned up from one of the original sets... probably just me hallucinating again.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: July 21, 2011, 02:49:31 AM »
Even if the spoilers are real spoilers, very little of what has been written may make it to the final cut of the film.  There could be major changes from the shooting script that was passed around to various people early in the year, and what they're now shooting.  Or Burton could decide to make major changes on the spot and completely re-shoot certain sequences.  All bets are off.

Just speaking personally,
[spoiler] if the thing about Ange and Julia hating one another for their own special reasons is true, I'd LOVE to see a re-creation of the infamous Cassandra slap sequence.  Maybe this time, the impudent Witch's Wiglet will go flying and land somewhere spectacularly impertinent... on top of Roger's head, perhaps?[/spoiler]

I have to confess I don't take anything connected with the new movie very seriously.  The plans for the restoration and release of the two original feature films on DVD--now, THAT I take seriously.  I'm still waiting to hear more about the studio properly greenlighting that project.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0017
« on: July 20, 2011, 12:52:49 PM »
It's week four, day... two? of the storyline, and Liz is now wearing that strange hairdo I always think of as the "Neo-Geisha" look.
I think it persists for a couple of weeks or so.

I really wish we had been given a scene where the chatty town beautician shows up with her bags of gear to do Liz's hair in the kitchen.  My great aunt who had been a beautician continued for awhile to do some favored customers' hair in her own kitchen.  I'd be dropped off there as a kid to hang out while my Mom or somebody ran errands and I can still remember the smell of the hair products, the nonstop chatter about soap operas ("stories") and scandals, the little radio blasting out the current top 40--lots of Supremes songs, of course... We are talking around 1965-68.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: July 19, 2011, 07:05:48 PM »
These  are very cool!  Sounds juicy!


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: New Default Theme
« on: July 18, 2011, 10:47:34 PM »
Excellent new theme!  The way it's displaying on my computer really heightens the resemblance between Joan Bennett and Alex Moltke.

I do miss the dramatic shot of Barbara Steele wielding that fan...


Just in case I am not the only one out there who has never heard of Megan Fox (since she isn't identified in the article), here's her Wikipedia entry:

Maybe she shows up as one of Barn's victims?  If I'm right that Depp/Burton are big fans of Leviathans and PT 1970, she may have a Marsha Mason moment and show up as the latest version of Audrey, the Leviathan Vampire Girl?

cheers, G.

Interesting.  In the first book cover, Collinwood looks kind of like the Addams Family house, while on the second, it's clearly Lyndhurst.

I am very curious to see this! Congrats to Stuart Manning for getting the contract for this.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0014
« on: July 18, 2011, 05:03:26 PM »
Art Wallace was writing those episodes in real time.  So for many of the early episodes, each half hour corresponds, sometimes exactly. to another half hour in the lives of the characters. 

I remember the first time I noticed what Michael wrote above about how many episodes they spend on Vicki's first full day at Collinwood.  It's all pretty jaw-dropping.


Great!  Thanks, Sara!


Interesting interview.  He doesn't seem aware of the degree to which the studios have pulled back from their participation in the event, however.


Karlen isn't attending the DS Festival this year?  That seems quite strange.  I hope it's not due to illness.

I just saw Karlen in a 1973 episode of the short-lived Bill Bixby project, The Magician.  Karlen was excellent as a hired killer with psychopathic tendencies.  Very fine work from him.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: The Netflix $6 Increase
« on: July 17, 2011, 02:48:49 PM »
Thanks, Brandon Collins.  I am sure you are right and less and less will be available with the discs, and those of us who have issues with streaming will just be stuck.  It is the way of the world...

Just curious, did they mention whether with Star Trek, in the case of the original series, will it be the unedited episodes, or the ones where they replaced the lovely old paintings, models and maquettes with tacky new CGI effects?  (My apologies to those who think of the shift to CGI on vintage classic TV shows is an "upgrade."  The thought of it makes me want to vomit.)

In the best of all worlds, they would offer both--the original episodes and the "improved" ones--so fans could have a choice.

I hear that some of the 1970s Dr Who stories are getting "improved" with CGI as well.  If the Depp Shadows franchise really takes off, I wonder whether there will be a move to attempt this with at least some relays of the original Shadows shows.

Interesting.  Someone asked if by "dashing traditional Vampire with a quirk" (or however the wording was), the person meant that Depp was costumed in a copy of one of the original Barnabas costumes, and they responded that the look for this Barnabas is "completely different."  Which is what one would expect.  It will be interesting though to see if they keep the ring and the cane...


Current Talk '11 II / Re: The Netflix $6 Increase
« on: July 15, 2011, 06:57:44 PM »
There have been a number of reports over the years, both anecdotally and in various media, about Netflix overreaching themselves.

Once the Depp/Burton confection is out, the demand for the DS episodes is definitely going to increase.  It would seem that some diehard Depp/Burton fans are already starting to watch the old shows to try and get a flavor for the new project.


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