« on: January 20, 2013, 07:54:37 PM »
I have a technical question about the pre-credits sequence for DS. Was it filmed, or post-produced, using some special technique to make all of it, or at least certain scenes, look like an 18th century Gainsborough painting in motion? I have only seen the complete film once and don't own it, so can't go back to re-watch. I began to wonder this when the current run of captures began. Particularly when Josette is on screen it looks more like an animated 1770s academy painting by Gainsborough or Joshua Reynolds than it does like film. (I could be mistaken, but it seemed as if there were a couple of deleted scenes included in the mix of this series of captures--since I only sat through it the one time, though, I can't be sure about that.)
I'm quite intrigued by this process, whatever it is. Makes me think back to a much more lo-fi tech (that at the time was quite extraordinary) where an animated version of the Dickens "Christmas Carol" was done based on the original Victorian steel engravings that were the illustrations. It was an amazing bit of film although it only lasted, I think, about half an hour. This would have been around 1973, I think. There was talk of doing a Dorian Gray animation in the style of Aubrey Beardsley but it never happened.
It's surprising to me that Depp Shadows was not at least nominated for art direction, costumes, or other technical aspects. The look of it was stunning, even when I disagreed with the choices that were made.