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Messages - Gothick

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Uncle Roger, I've watched the PT 1970 episodes maybe three times now and it's clear that Angelique in PT 1970 is meant to be an all out psychopath.  Our Ange was obsessed by Barnabas; the PT Ange is similarly obsessed with Quentin, but to an even more extreme degree. 

I find both PT Quentin AND Maggie to be profoundly irritating characters.  But both have moments that make me think each carries the seed of a fully developed human being within, and I like to think that once they put the events of that insane Summer behind them, they would be able to nurture one another's humanity in ways that were never possible in the presence of Angelique's vicious, corrosive influence and those she chose to populate her orbit (Bruno, Cyrus, etc.).


Current Talk '12 II / Re: the witchcraft nonsense in 1840
« on: September 18, 2012, 02:50:30 PM »
That is cool about the Midsomer Murders story, DarkLady.  I might have to track that one down and add it to my own Netflix queue.

And I'm sorry I upset you with my speculation about Tad/Thaddeus.  For what it's worth, I remember Midnite telling me that I was wrong about that, but I can't remember why.  It might have been because of the tombstone you mentioned spotting.

If Tad did marry and father children, we heard nothing about those particular people in the 1897 story.  It could make an interesting premise for fanfic.


Current Talk '12 II / Re: the witchcraft nonsense in 1840
« on: September 17, 2012, 05:32:18 PM »
For what it's worth, I find each of the Trasks to have some different nuances, I imagine mostly as a result of how Lacy creates each descendant of the original character, that give the different ones more interest than you have found.  My vote for the best of them all is Gregory in 1897.  He had the most developed personality, I thought, and I actually find his comeuppance to be more satisfying than the original Trask's fate at the hands of Barnabas (I realize most fans would disagree here).  I just love Judith's series of phonecalls to her hapless hubby, particularly when she informs him, "now you have all the time you need to meditate." lol!

The 1840 Trask is interesting because he isn't clergy at all--he's been reduced to running a funeral home.  One of my favorite moments is when Samantha is discussing the funeral arrangements for Roxanne and she says that "Lamar Trask" (named after Lara Parker, btw) wanted the honor of delivering the eulogy and it gave Samantha "great satisfaction" to turn him down flat.  Clearly she despises the man.

The alliance that develops between Trask and "Gerard" probably is a case of wearing out the Trask character's welcome.  But it's such fun to watch Lacy chew the scenery that I don't mind.

It's true that a number of characters in 1840 are repeats from the past.  Lazlo, Angelique's companion, is one of them.  I've wondered why we only see him in 2 or 3 episodes.  Perhaps Michael Stroka found more regular work elsewhere?


Current Talk '12 II / Re: the witchcraft nonsense in 1840
« on: September 16, 2012, 11:59:21 PM »
There WERE some great Julia moments in 1840, but the fact that Grayson was away for nearly a full month didn't help the later storyline.  I really liked Grayson's work as Aunt Julia Collins in 1841 Parallel Time... I think I am in a minority here, but her scenes really rock that storyline for me, and she was in it consistently and a lot.

I liked the initial characterizations of both Gerard and Flora.  With Gerard, I found him a lot less interesting after a certain plot development.  Flora started out as a frivolous, gushing novelist, but after awhile for some reason just became the latest iteration of the standard Joan Bennett matriarch, but without the edge we got to see in Liz, Naomi and Judith.

The 1970 mysteries WEREN'T resolved in what was shown of 1840.  We never knew just why this particular quartet of ghosts was haunting the ruined Great House in 1995, nor what special role Tad and Carrie were meant to play.  I thought there was a hint of a nasty sexual edge in Gerard's interest in David in 1970, somewhat reminiscent of the Quint character's implied paedophilia in the original Turn of the Screw novella.  The fact that David Henesy left the show during 1840 meant obviously that nothing could be done with the Tad storyline.  I've always wondered whether Tad grew up to be the Thaddeus who died in the Civil War.

I don't think the Java Queen was even mentioned in the 1840 scripts.


Current Talk '12 II / Re: the witchcraft nonsense in 1840
« on: September 16, 2012, 02:58:53 AM »
From a historical point of view, both the 1795 and the 1840 witchcraft hysteria plots are nonsensical.  The idea of legal execution by decapitation in 1840 adds an extra note of camp craziness to the proceedings.  At least in 1840 the trial scenes do not feature Roger Davis and do have some juicy moments, particularly with the ever sublime Humbert Astredo (although I find Dawson his least interesting characterization). 

Lela Swift was the producer of DS during the 1840 period so she gets the blame for some aspects.  But she also deserves some praise for salvaging at least some elements from the story outline foreshadowed in the Summer of 1970 period, which obviously was completely unworkable within the limitations of the DS studio.  Shipboard trysts between Daphne and Gerard?  Coastal raids by bloodthirsty brigands under Gerard's secret command?  I'd love to have a clue about the last minute switches in plan that resulted in Swift just throwing it all into the rubbish bin and forcing the writers to start over. 

To me, Virginia Vestoff deserves a lot of credit for making 1840 at least occasionally watchable.  Her performance of Samantha is actually one of the highlights of the entire series to me, although it is a highlight I revisit very seldom because I find so much of 1840 to be simply beyond the pale.

The character of Joanna was an intriguing touch, and it's too bad the actress (whose name I forget) had such trouble with her dialogue.  There were some great moments in how that story played out, particularly Samantha's confrontations with Joanna. Again, Vestoff gets the credit for making all of this play much more brilliantly than would otherwise have been the case.


