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Messages - Gothick

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The trailer suggests a whole lot of nothing happens, if the most exciting thing they could come up with was some girl giving a little shriek because a door slammed.

This has the potential to have some great images of our favorite house, but I am afraid the photog will wind up being the usual sick-making swirl-and-jerk through the ringer merry-go-round on speed expected, seemingly, by today's audiences.

Excuse the snark,


David:  I am afraid the reality is that a shared love of Dark Shadows does not necessarily signal somebody who will become a close friend, or even necessarily a casual acquaintance.  I've met people who told me they were huge fans of DS and often as not nothing came of the meeting.  In some cases, the people just seemed "off" to me in a way that usually makes me less than keen for further contact.  I don't feel the need to go on and on about this.  Every fandom has its share of "God's special children" (to coin a phrase).

I have found that some fans do become friends in a way that is very natural.  A conversation that begins about the artistic genius of Grayson Hall may branch out into other areas of shared interest, and if you keep seeing the individual over the weekend, by the time you're saying goodbye, a friendship is born.

I personally don't think "Friending" someone on F-book is all that significant.  Just my personal take on that site.  I think though if someone expresses views that offend you, you are perfectly within your rights to unfriend them.  In most of the cases there probably wasn't a genuine basis for true friendship in any case.

Just how I see things--your mileage may vary.  Good luck.


I loved the painting on the cover of the booklet "in sombre colors."

This was one of the few mementos that I was able to save after my Mom threw away most of my DS stuff when I left home for college in the mid 1970s.  However, I wasn't quick enough on my feet in the late 1980s to save the packet from her yard sale when she was cleaning out the house and getting ready to sell it.

I loved the 3-D effect of the famous shot of Nicholas and Julia when she informs him his plan is "monstrous" and he chuckles and says:  "It is meant to be!"  She wore one of those heavy brooches in that scene and the 3-D made it look so trippy.


Wow.  If what they wrote is true, it sounds as if Tim Burton has become a crazed beret-wearing, riding-crop wielding, pencil-moustached, perpetually irate mad director along the lines of Z. Z. von Schnerk in the legendary Avengers episode, "Epic."

It sounds more to me like cheap taradiddle that may have a partial basis in fact (e. g. the fact that Helena is watching the DVDs may be something she decided to do on her own account, and her stories about them may have made other cast members want to watch too; this then gets twisted into Tim and Johnny demanding that EVERYONE watch the DVDs of the old show).  It's obviously being posted on IMDB to discredit the director and the project, or at the very least to make both look ridiculous.  I wouldn't waste any time pursuing it further.

Just my two drachmae...


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: August 27, 2011, 06:31:40 AM »
Barbara Steele ... SUBLIME!

Shots such as tonight's remind me why I would love to own a properly rendered edition of this series in my own library.


That's beautiful workmanship on Joshua's cenotaph.

Thanks for the link!


I had the chance to see syndie prints of nearly all the GFU episodes last year, and I'd say the series is good fun, though very uneven.  Some of the stories are so outrageously campy that even I wind up shaking my head.  Margaret Leighton's episode which includes a matter transmitter device I believe (a favorite Sixties conceit) and the show with Peggy Lee and Noel Harrison trading burlesque-style double-entendres while Powers is duking it out in the desert opposite Ruth Roman are both classics of their kind (and a very strange "kind" it is). Karloff is superb as Mother Muffin--they brought in Robert Vaughn's Napoleon Solo character for that one. 

Oh, Yvonne de Carlo is in a particularly bizarre episode, too.  Fun stuff.


Calendar Events / Announcements '11 II / Re: Fest Banquet
« on: August 26, 2011, 07:03:30 PM »
Please nobody tell me that Pierson screened Grayson's Playtex commercial at that stupid Banquet.

If they do, I make have to Take Steps.  Don't make me Take Steps, Mr. Shannon! *gritted teeth*


Calendar Events / Announcements '11 II / Re: Fest Banquet
« on: August 26, 2011, 04:33:05 PM »
lol @ UncleRoger!


Chloe's remark about Depp's appearance as Barnabas got me wondering about prosthetics.  And not just for when he's in "bite cha!" mode a la Buffyverse.

The latest comment about Depp's stand-in passing for Qaddafi makes me wonder even more.  Could this by the John Yeagar version of Barnabas coming up?  The action figure people will have fun with that.

All pure speculation, needless to say...


I'm pretty sure Pennock was naked in a couple of scenes as well, but because of how it's filmed, you don't get to see much (if I'm remembering correctly).

There is this one scene that I found really compelling... it involves an actress telling a long story.  It feels very late Sixties avant-garde NY stage, to me at least...


That's a great video of Mr. Frid.  Thanks for sharing the link.


Wow, Midnite.  That's one hell of a new avatar for Mr. Nicky!  Most Excellent!

"And then I shall touch you ... I puh-ROMISED you that!"

How can Lara Parker not remember her work as Cassandra??? It WAS her finest hour!


Midnite darling,

Many thanks for that wonderful report.  Love the photo of Davis pater et fils.  Davis fils looks sort of like Don Briscoe. I'm sure that's just an accident of the lighting and the angle.

I would have loved to have been there--to see your glamorous self and others near and dear to my heart!  I am alas unable to leave town right now due to an unpleasant situation that just seems to be never-ending.  Happily Mercury is going Direct on Friday... *that* may end it!

Again, thanks.  Would love to hear more of your thoughts.


Dear Gawd, the Vampire Van.  We had that one.  I think my sister helped me with the kit because she was much more used to model-building than I was--either that, or our grandfather helped us--I really can't remember.

Somebody finally put a vampire van of sorts into a movie in the early Seventies--Deathmaster with Robert Quarry as a crazed vampire hippie guru.  Far less stylish than the one in the model kit.


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