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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '12 II / Re: cursed...or charmed???
« on: October 09, 2012, 01:47:46 AM »
Not much to say beyond the fact that I have had similar thoughts to those you have voiced.

Yet to see Depp Shadows so I won't comment.  I have seen the 1991 series and the 04 pilot and neither was an artistic success, though for what it is worth, I do think the 1991 redaction had some wonderful moments, thanks in large part to Barbara Steele, Julianna McCarthy, and occasionally Ben Cross (miscast and poorly directed in his role, just my opinion).  Some of the others had good moments but these three performances were the main standouts in what rapidly slithered into an unwieldy mess.  Again, network interference in the plotlines and the production seems in part to blame.  I haven't followed the respective histories all that carefully but I have the impression that a "too many cooks" situation may also be to blame for the difficulties of the 04 WB thing and the Burton/Depp fandango.

I personally don't grok the concept of DS as a "franchise."  To me, the original series, a weird, underbudgeted, oddball little adventure, more or less ignored or misunderstood by network suits and much of the ABC publicity arm, busting out to become this huge cultural phenomenon that became part of the late Sixties countercultural scene, is way, way ahead of--and more interesting than--any of the attempts at a reboot.  Maybe part of the reason for that is the extraordinary calibre of the original cast, and the fact that some of the writing was so literate, with that Victorian gothic texture that made it all so memorable.

Just my thoughts.  I do think that fans of the various versions could give more accurate accountings since they are more familiar with the quirks of the situations involved in the production of each successive attempt at a revival.


Current Talk '12 II / Re: New DS Movie
« on: October 04, 2012, 04:24:25 AM »
Not really.  Maybe on Netflix... sometime next year?


Current Talk '12 II / Re: the witchcraft nonsense in 1840
« on: October 03, 2012, 03:29:28 PM »
And for later 1840... the Barnabas/Julia scenes are among the elements that stand out, for sure,  I particularly like the scenes [spoiler]in the episode when Angelique has lifted the curse from Barnabas; there are a couple of wonderful scenes where Julia is at her most vulnerable and later, with Gerard, her most world-weary and reflective.  Great stuff.[/spoiler]

You'll notice that after Barn has declared his "one true love" for our Favorite Witch, it's still Julia who takes care of Barn and cleans up the mess.

"Faithful old Aunt Julia..."  glad the show never went on long enough for us to hear THAT line.


Current Talk '12 II / Re: the witchcraft nonsense in 1840
« on: October 03, 2012, 03:24:39 PM »
I actually enjoy watching the zombies demolish Collinwood.  I don't know why; there's just something about that sequence that rings my chimes (as we used to say in the early Bronze Age when the show originally aired).  It was an impossible scene to stage, particularly given that the sets slated to be "destroyed" were going to be needed, probably for the very next day's taping, so I thought what the productiion crew came up with was actually rather imaginative.

As a bonus, you get the extended mix "zombie freakout bongo jive," or whatever the cue is called that plays during the destruction scene.

I thought it was a cheat that Liz's death took place off camera (and pretty much off script--I think there's half a line that mentions attending the funerals of Liz and the children).  There should have been at least a scene of Liz confronting the zombies, perhaps defying them, and then the fadeout as the walking dead closed in on the mistress of Collinwood...  That certainly would have made for a memorable scene.


Current Talk '12 II / Re: the witchcraft nonsense in 1840
« on: October 02, 2012, 03:35:23 PM »
DarkLady, I actually love 1995/Summer of 1970 too.  Even though it is at times repetitive, there are some incredible moments.  Mad Carolyn in 1995 is one of Nancy Barrett's finest hours on the show.  We were on vacation during the 1995 period back during the original broadcast in 1970 and that has always given a certain special quality to those shows for me.  I never saw them until the actual year 1995, in fact, if I remember aright.

In 1970, there are so many haunting elements... the night of the sun & the moon ... Gerard's green flag ... Daphne's heavy lilac perfume... the oppressive sense of evil that Julia senses whenever Gerard is near... the weird appearance in town of Sebastian and Roxanne... it's all kind of surreal because a lot of it is never really resolved, and then when 1840 starts up the story goes in a direction quite different from what we had been led to expect.


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Re: Happy Birthday to Julia99!
« on: September 30, 2012, 04:14:38 PM »
Happy Birthday Darling!  29 is a lovely age to be!  Here's to cake, elaborately mixed liquor concoctions festooned with tiny umbrellas (too foo-foo for you perhaps), go-go boys shaking maracas and moneymakers,
and LOTS of fun.

x o GothEEEEK

Current Talk '25 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: September 30, 2012, 03:05:26 AM »
That shot of Lara, Frid and Selby is so incredibly cool.  I think it's the best image I've seen from that sequence, bar none.

Thanks, MB!


Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0305
« on: September 25, 2012, 09:47:02 PM »
Weren't the Kent State shootings in 1970?

dom's comments always make me smile.  I think Sharon Smyth is a lovely adult, but Sarah really gets on my nerves.[spoiler]I also think certain developments involving Sarah's ghost show very sloppy work on the part of the writers:  Sarah was fond of Dr. Woodard but did nothing to prevent his death; she was very angry with Julia, but nevertheless finally appeared to Barnabas to stop him from killing Julia.[/spoiler]

Then again, some or all of it may have been dictated by D. C. and if anyone protested, you know what the response was:  "Are you writing the show, or not?  I can get lots of people who are interested in writing the show... you know."  *rolls eyes*


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Re: OT: Grayson Hall on Route 66
« on: September 25, 2012, 01:10:25 AM »
These are stunning, MB.  Much better quality than the copy I have stashed away somewhere of the episode.

Glad you were able to snare the episode, and I'm hugely impressed that you posted these beauties so quickly!

Now I feel like watching Grayson again...


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Re: OT: Grayson Hall on Route 66
« on: September 24, 2012, 08:00:35 PM »
Grayson was only in one scene in this episode.  It falls about 20 minutes into the show, if I recall aright.

My theory is that the episode was filmed in Fla. (the company apparently toured the US and different episodes were filmed on location, or so I have read) and GH did it there on her way home from Mexico.  Of course she could just have easily done it in LA which is actually closer to Puerto Vallarta as the crow flies.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: September 24, 2012, 12:43:57 AM »
@Nicky, I agree.  I think Barn's killing of [spoiler]Carl[/spoiler] was one of the most unforgivable things he did.  It was all the more disturbing because they had spent over a year establishing Barn as a heroic figure at that point, even though he did some pretty awful things during that horrible Adam period.

It was a reminder that the psychotic killer who tortured Maggie Evans for months was still there, lurking beneath the surface.  As Julia would have put it--"I KNOW what you ARE."  (Always loved Grayson's reading of that line.)


Current Talk '12 II / Re: are the big finish dramas canon?
« on: September 23, 2012, 11:10:37 PM »
Yeah, well, where Dr. Who is concerned, I don't see the Russell Davies/Steve Moffatt et al 21st century reboot to be the same canon as the original 1963-1989 series. Obviously Auntie Beeb disagrees since they are about to roll out all the stops to celebrate the 50th "anniversary" of the founding of Who.  I haven't kept up with the 21st century stories but from what my friends report of various story developments & characterizations, I personally cannot regard it as canon.

There was an interesting event in fannish history when fans of the 1980s Ron Perlman series Beauty & the Beast rejected developments in the aired shows that were considered flatly unacceptable by fans.  Various fans rewrote the storyline to suit what they felt SHOULD have happened.  I don't know what the status of the various rewrites has been considered over the years, but I read an interesting article about the original rejection of this canon by the fans in a book on media fandom (an early one from around 1994).

In some ways a pivotal example in the DS 'verse is the Sam Hall TV guide article from '71 or '72.  For years I actually thought of this as canon.  Eventually I realized it was just Sam's thoughts about where the story could have gone had they gone on for another six months or so and wrapped up the "present day" storyline.  I have to confess I do personally think of the marriage of Barnabas and Julia as described in the article as "canon," but that's just my personal opinion, not something I would ever try to argue out with other fans.


Current Talk '12 II / Re: the witchcraft nonsense in 1840
« on: September 23, 2012, 06:23:34 PM »
In other news, I agree that the trial scenes in both 1795 and 1840 tend to be a crashing bore, IMNSHO.  I do find the 1840 scenes slightly more watchable because the actors involved are more interesting.  On the other hand, Roger Davis may be absent in 1840, but we still have to do with Addison Powell.

cheers, G.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: are the big finish dramas canon?
« on: September 23, 2012, 05:44:37 PM »
I strongly disagree about the Big Finish shows being considered as canon.

I've already written about this several times so I am not going to beat it into the ground.  In all fandoms, ONLY the original broadcast material of a TV show is canon.  Everything else, including movie spinoffs starring the same actors who appeared in the original series, is ITS OWN canon, as a spinoff, adaptation, or what have you.

That is why we don't treat the events of House and Night of DS as canon for the original series.  Consider them as taking place in an alternate universe version of the DS of canon if you must relate it somehow.

I don't see why this definition should seem so difficult for some to accept.  Of course I am just giving the accepted definition. If you wish to re-define, go for it.  After all, the DS writers themselves frequently re-defined material established in earlier canon, resulting in the series' storylines very fractured continuity.

cheers, G.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ** BIG CHANGES COMING FOR THE NEW YEAR **
« on: September 20, 2012, 11:00:02 PM »
I finally had the chance to see the September theme today.  WOW.  Am I adoring the Original Series theme!  Just some great stuff.

Thanks, MB!

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