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Messages - Gothick

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I was surprised this evening when browsing through a new French coffee-table book on images of Vampires across the centuries and countries to find a two page spread on Dark Shadows (there was no French translation of the title; it was given in English).  Apart from stating that the series only ran from 1968 to 1971 and that the Ross books stopped in '72 (my memory is that they ran a bit later than that), it was a fairly accurate and well written entry.  It included two Marilyn Ross book covers plus a full page image of Barnabas baring his fangs in 1967. 

I don't know whether the series was ever shown in France.  It was fascinating that so much space in the book was given to it.  This was mainly a picture book so two pages (which included perhaps a half page of text) was quite a bit.  Forever Knight and some other US shows of earlier periods did not seem to be mentioned, although True Blood and the Twitlight series got plenty of coverage.


Current Talk '12 I / Re: Complete Original Series April 10 on DVD
« on: February 04, 2012, 12:48:23 AM »
It's been reported to be available for pre-order at $319.00 at this site.  I only report what I have been told--I haven't used the site, nor have I checked up on the current status of the pricing:

I do wonder how they can get away with this since MPI's retail price is $600--that's almost 50 percent off.


Didn't somebody report a rumor that Burton's not releasing a trailer until March?


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Re: Night of the Iguana
« on: February 03, 2012, 04:28:37 PM »

Seducer!  SEDUCER!!!

xo G.

Is Tim Burton so much of a control freak that he'd want to sign off even a simple front page for the movie website?  I mean, honestly, black backdrop, standard title "Dark Shadows" in the DS font with a dark red halo around it, choose one of the four photos you've released (the cast photo would make most sense) and "The Journey Begins May 12, 2012" (or whatever the date is).  And you're done, until Emperor Burton decides he's ready to release some real publicity materials.

I don't follow current industry crap at all so for all I know, this kind of endless dithering and delay is typical, but honestly... it leaves me baffled. 

I also do not know why TBTP cannot simply announce a release date for the hoDS/NoDS DVDs.  Again, how hard is this stuff?

cheers, Gothick

Just my opinion, but I think the Avengers and DS will appeal to very different audiences.  I'm not going to bother analyzing since it's all been done before, but I think it would be a big surprise if anyone in Hollywood ever expected DS to be a "blockbuster" on the scale of Avengers/Spiderman etc.  They are in radically different genres and occupy very different positions in current mass pop culture.

I think DS has a good chance of doing respectable business, but these big-ass comic book productions are a genre all to themselves, with tie-ins on so many levels, you can't crack a plate without stepping on some logo for one of the characters.

You have to admit that for something that has been practically invisible in terms of promotion, the buzz around DS among the hangers-on of the tinseltown world has been steady, constant, and pretty darn phenomenal.

cheers, G.

Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Re: Tonight on Jeopardy!
« on: February 01, 2012, 04:27:53 AM »
Cool!  I wonder if my parents saw that.  They watch regularly.  My Dad would have been tickled to hear Barnabas spoken of.  My Mom can't stand DS.


Thanks, Doctor.  That was along the lines of what I was hoping for.

Best, G.

Very interesting.  I figured they were getting a fair percentage of Who fans with all the crossovers from the Who actors.

I would still like to know if there is anyone out there reviewing this material.  Actual reviews, not promotional material or posts from fans just stating that they loved or hated the recording.  Perhaps not?  I guess I'll go out and have a look on my own.  If I find anything I will post the link here.

Best, G.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Complete Original Series April 10 on DVD
« on: January 31, 2012, 05:34:28 AM »
On the Classic Horror Films Fan /"Monster Kids" board, the release of this set is now a headline topic on the site.  A fan posted these specifications about the new box set:

more information on the set Box Features:
131 DVDs with all 1,225 Complete Episodes
Commemorative large Coffin package (housing 22 amarays)
Deluxe booklet with episode summaries & photographs
Special Bloopers, Treasures & Behind The Scenes DVD s
Over 120 Bonus Cast & Crew Video Interviews
Autographed Postcard by Jonathan Frid (Barnabas Collins)
Limited Numbered Edition
Other features include nickel hinges, black ribbon to hold the lid when open, matte and foil coating
Box dimensions: (Coffin), 13 ½ L x 11 ¼ W (at widest) x 5 ¾ D.
Shipping carton dimensions, 16.5" x 8.5" x 14"
Weight Shipping carton with contents - 15.5lbs

I have no idea what an "amaray" is. 

I am sure the over 120 bonus cast & crew video interviews are the same ones on the originally issued discs, and that by and large what we have here is a repackaging.  Even the "booklet" could simply be compiled from the inlay sheets that came with the original sets.  It sounds as if they're only giving one postcard for the whole set, but it is supposed to have a real autograph from Jonathan Frid (although it may simply be a printed autograph--I shudder to think how exhausting it would be for him to sign all those postcards).

I am guessing that the measurements given are inches.  For a box that holds 131 discs it does sound tiny.


Hi Tragic Bat,  I totally agree.  For me, the most disappointing episode in the latest installment was the scene between Angelique and Julia.  There were only a few of those in the original series and they were always exceptionally sharp and well-written.  This one was a really deflating non-event. 


michael, this is the episode premise as given on the sounds a lot like Strange Paradise (which I don't think you've seen)--the first 13 weeks of Strange Paradise when everyone was trapped on the island of Maljardin and began to die strangely, one by one...

Moments after welcoming his guests to a party, millionaire Harrison Pierce is murdered. But his death is only the first of many as, trapped on an isolated island, his guests start to die in increasingly bizarre ways.

Attorney Tony Peterson must join forces with a woman who destroyed his life years before, the beautiful but deadly Cassandra Collins. But can she be trusted? And what really is the secret of the mysterious Death Mask? (end quote)

The author is someone named Mark David Passmore and our own Darren Gross was the director!


Is there a blog somewhere where a fan, or fans, review these recordings?  I see that there was a story last year where Cassandra and Tony Peterson reunited and Lara and Jerry reprised their roles.  Sounds interesting.  Of course, I still haven't caught up with the Barbara Steele and Jonathan Frid Barnabas story...

I ask about a blog because nobody here is reviewing the discs and it would be interesting to at least read about them.  Thanks.


I'm only buying them for sh&ts and giggles at this point.  I doubt whether I will continue past the end of the current arc.

If I hear about a Laura Collins story with different artists and writers, I might check that out.  Somewhere down the line.

cheers, G.

A mythological note for the curious:

[spoiler] When Angelique is toying with her victims in the Blue Whale, the jukebox is playing a song whose lyrics are from an ancient Sumerian hymn describing the Descent of Inanna (aka Ishtar), ancient Goddess of Love and War, to the Netherworld (that's Hell, to you Christians out there).  The Netherworld was ruled by Her Sister Ereshkigal.  I wonder whether this is meant to be a hint that this "Angelique" isn't really the Angelique we know at all, but some other being taking the form of Angelique.

It seems really un-DS, but is still what I regard as the coolest thing that happens in the book.[/spoiler]


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