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Messages - Gothick

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Just my personal opinion... I would take more seriously the comments from the two cast members and Pierson if the women had been on set more than one or two days, and Pierson weren't a paid employee of Dan Curtis Productions with an obvious fiduciary interest in the success of this project.

Frankly, if it helped sell Pom Press Books, I think KLS would say just about anything to anyone (to quote Dr. Julia Hoffman in a certain scene with Our Favorite Witch).

Trying to be tactful here... whatever else one may say about the trailer descriptions, they purport to include actual dialogue from actual scenes in the completed film. 


I just read the Ross person's description of those two trailers.  Hoo boy, sounds like a bottom-of-the-barrel script to me. 

I'm not surprised that Seth Graham failed to get the ring of late 18th century genteel speech, but it is surprising that he seems to have given such anachronistic dialogue to people living in 1972.  I do remember how people talked back then.  It wasn't anything at all like the dialogue quoted in the Ross rap about these snippets.

Excitement fading... but, we still have the DVD restoration of NoDS to look forward to... that remains my predominant focus as a fan of the original.


Gawd.  This Mrs Johnson looks like a refugee from that Lovecraft tale, "The Shadow over Innesmouth" (or a related story by the Master of Arkham, "The Festival").

She also makes me think of Dame Edna Everage's late bridesmaid, Madge Althorpe (in her 1980s act).


I remember discussing this footage when I first saw it.  I can't recall when or what thread.  I did think it was fascinating.  It underlined just how difficult the conditions could be for the actors (to me).  I also was intrigued to hear Lara speaking with her own Souhern accent when she wasn't acting.

Would love to hear the audio of Lela directing during the Laura '67 storyline.  It might be on one of the MPI discs somewhere.  They did have a lot of special features on those discs.

If anyone knows more about the availability of this audio clip or can direct me to which of the DVDs has it, I would love to hear about it.


Current Talk '12 I / Re: Grayson tattoo on forearm??? Episode 981 PT
« on: February 22, 2012, 04:09:33 PM »
It might have just been her freckles.  She had them all over.  She usually covered them with makeup when on camera.

I try to wrap my mind around the concept of someone actually addressing The Divine One as "Freckles" but it brings my brain to a complete halt.  I don't think the response to such a mode of address would have been favorable.  At all.


Interesting.  Dialogue has to be looped in post-production all the time, and I'm sure Bella isn't the only one who's been involved in this.

I am offline for a few days starting tomorrow, on a trip to San Francisco and San Jose--have fun in my absence!


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Re: DS in 16x9
« on: February 13, 2012, 11:21:50 PM »
Doesn't blowing it up and stretching it out to that degree give you a headache?  (I'm serious, not intending to be sarcastic.)


Really not my cup of tea.  I did tee-hee about the gaffe with the Washington Monument and Capitol buildings (which weren't around in Lincoln's lifetime).

Still, Rufus Sewell is always worth making time for...


Sounds to me as if we don't have a trailer simply because this is how Tim Burton works.  And presumably whatever studio signs him on has to agree to a contract that gives him ironclad control over matters that are usually handled by committees of suits.

Kind of amazing that he can get away with stuff such as this in the current day and age.  Last of the mavericks?


PS.  Many many heartfelt thanks to Sara Monster for sharing the photo with us!!!  You're a gem!



I know it's very literal of me but I am an old fan and I keep thinking, "Why does Angelique have Carolyn's hair?" lol.

Of course, Chloe Moretz is too young in this redaction to have Carolyn's hair.

I am thinking of doing a separate thread here on Humor in Dark Shadows.  I am fascinated by how a lot of fans on the Net react to it.  I laugh all the time when I watch the show.  Does that make me "not a real fan"?


Michael, it's particularly stunning when you look at some of the 1967 Barnabas pub photos and see a pallor to rival that of Eddie Munster in the ones that feature Vinnie Loscalzo's full vampire makeup.

I guess some people just don't have all that much to think about in their lives...


That's a great painting.


Oh dear.  Maybe a fan actually reminded Lara that Quentin can "lose" his portrait but still doesn't undergo the werewolf transformation, thanks to Petofi.

Back to the drawing board?


The French poster feels as if it is for a sequel to V is for Vendetta.

I agree however that this may be rockin' for French sensibilities. 

As for the US poster--who knows?


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