Grayson was actually very unhappy with how her work was presented in End/Road.  She did the movie for a specific scene and it wound up on the cutting room floor.  She had also hoped that the movie would be a breakthrough role in terms of the image H'wood had of her from her role in Iguana; the movie was delayed for a year due to the director's obsessive re-cutting of the final print, and slapped with an X rating due to a couple of explicit scenes (including Harris Yulin's brief full frontal male nudity).  As a result, the movie barely registered at the box office.

Grayson's total screen time lasts about four minutes.  I happen to be very intrigued by her work in this, but it's really an item for Hall-o-holics only.


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Re: Erica Fitz
« on: September 11, 2012, 01:15:38 AM »
How fascinating.  I kind of hope she never happens upon our boards, given some of the comments some of us have made over the years.

I almost want to write a tale now entitled, "There's something about Erica..."

Her presence on the series was much more vivid than that of Bobbi Jo.  She should certainly be invited to a DS fan event.  The Festivals appear to be dead in the water but perhaps some inventive fan will contact Erica and ask if she would like to come meet some fans at some point.


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Re: Vampirella crossover
« on: September 03, 2012, 06:55:17 PM »
I am glad that some fans are enjoying it, but I am even more glad that Julia isn't involved this time around.

From what I remember, there was a real Crystal Cabot who was one of the doxies in Collinsport in 1796.  Angie Baby shapeshifted as Crystal's corpse at one point.  I could have misunderstood however; it's been at least a decade, and maybe more like 15 years, since I last played that episode.


Ooh! new Grayson and Thayer David photos? now I'm curious.

G. (off to play in the remote countryside way off the grid for a week--see y'all on Labor Day!)

Hey Bill, interesting post.  For many years I had always thought that RD did the voiceover for the Night of DS movie trailers.  Then one day I happened to be listening through headphones and doubt struck me.  I checked in here with THE authority on the two 1970s DS feature films, the Honorable Mr. Darren Gross, and he confirmed that in fact it WASN'T Davis doing the v/o in that.

On the other hand, Grayson Hall mentioned in a circa 1980 interview having recently done the v/o for a commercial advertising a compilation of "The Greatest Hits of Blue Oyster Cult."  To hear THAT, I'd crawl over broken glass in a darkened alleyway.  lol.  Just another obsessed fan--and, as is well known, bitchy queen.


Current Talk '12 II / Re: Is Angelique Mentally Ill?
« on: August 20, 2012, 05:55:19 PM »
Hey Brandon, great post.  I personally think Lara Parker's performance as Angelique had much more subtlety and psychological layering than any of the others I have seen.  In the case of Lysette Anthony, who I do think is a very accomplished actress, it seems obvious that she was hampered by the script and the direction, not to mention that awful accent somebody insisted she put on.  With the other two (can't recall who played Ange in the 04 pilot), the projects were much shorter and, particularly in the '04 pilot, there just wasn't enough time to allow Angelique to be presented as a fully fledged character.

One of the reasons why Leviathan is still one of my favorite storylines is that we get to see a mature Angelique reflecting on the events of the past.  In one episode, she tells Julia about finding "The View of South Wales" in a painting gallery in NYC when she was working as a model and how she would go and look at the painting and think about the past, all the madness, all the deaths... there's a sense of genuine regret in Parker's voice in how she plays this scene. 

One of my theories about Angelique in 1840 is that they felt it would be easier to write her as an out and out villain and so she did not have any memories or understanding of the events in her life in the 20th century.  It was a cop-out to make the task of writing the show a bit easier, in other words.


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Jessica Chastain in Vanity Fair
« on: August 20, 2012, 05:46:37 PM »
I don't know if anyone cares at this point, but I noticed that Jessica Chastain--if I have her name right--the actress who played Carolyn in the '04 pilot, and who I don't remember at all from my one viewing of same--is on the cover of the latest issue of Vanity Fair as an exemplar of current cutting-edge fashion (again, if I am remembering correctly--my brain is in a sad state these days).


Current Talk '12 II / Re: Lara's Next Book Delayed?
« on: August 19, 2012, 05:05:07 AM »
as a well-known bitchy queen, my inner response is, "if the readers of America are fortunate, perhaps it will be delayed indefinitely."

Nevertheless, I do hope those of you anxiously awaiting her latest tome get clarification on the actual pub date. Perhaps there will be news from her next appearance in Atlanta with KLS.

cheers, G.

Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Re: Shadows at Sea
« on: August 15, 2012, 03:19:03 PM »
I would think the "Festival" committe folk (or whoever calls the shots) would want to do some sort of survey of everyone on their mailing list as to just who would be up for the cruise if it was something like a four day Caribbean sojourn (to Martinique, perchance?).  My personal perception is that only a small minority of the people who normally attend the "Festival" events are in the kind of income bracket where they could afford such a splurge.  I could be wrong, though.

I would think at the very least that they would have to make the cruise contingent on having enough people sign up by such and such a date.  If not, then it would automatically be canceled.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: August 12, 2012, 02:20:38 PM »
In the stills and clips I have seen, the 2012 Vicki's look seemed more like Maggie in her Collinwood governess phase.  Those awful little-girl outfits could have been a nod at the twilight world of "Junior Sophisticates."  (I always wonder... what kind of women wore those clothes?)  The hair again seemed more like Mags than Vick.

Just my two drachmae.

Carolyn as a werewolf seems tres Scooby-doo, particularly as played by Chloe.  Those drawings were unbelievable.  What were they thinking?


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