« on: December 14, 2011, 02:21:07 PM »
Dear Fans, while looking through some old magazines, I found my 1998 DS Festival program and noticed a very rare (and so far as I know, never used) publicity photo from 1967 (or perhaps '68?)--it seems to have been done on the same day as a well known series of Jon and Grayson mugging around Barn's coffin. In this one, Barn is flattening himself dramatically against the cellar wall, the coffin is center of photo and in front of it is Liz (wearing an outfit I don't recall her ever wearing on the series, but that doesn't mean that it may not have appeared and I simply don't remember). Liz is clasping hands to face and about to let loose with one of her famous strangled screams.
If I can get a scan done of the photo, I will try to share it here.
Best, G.