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Messages - Gothick

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Interesting thoughts, MB.  And it was definitely explored in the original 1795 story, as we know. 

Thanks for sharing.  I had missed the previous spoiler-tagged comment.



MB and michael,  are you implying that [spoiler]Barnabas makes Vicki into a vampire?  Since Vicki wasn't even a character in house of DS, I'm confused by what you're implying, and the imagery in the trailers I have seen to date (I think you must have seen more than I have at this point) doesn't show anything like this.[/spoiler]

Just asking for clarification.  I don't really give two twitches of a rats tail about spoilers so I hope one of you will clear it up for me.  Please use the spoiler tag.  Thank you.

Best, G.

Yay!  Both Jonathan AND Grayson have a clip!  Now THAT's class!

Great to see Christopher Lee, too.


From what Grahame-Smith said to Prof. Stokes, it sounds as if the movie has undergone some re-edits since the test screenings.  So, the 1772 prologue may have been considerably sliced down.

I really did not see any spoilers to speak of, beyond one minor detail about the Barnabas/Angelique backstory in this version (which could be mis-reported here since the reviewer admitted that it all went by so quickly, he hardly knew what was going on).  You've seen all the trailers so you know all the content revealed in this review.


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Re: Semi-OT: Alice Cooper '74
« on: April 26, 2012, 04:22:30 PM »
Thanks.  I'm not an Alice Cooper fan, but I thought he was very amusing here. And I remember enjoying his appearance with Vincent Price in some Halloween special around the same time.

I wish they had gotten people who knew what they were doing to write this fluff.  A warlock is just another word for a male Witch.


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Semi-OT: Alice Cooper '74
« on: April 26, 2012, 01:23:39 PM »
Fans, I just stumbled across this fun (albeit somewhat grainy and fuzzy) clip of Alice Cooper playing a Witch in a Halloween skeleton costume and singing a song whose title seems to be "I eat my things" ... it looks very prophetic, not only of his performance 40 years later in DS, but of some of Tim Burton's visual obsessions:

The clip is from a very short lived series, The Snoop Sisters, and dates to March of 1974.  The older actress in the scene is Miss Helen Hayes.



Calendar Events / Announcements '11 II / Re: New fan video
« on: April 26, 2012, 04:12:42 AM »
It looks like great fun!

I hope you can get a slot for the Tarrytown event...


That was simply beautiful, Nancy.  Thank you for sharing your memories of Jonathan with such candor. 

Like you, I am glad he has found peace.

xo Steve

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Many Laura Murdoch Questions (spoilers)
« on: April 22, 2012, 01:16:42 AM »
Once upon a time, William Mann, who is now a somewhat well-known author of celebrity biographies and novels, wrote an article giving a fairly plausible back-story for Laura Murdoch Collins, Phoenix of the ages. It was published in a 1990s issue of the old zine, Inside the Old House.  If the editor of the zine runs a website now (I have had no contact with him in well over a decade, but if I remember correctly, his name was Dale Clark), perhaps someday he could be talked into posting Bill's essay on the internet.  I didn't agree with all of Bill's ideas, but I think he did come up with the best solution to a number of your questions.

It seems fairly clear in both 1966 and 1897 that the pre-burning Laura was not a Phoenix, but that she was something of a playgirl (if I may be allowed to use a slang expression from the era).  After Laura's disappearance in 1967, Roger flatly informs Liz that the woman had walked among them during those fraught months "wasn't Laura."  Not the Laura he had known, at any rate.  There's a definitiveness to that scene that feels quite real to me.  And yet, Laura was able to play upon the emotions of both Roger and Burke in her attempts to take David for herself. 

If I'm remembering correctly, Bill Mann came up with an occult reason for why Laura was required to sacrifice her child/children in her second hecatomb.  I think it was the price for having "immortal life."  Not a price any normal mother would welcome.  I thought one of the incredible things about Diana Millay's performance was how she suggested Laura's inhuman nature in a very subtle way as the story went on.  The writing in the 1966/67 story was just a bit more subtle than the writing for her story in 1897.

I do think that there was some kind of Phoenix Paradise in which Laura's consciousness dwelt in between incarnations.  Her descriptions of it, particularly in the 1966/67 story, felt very "alive" to me, as if she were describing something she had really felt and seen.

Alas, the words of the spirit of David Radcliffe (was it David Radcliffe?) at that seance suggests that although Laura's progeny may go into the flames with her, she goes on to her Phoenixworld alone. (Am I hallucinating this scene with the spirit of the earlier David?)

This is about all I have the energy to write tonight on the topic.  The Phoenix and the Count Petofi story were perhaps the most original narratives DS ever produced, and the 1966/67 Phoenix story might have been the highpoint, atmospherically, of the entire series... well worth viewing multiple times.


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Re: "Dank Shadows" returns
« on: April 21, 2012, 10:39:18 PM »
Episodes have continued to be added on a weekly basis, and we're now up to episode XXII (22).  We had our first glimpse of "Mangelique" today.  Horrifying!


I am guessing the new trailer with Chinese subtitles and voiceover is for the Taiwan release.  Not to show off or anything, but I read Chinese and the type of characters and style of Mandarin used in the trailer are typical of Taiwan.  I suppose it might be for Singapore as well... wasn't there a Singapore website that leaked some early photos?  Or was that Brazil?  Or both?

The Chinese title, for anyone who cares, translates as "Dark-shadowed Family" or "Dark Shadows Family" (it's ambivalent; Chinese doesn't have tenses and inflections the way Indo-European languages do).

The scene with Barnabas and the hippies makes me wonder if Burton is also a fan of the late Robert Quarry Deathmaster film (about a vampire setting himself up as a hippie guru).  This movie seems to be his opportunity to offer homage to just about anything in or out of reach from the Sixties and early Seventies.

I know I'm being a sourpuss but I don't find the idea of Barn slaughtering an entire camp full of people funny.   Love means never having to say you're sorry so I won't.

cheers, G.

I was thinking the same too, Nancy.  I know it often sounds harsh to those who are bereaved, but sometimes a quick, sudden passing, when the person says farewell to life with his dignity intact, is preferable to the alternative.

I really do think of him as taking a very well deserved rest... free from what I believe the Bard called the "slings and arrows" of continued existence.


There is an update now on the link for KLS' eulogy of him:

Google showed an obit on a soap opera history page, too, but I didn't clip the link.  I am sure the obits will be posted as we move deeper into the day.

May his spirit be blessed.  He brought happiness and comfort to so many.


I am shocked and saddened.  But he has gone to a well deserved rest.

As he recited so memorably on the 1969 LP:

"Until the morning of eternity
His rest shall not begin nor end, but be:
And when he wakes,
He will not think it long."

May the Peace that Passeth all Understanding be his.


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Re: foreverlynn
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:45:55 AM »
I met her once, I believe at a Jonathan Frid event around 13 or 14 years ago.  I remember her as a lovely, warm, quiet individual.

It is really an awful loss for her family that she has been taken at such a young age.  I pray that memories of her may help comfort them, and those who loved her.

Best, Steve

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