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Messages - Gothick

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Did the MTV weekly DS column/feature dry up? I figured it might have done simply for lack of material...


I somehow see Depp Shadows as spawning its own fandom with their own thing.  I don't know whether they will do conventions or whether it will all just be online.  The press about that Comicon a few months ago and how the big studios are perceived as withdrawing from it because the current buzz is that people would rather just do everything online as opposed to traveling to an in-person, fleshspace event, if founded upon legitimate perceptions of younger fan behavior, could again mean only marginal overlap between the Depp Shadows fans and the classic series fans.

But maybe I haven't a clue what I'm nattering on about ... time will tell.  I've already been surprised at all the twittering around episodes of the classic series that I gather people are streaming via Netflix...


I thought it was "mustang vest"--a style of vest popular in the late Sixties--more Quentin's line than Barnabas', actually.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ** BIG CHANGES COMING FOR THE NEW YEAR **
« on: January 01, 2012, 03:42:16 PM »
Thanks again MB for all your hard work.  The difference, at least visually, is really quite dramatic, so I can only guess at how extreme the stuff YOU have to deal with must be.

Thanks for reassuring us that the current look is a placeholder, and please do take whatever time you need to get it all done to your satisfaction.

Best wishes,


Wow, Barnabas Jr, this is excellent!  I love the little opening monologues by Sebastian Cabot... we don't see acting of this flair and calibre very much anymore...

Happy New Year!


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: January 01, 2012, 05:56:57 AM »
MB, it's fascinating that you have such an exhaustive knowledge of the production history of this series, and such a rich store of rare material relating to it.

Thanks for the work you and Midnite did on this project.  I found it much more interesting than I had expected, and certainly more engaging than watching the actual series (from 1991) has ever proved...


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ** BIG CHANGES COMING FOR THE NEW YEAR **
« on: December 31, 2011, 01:46:47 AM »
Just a line to thank you, MB, for dealing with all this.

I am at the point now where I have a knee-jerk reaction to "oh, ANOTHER upgrade???" particularly since some developers seem to roll them out every two to three months now.

You're a gem!  Happy New Year!


Misterioso darling,

I'm not sure that thinking, in general, is an activity that Kathie Lee spends much time upon, period.

Her voice bears a startling resemblance to that of a magpie.  Really rather remarkable.

Joanna Going always impressed me with her poise and sense of occasion.  A worthy successor to the quietly aristocratic, always superbly dignified Alex Moltke Isles.


Current Talk '11 II / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Spoilers
« on: December 30, 2011, 03:00:14 PM »
There's been talk of Bella Heathcote playing a dual role as both Vicki and Josette (or simply the ghost of Josette?).  If Heathcote has scenes as Josette set during the 18th century, Helena could also have a dual role and play Natalie as well.  I am sure Helena would have a lot of fun with that part.  I somehow imagine her performance owing more to Barbara Steele's version of Natalie than Grayson's... they were sharply different characters...


Yes Magnus, Barnabas has dialogue in that scene that goes something like, "the past is constantly being re-lived, ever changing..." which seems to have become one of the operating mottos for the writers on DS.


That's sad to hear about Marcy's health problems and surgery.  I hope she enjoys a restful return to full health in the new year. 

Interesting about the concept of a "summer event" in NYC.  I wonder whether the Festival is once again looking at phasing out the big hotel based conventions?


I happened to catch the Today Show segment yesterday morning (it was the last day of a holiday visit with my elderly parents; they live in one of those "gated communities" in Fla.).  The photos they ran of Depp, Burton and Pfeiffer were just candids in the case of the 2 men (no DS content to the photos, just random snaps) and a generic, standard head shot for Pfeiffer.  As Josette reported, DS was the only movie profiled in the segment that had no preview or trailer footage available to run doing the blurb about the title.  (The other films were along the usual lines you would expect:  new Spiderman, Avengers, that "Hunger Games" thing which turns out to be from a series of Young Adult books, the Dark Knight etc.)  Kathie Lee Gifford, who was so heavily painted she resembled a Collinsport doxie of the late 18th century (her makeup job made Sukie Forbes look like a lady of subtlety and restraint), and apparently likes to pretend she is younger than she is, claimed she had no idea what DS was and didn't understand why it was being hyped so heavily.  She was the one who referred to Barnabas as "Barnaby."

It is really surprising to me just how much buzz is being generated around this project.  Either Burton has a hard-working, well-funded, extremely well-connected publicist (which seems very likely), or people in the "industry" or really intrigued as what this is going to look like.

I have always heard that a lot of people in the "industry" are DS fans--the buzz around Depp Shadows seems to bear this out.


I picked it up and just finished my first read-through of the mag.  I have to say I am not all that thrilled with the direction the story is taking.  The art also had definite dodgy moments in this installment.

I'm guessing we won't see issue 3 till sometime in Feb.   

cheers, G.

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Humbert Allen Astredo
« on: December 23, 2011, 02:05:14 AM »
michael, I realize this is off-topic but I actually love some of Cassandra's dresses.  They seemed to be inspired by the "trapeze" dresses made so popular in mid 1960s Carnaby Street.  There was also a sort of billowy blue morning robe that she wore for a special scene with Barnabas.  It looked really great on Parker.

That weird thing she was wearing when she first appeared, I did not really care for at all initially. Over time through repeated viewings of that episode, it's come to grow on me. Her wig in that scene is so heavily sprayed and lacquered and styled, it might have had its very own hole in the ozone layer hovering above it.

cheers, Gothick

Current Talk '11 II / Re: Humbert Allen Astredo
« on: December 22, 2011, 03:50:48 PM »
Angelique's line about how the mighty are fallen--"from tycoon to lackey"--was actually delivered to her husband, Sky Rumson.  But Lara herself must have thought the line too good to waste on such a non-entity as Sky, because she recalled saying it to Humbert as Nicholas in her short memoir "Out of Angelique's Shadow," and spoke of this as one of her favorite moments on the show.

Angelique did have a scene during the endgame phase of Leviathans in which--wearing perhaps the most jawdroppingly chic dress she EVER wore on the series--she mocked Nicholas and said something like, "Isn't it about time for you to be sent back to Hell?" all the time purring like the cat that copped the cream.

I seem to be the only fan on the planet who actually enjoys these episodes.  The standard critique is that the series was unwatchable at this point.  I love it all--Angelique and Nicholas playing cat and mouse with Jeb, Megan and her unfortunate "problem," Juiia's hair insanity, Quentin running around in that tight grey suit, etc.

Happy Holidaze!


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