« on: December 30, 2011, 02:44:04 PM »
I happened to catch the Today Show segment yesterday morning (it was the last day of a holiday visit with my elderly parents; they live in one of those "gated communities" in Fla.). The photos they ran of Depp, Burton and Pfeiffer were just candids in the case of the 2 men (no DS content to the photos, just random snaps) and a generic, standard head shot for Pfeiffer. As Josette reported, DS was the only movie profiled in the segment that had no preview or trailer footage available to run doing the blurb about the title. (The other films were along the usual lines you would expect: new Spiderman, Avengers, that "Hunger Games" thing which turns out to be from a series of Young Adult books, the Dark Knight etc.) Kathie Lee Gifford, who was so heavily painted she resembled a Collinsport doxie of the late 18th century (her makeup job made Sukie Forbes look like a lady of subtlety and restraint), and apparently likes to pretend she is younger than she is, claimed she had no idea what DS was and didn't understand why it was being hyped so heavily. She was the one who referred to Barnabas as "Barnaby."
It is really surprising to me just how much buzz is being generated around this project. Either Burton has a hard-working, well-funded, extremely well-connected publicist (which seems very likely), or people in the "industry" or really intrigued as what this is going to look like.
I have always heard that a lot of people in the "industry" are DS fans--the buzz around Depp Shadows seems to bear this out.