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Messages - Gothick

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Lovely work.  The fan who owns that channel, Baron von Blixberg, has done tribute videos to every DS actor, I think--certainly many of them.  There are a couple for Grayson.  Great photos all around.


I haven't scrutinized the photo with nearly the degree of intensity y'all have done, but I would really doubt that Bella Heathcote was allowed to do a stunt like that.

But maybe they did let her/ask her to do it--if they're really that dumb.



Nancy Barrett appears in the beginning part of this unfortunately rather poor quality OLTL video clip from Sept. 1982:


A number of 1982-83 episodes have been loaded on Youtube by this fan... I keep hoping that one of Grayson's Euphemia Ralston episodes will show up at some point...


The idea of Julia having to escape from the padded cell at Windcliff is a hoot! 

And I know it upsets people, but this is sounding more and more like a Saturday Night Live skit that some very dedicated fans would put on who have been immersing themselves in the show for years...


OMG OMG, Roger Davis will be there!!!!  what an utter THRILL for all the lucky fans who will be present!!!  *swoooonn*

Oh, I'm sorry, is my sarcasm dripping a hole through the floor?



What a hoot.  The one about Quentin bringing his groovy, scandalous Witches coven to Collinsport sounds like a real scream.  I just may need to hit up abebooks for that one...

As always, one knows that the book covers are going to be by far the most interesting features of these ... artifacts.  I do love the one for The Foe of Barnabas Collins.  Such a fab photo.


In the 1980s fanzines, and into the ones that were produced in the early 90s, the whole Barnabas/Josette thing was HUGE.  In retrospect I attribute this to how beautifully Frid and KLS played their romantic scenes together in the 1795 storyline, which was frequently played in the syndication packages available in those days--they didn't get the final year of the episodes, and they started with Barn crawling out of his coffin in 1967, so the complete 1795 relay probably ran a number of times in various markets during the decade.  As many here will recall, fan networks ensured that those who did not have access to broadcasts locally got videotapes, typically circulated in slp mode (six hours of episodes per tape--I had some of these that a friend copied for me in the early 1990s).

Since KLS played Josette, if you see Barn/Josette as the central theme around which the entire series turns, KLS becomes THE leading lady of the show.  Angelique was "the bitch" which is a different kind of leading lady in the archetypal world of daytime drama.

It's definitely true that "the idea of Josette" was much more a part of the actual episodes than "the reality of Josette." But it really doesn't require much manipulation on the part of KLS to make fans feel that she was one of the most important people on the show.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: The Robservations Slideshow
« on: July 24, 2011, 02:51:59 AM »
Wonderful series tonight from the 1995 sequence.  What wonderful work from Nancy and Clarice.  I think of this segment as in some ways the last classic moment from the series before it descended into the incoherent, crazy quagmire of the 1840 story and its 1970 prelude.

Lovely snaps from today's 1968 episodes, too.  I love the ensemble Julia is wearing.  And that scene between Harry and his Mom is a scream.  Just grand stuff.


Nice to read about the screening in September.  That would be a pleasant event for fans in the area.  If it fits my schedule, I'd go!

The budget was $750,000.  I bet the line item for catering/honeywagon on Depp Shadows is more than that.


If you want to join, do you get a peremptory email demanding:  WHUUUUUU are yoUUUUU over and over and over again?

Just kidding!  I'm glad Kathy has stepped up to the plate with this.  I'm sure it is a lot of fun!

cheers, G.

I thought there were two Pom Presses--the one owned by KLS, and the one that does all the high quality calendars, greeting cards, etc.  If they are one and the same I would guess that she did sell it, but maybe with the proviso that they would continue to do her DS books, etc.


Nice to hear about Selby's participation.  I was wondering whether his schedule would permit him to do it, if they offered it to him.

MB, the way I read the report, "Dan Curtis's son" is somebody other than Jim Pierson.  But I never knew Dan had a son.  I had heard about a daughter or daughters.  But then, I'm hardly an authority on the Curtis bio.

I am glad that Cobert's original theme will "figure" in the film.  I'd rather have more Cobert cues interwoven with the usual Danny Elfman Mickey Mouse stuff.  But they're not making this movie for this likes of yours truly.

Michael, I'm sure you're right about Pom Press already planning the Depp Shadows book.  LOL!  That is exactly why I take whatever KLS says about the movie with hefty helpings of salt.  It's just the latest option in her very own cottage industry.

On with the motley!


Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 23, 2011, 04:55:38 PM »
Excellent!  I would love to see the formal announcement from WB, if available.  The last news about this was a casual statement in a chat that "Barnabas will now be blu" which I think was just some tired suit having fun at the expense of fans...


Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: July 23, 2011, 04:26:57 AM »
It took them something like five years to schedule making the one movie, so I don't know about sequels.

Unless Burton is sneaky and does something like the legendary Three Musketeers shoot in the Seventies (where they actually shot TWO movies, the original film and the sequel, but told everyone it was just the one movie).


I'm wondering that too, MB.  I would have thought that at the very least, a pub photo of Depp in character as Barn would have been released by now.

I guess Burton is really just enjoying building up the suspense...


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