Current Talk '25 I / Re: (**NEW** Underwater Production Photo! Reply #1749**) Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Production!!
« on: February 23, 2012, 02:37:48 PM »
Just my personal opinion... I would take more seriously the comments from the two cast members and Pierson if the women had been on set more than one or two days, and Pierson weren't a paid employee of Dan Curtis Productions with an obvious fiduciary interest in the success of this project.
Frankly, if it helped sell Pom Press Books, I think KLS would say just about anything to anyone (to quote Dr. Julia Hoffman in a certain scene with Our Favorite Witch).
Trying to be tactful here... whatever else one may say about the trailer descriptions, they purport to include actual dialogue from actual scenes in the completed film.
Frankly, if it helped sell Pom Press Books, I think KLS would say just about anything to anyone (to quote Dr. Julia Hoffman in a certain scene with Our Favorite Witch).
Trying to be tactful here... whatever else one may say about the trailer descriptions, they purport to include actual dialogue from actual scenes in the completed film.