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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '12 I / Re: Complete Original Series April 10 on DVD
« on: January 28, 2012, 09:07:39 PM »
Holy Moly.  I missed the discussion about the edit in set 12 and Stuart's assertion that these edits came via the Worldvision remastering.  ugh.

I had thought that the edits stopped around set 7 or 8 of the main series, but evidently this was not the case.

If MPI releases a collection of the episodes that suffered the most egregious edits in pristine form, that I would buy.  It's probably only a handful.  Perhaps the only two that have been fixed, however, are the ones mentioned.

There was a tape flaw in one of my favorite episodes, the one where a crazed Julia Hoffman comes stumbling into Collinwood ranting about Tom.  That episodes starts with Mrs J doing a great little scene about the curse on the family, if I recall aright.  Julia's scene with Roger was included on one of the gum cards.  The flaw was this loud metallic screech that apparently was the result of a mechanical defect, possibly during the original taping in 1968.  I must go check the disc release and see if a bit of that scene was snipped...


Oh, dear God.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Complete Original Series April 10 on DVD
« on: January 26, 2012, 09:52:22 PM »
Dear God!  it's going to be the size of a shoebox, but hold nearly 200 disks?  *shudder*

And how bitter could MPI make it for fans who bought the original DVD release to know they'd have to buy it all again just to get the Bathia Mapes blooper back?  btw, that isn't the only blooper that was edited out.  And I wonder whether some of the bloopers might have been included on the original blooper compilation if that was among the extras from the final DS original collection set?


I picked it up at New England Comics on my lunch break.  The fact that I looked at a few pages and then set it aside and still haven't picked it up again tells you just how intrigued I am by it all.  Nonetheless, this number thus far seems a huge improvement upon the previous one--the art seems sharper, and there is a little less of that "Superwitch" nonsense with Angelique (though it's still there as a plot device).  I could rant about how much the whole Superwitch bugs me in various DS spinoffs, but does anyone really care what I think? 

It's an odd little book.  You almost think they've got it, and then there's some really dumb blunder in the writing or artwork.  I think new, younger fans will enjoy it more than us old Collinwood hands.


That's cool about the HoDS broadcast.  Presumably it will be shown in letterbox.  If anybody here watches, I hope they will post a review, and maybe some captures.

Sad about J. J. Lupatkin.  That's a name I have seen on my screen many, many times.  My condolences to J. J.'s family.


Current Talk '12 I / Re: Complete Original Series April 10 on DVD
« on: January 25, 2012, 01:24:41 AM »
It looks gorgeous.  But I already own all the DVDs.

They are claiming that the episodes have been newly "cleaned up," but I really doubt whether there is any difference in the previous releases.  There's a hyperbolic user review on Amazon that claims that the shows now look "as if they were produced yesterday."  I really doubt that...


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Re: Happy Birthday to Luciaphile!
« on: January 25, 2012, 01:22:09 AM »
Happy Birthday, gracious lady!  I miss your wit and wisdom and your wonderfully observant eye in chronicling the fortunes of the Collins family.


Current Talk '12 I / Re: Complete Original Series April 10 on DVD
« on: January 24, 2012, 05:07:59 AM »
Cassandra's wig rocks my world. Although I still wonder whether the first wig she wore upon her arrival at Collinwood (wearing that mint green cape thing michael c has praised) wasn't a slightly re-styled version of the wig Buzz was wearing when last seen at the Great House...

(that would make an amusing fanfic--Cassandra stealing Buzz's hairpiece...)


Current Talk '12 I / Re: Complete Original Series April 10 on DVD
« on: January 24, 2012, 02:21:51 AM »
Nicky darling I almost lol'd at your tactful hint that 180 minutes of Barnabas, Barnabas,, BARNABAS!!! might be "a bit much."  Ya think!

OTOH I watched the clip on Youtube the other day where Julia offers her blood to Old Barn.  Frid was incredible in those two episodes... I guess sometimes, he embraced a challenge.

To whom it may concern, several of the episodes on the first 7 or 8 DVD collections (from the arrival of Barnabas to, what, the end of 1795?) had "minor" bloopers and technical defects edited out.  The one I regret the most is the nasal Brooklyn voice o/c telling old Bathia Mapes "take him to the Old House!" in her dramatic attempted exorcism of Barn.  From what I recall when we discussed this (it's many years back in the Boards and my ability to manhandle the search engine here isn't up to the task of attempting to find those threads), it was the DVD authoring firm that was "routinely" "cleaning up" "materials of such age"--insert the usual cliche from the tech wallahs.

