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Messages - Gothick

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Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Re: bella in bazaar
« on: January 14, 2013, 12:14:50 AM »
Nice to see she's getting such upscale exposure.  Evidently she can use it.  Her one other major 2012 title is something called "Not fade away," an indie film from a guy named David Chase, who is a Sopranos alumni (not sure in what capacity).  Heathcote played the lead character's girlfriend, another supporting role.  It sounds as if she did have slightly more screentime in that than was the case in Depp Shadows.

She has no 2013 or 2014 titles listed on IMDB which seems odd for such an attractive, obviously talented actress.  Maybe she needs to get a new agent.


Hey, did you say HAIRY HUNKS??? *whiskers twitch attentively*

Those are some awesome screen captures, MB.  Golly, Ben Cross looks old.  I guess he's further on than I had realized.

I am going to look for clips on Youtube... I just may have to add this to my Netflix queue next year when the discs come out...

G.  who would be delighted to see more shots of the delectable Mr. Starr in weeks to come...

You might want to look through the thread here, I think the title is "Yet another slideshow," with old posts about screen captures from the 1991 series.  MB kindly included images from the deleted scenes that were included in the MPI VHS release, but not included in MGM's barebones DVD issue.  Not only can you see snapshots from those scenes, but he's also included script excerpts so you can follow along.

For episode one, I really do wish they had included those scenes.  I saw the tape for episode 12 and the extra scenes on that didn't really add very much from what I can remember [spoiler](Sarah's deathbed scene seemed to go on forever...  that is really all I remember about it).[/spoiler]

Obviously, you'll want to watch the episode first, then check the board for anything about deleted scenes.  I can't recall just which episodes had extra scenes included in the VHS.  I think maybe episodes 1, 2 and 12?  There was also a book published, DS Resurrected, that gave more info about plot threads that were either left undeveloped or were scheduled for development in the aborted second season.

cheers, Gothick

For those who wish to explore further, there are also Port Charles clips up on Youtube.  I don't know which years are relevant but I saw years 2000 and 2003 mentioned.


What a hoot!  have fun.


Is Agnes Nixon still working?

I know it's the height of uncouth to speak of a lady's age, but isn't she around 90 now?

Hope this works out for the sake of the fans of these shows.


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Re: JK
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:45:49 PM »
Candid photos of both Karlen and Jerry Lacy dated April 2012 were posted last night on another fan site.  Karlen looked pretty good for almost-80.

I personally am not assuming anything about Karlen's interest in meeting fans or talking about his DS memories based on the fact that he hasn't been to the recent "Festival" events.


I thought there was a thread here for JGL and Gulliver something (sorry, my short term memory fails me so often now) appearing in Lincoln.  I finally saw the film over the holidays with family and thought both actors were excellent in their roles.  I haven't been following JGL's career and at first I thought he was the actor, said to resemble a youthful Johnny Depp, who filmed footage of Barnabas as a teenager for the Depp/Burton production that seems to have wound up on the cutting room floor.

Gulliver/Gully (seems to be known by both the full name and the nickname) is quite the bright spirit.  One is reminded of the young Tatum O'Neal.  I imagine we'll be seeing a lot of him in the future.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: January 04, 2013, 03:39:47 PM »
I had to go back and re-read the early posts in this thread about this deleted sequence.

It's too bad the 1991 series did not include this material in the broadcast cut, AND continue with this kind of layered narrative--it would have been far better if it had.  Just my opinion, of course.

When you look at this scene, and then you look at the content of the final episode, after all the interference from the NBC suits had botched things up so badly--well, its' hard not to feel regret for what might have been--and I write that, as is well known, from the perspective of someone who is not a fan of this redaction of DS.


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Re: In Case You're Wondering...
« on: December 31, 2012, 03:26:16 PM »
Congratulations and Thanks!
A Blessed 2013 to all.

xo, Gothick

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Best two-actor combination?
« on: December 27, 2012, 05:37:26 AM »
Louis Edmonds and Joan Bennett.  Nancy Barrett and Joan Bennett.

Grayson and Humbert.

Thayer and just about anybody...

The real magic of DS is in those two character scenes, although in certain cases an ensemble piece, such as Judith confronting her brothers with the will in 1897, shows how superbly these seasoned pros worked together.


Calendar Events / Announcements '12 II / Grayson Hall--1965 Oscars footage
« on: December 27, 2012, 01:37:29 AM »
Fans, footage from the 1965 Oscarcast has been posted on Youtube which includes two glimpses of Grayson Hall, nominee for Best Supporting Actress of 1964 for her critically-acclaimed work in the film Night of the Iguana, in the audience at the ceremony.  First, the camera lingers on Grayson in the audience as her name is announced and she smiles a little nervously.  The second glimpse comes if you look carefully behind Miss Kedrova when she stops to give co-star Anthony Quinn an embrace; Grayson is smiling gloriously and you can get a glimpse of Sam sitting next to her:

I have been told that in the complete video, you can catch other glimpses of Mr. and Mrs. Hall at various points in the proceedings.

I absolutely love Grayson's gown and the heavy black couture earrings with which she accessorized it.  The gown makes me think of the work of revolutionary Sixties French designer, Courreges.  It would be fascinating to know specifics of the gown.

She looks utterly glamorous, radiant, and simply stunning!


Current Talk '12 II / Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
« on: December 26, 2012, 06:01:26 AM »
When Laura drifts into the coffee shop, Maggie asks her if she's come back to town "for the holidays."  I don't know the episodes around that time all that well so there may have been at least one other mention of "the holidays" around then. (We are talking about December 1966--46 years ago!)

I do seem to recall snow being mentioned in some of the Ross novels.  It's been too long since I can't be more specific.  It would certainly have been one of the *many* elements that made it clear that the world of those pastiches was one very different from the world of the actual series.


Current Talk '12 II / Re: If Dark Shadows ever did a Christmas Storyline?
« on: December 25, 2012, 04:09:20 AM »
The holidays, but I don't think Xmas specifically, are mentioned during the Dec. 1966 start of the Laura Collins storyline, and again in Dec. 1969, during the early weeks of the Leviathan storyline.

I kind of like to think of the early Leviathan story as DS' own bizarre comment upon the traditional Xmas story--for unto us a child is born... what child is this who laid to rest in Megan's upper cupboard is panting so heavily... (I would go on, but I will spare you).

cheers, G.

Yeah, Graham mentioned how many times it has been filmed, and HBC failed to reference both the version you mention, and the one with Ethan Hawke where it was updated to modern times.


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