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Messages - Gothick

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OK, I watched the trailer.  I know the face of the guy who plays the Heathcote character's husband, but can't remember his name.

Interesting premise... and a story very apt for the times we are now living through, I would say...


Interesting.  Is the movie supposed to be set in the early-mid 1960s?

Nice shot of her there.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: October 21, 2011, 08:46:53 PM »
I'd never heard about that TV guide article/interview, MB.  Why am I not surprised?  It helps explain Thinnes' performance in this--I've seen him in many films over the years and this is the ONLY place I can ever recall him indulging in this kind of showboating.

It seems as if DC also criticized Barbara Steele's performance in a rather tactless way when they were working on the series, given some remarks she made in the video interview with her released, I think it was on the Nightmare Castle disc, last year?


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: October 21, 2011, 04:44:25 PM »
Trask Dude, those are some majorly scary eyebrows you've got there!  I swear those things always remind me of smooshed caterpillars!  Ugh!!!

If Trask were going to torture me, all that would be necessary would be to have his leering face topped by those hideous eyebrow-creaturings come leeringly closer and closer to my own face.  This is the stuff of which nightmares are made!

I wonder what it sounded like when the director was coaching Thinnes.  "Roy, you're not far enough over the top yet.  We need you as far off the ground as you can get!  You're still holding back!  Don't hold back!!"

On the other hand, today's photo from NoDS reminds me why I start bouncing up and down in my seat every time I remember that we are finally approaching a release date for this very, VERY long awaited project!  If Warners is as good as their word (I'm not laying bets, gentlemen), the DS films (possibly with the 2004 pilot as an extra?) will come out shortly before Halloween of 2012.  Yay!


Glad you enjoyed it, Janet!


Here's a link to the latest episode which includes the first meeting of "Carnabas Ballins" and "Dr. Drulia Hottman":

It's very, very surreal and very very cheesy... don't say I didn't warn you!


So, are any cousins out there watching this very surreal spoof of the series, "Dank Shadows," on Youtube?  I just learned of its existence today although it's been running for several months now and they are up to episode 13.

There are some softcore gay porno references woven in--nothing actually X rated, but some off-color humor.  The wildest bits involve Scorcha Burns Ballins (the Laura character) who is portrayed by three different performers in different episodes, including a whacky "To Tell the Truth" dream sequence that a traumatized "Gayvid" has after Scorcha's flaming demise.

I hesitate to actually recommend this stuff, as the humor is beyond the surreal and offbeat, but I've already become addicted.


The pilot, or a good chunk of it, is here:

Love Sebastian Cabot's opening monologue.  This one has impressive credentials; cast includes Barbara Parkins, Sam Jaffe, and the legendary Jeanette Nolan; script is by Richard Matheson, directed by John Llewelyn Moxey... and the series exec producer was William Castle.

Fun stuff!


Vaguely amusing, but I don't like the site's gratuitous ads or the fact that the "bitch" who writes the site copy referred to a lovely Aunt Harriet-like dowager in full regalia as "an ugly fat cow."

Honestly, when did Americans become so bloody rude? 

Johnny is dreamy.  But I read somewhere, Goddess only knows where, that "Brad Pitt is the man straight guys want to go to bed with."  I have no idea who decides these things...


Wasn't that the one where each episode was introduced by Sebastian Cabot?  I don't remember that episode, but I do remember the series.  I have heard that it circulates on the "grey market."  You could try Youtube...


Hope it all goes well and you get the job! 



I saw the 1980s telefilm a couple of years ago thanks to a friend.  It aired originally on the A & E network over here.  It was really well done, I thought--very understated.

This could finally be the breakthrough movie for the newly revived Hammer studios.  Wake Wood was pretty much dead in the water, no pun intended.


Nice little review.  Daughters of Darkness IS the ultimate lesbian vampire movie... and it's got John Karlen at his most pornstar-gorgeous.


Grayson Hall appeared on two episodes in 1962, July I think.  I believe that was the last year of its production.  I was astonished when I found it they were still doing it then.

I'm sure Grayson did *a lot* of radio but I have been unable to trace her appearances.


Just a very short note from someone who became a fan in June-July 1968... I LOVE all the campy, crazy, and bloopery moments on DS.  I don't jump in my seat every time the series is referred to as a "campy" Gothic soap opera (or whatever).  Part of that is because the word "campy" is used so loosely in the US that unless I have first-hand familiarity with the material, I have no idea what, if anything, the writer means by it.  The Susan Sontag essay about Camp from the mid 1960s is an excellent summing-up of the ORIGINAL meaning of Camp during the period when DS was in production, and she attributes some magical, positive value to the concept of Camp. 

I for one will be delighted if the new film makes some witty allusions to some of the moments in the series where they were going for a camp and/or humorous tone.  Contrary to what the stars recall ("we always did it with TOTAL seriousness!!!") it's obvious if you watch carefully that they WERE sometimes having fun, deliberately, with the material.  Just think of the scene where Carl first meets Barnabas in 1897.  LOVE that kind of thing.  Or Julia's response when Barnabas informs her he's had a "talk" with Megan. 

I'm actually wondering if the tone will at times be more reminiscent of a Saturday Night Live skit on DS... if so, then I will be disappointed.  As others have said, I am holding back judgements or expectations until the movie actually comes out, however.


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