I keep thinking of more fan favorites that need to be on that disc:

Cassandra's first visit to the Old House.  "What was your major... Witchcraft?" *sneer*  "How DARE you."  I just love Cassandra's reaction everytime Barn says:  "ANNNN-geLEEEK."  Grand stuff.

The Julia Slap.  (followed by a montage of all the other times Julia bitchslapped somebody.)

Angelique in 1795 informing Ben that everything that is now Mamselle Josette's will eventually... belong to HER.

Hoffman and Angelique planning their "war of nerves" on Maggie Collins and Hoffman teeth-grittingly informing Ang: "I HATE having to take ORDERS from her!"

Any or all of the Julia/Nicholas scenes.

Naomi and Joshua the morning after Sarah dies.

I could go on... FORCING myself to stop.


Current Talk '12 I / Re: Complete Original Series April 10 on DVD
« on: January 23, 2012, 08:03:46 PM »
I am wondering about the two compilations mentioned in one of the DS news blogs this a.m.:  DS--the Best of Barnabas and DS--Fan favorites.  Presumably the Best of Barn is the same as before, but Fan Favorites would seem to be new.  I wonder whether the fan favorites were chosen through an internet poll that I somehow missed hearing about.

Among my favorites would be:  Mrs Johnson giving Maggie a tip of one silver dime; Mrs Johnson telling David that the one thing the sheriff knows is that when the whistle at the Cannery blows, it's time for lunch; Barnabas telling the story of Josette's death to Vicki and Carolyn during a storm at Collinwood; Julia telling Barnabas she's been waiting for him for a long, long time; Magda telling Jamison about floorwax; Roger speaking of Jeb as a "cheap, insufferable pig"; Julia quizzing Barnabas about his "talk" with Megan; montages of Quentin, Chris and Joe's shirtless scenes... and about 50 others...

cheers, Steve

Thanks for that, MB.  That's amazing quality on that photo.  This version of BarnaDepp looks more Frid-like than the other glimpses we have seen, but it was the day before shooting began, so presumably Depp was still working on making the role his own.


I have commented elsewhere that Depp Shadows may well stand the best chance of ANY of the spinoffs and remakes... INCLUDING the early Seventies feature films--of being similar in tone to the original series... BECAUSE DC has had NO INPUT on it.  I don't think he ever got why the series took off the way it did in the first place.

But, no doubt some would say that makes me somehow not a "real fan."  lol.


Cousin--blame DC at least in part for Barbara Steele's performance as Julia.  She actually talked about doing DS in this video interview that was included as an extra (I think on Nightmare Castle) on one of her Italian horror film DVD releases a year or two ago.  She said that Dan kept forcing her to play certain scenes very "straight" and that she was not allowed to make the character as "eccentric" as she would have wished.  It is a brief part of the interview, but it is clear that DS does not at all represent a happy memory for Barbara Steele.

I actually enjoyed her both as Julia and as the Countess... grand stuff!  Although the Countess dresses and talks like the madam of a bordello.  Interesting take on the character! 


Interesting photo.  Thanks, Cousin, for the link.  The Fu Manchu fingernails don't work for me.  Neither does the Dresden dolls lipstick.  Ah well.

DS was referenced as well in a short article about a proposed Dracula series for NBC, possibly in the Fall of 2012.  The journalist managed to spell Barnabas correctly and mentioned the Burton-Depp confection.  Otherwise, there was really no point to posting the link here.

Best, Gothick

Depp in the costume ball still looks really ... Byronic.  Which could be a tacit nod to where it all began, with Dr Polidori's fantasy scenario about Lord "Ruthven" (aka Byron) and swooning over the prospect of having the life sucked out of him by this dark haired vampire beauty (male). 

It's not clear to me from the material that has been released whether Barnabas gets encoffined in the 1770s, or in the more usual 1790s.  The look in that still doesn't really work for the 1770s but could just work for 1795 or thereabouts.  At least that is how I see it.

Of course 18th century men could be notorious dandies complete with face powder, "black patches" (beauty marks), etc.  If Depp does a flashback sequence, his Barnabas in situ might wind up looking like Countess Natalie du Pres as portrayed by our beloved Grayson. lol

cheers, G.

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