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Messages - Gothick

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Intriguing.  It sounds like a potentially fun event, but my mind reels contemplating the potential political snarl behind the scenes.

That is fascinating to learn that Monica Rich has become a successful jewellry and home decor designer...


Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Re: OT I GOT A JOB!!
« on: March 13, 2013, 10:25:20 PM »
That is wonderful news!  I hope it works out well for you.  These are terrible times.



Thanks, MB.  I still don't see, even within the logic of the full script, how Quentin "knows" that.  In fact, I'd argue that what happens in the remaining action of the film pretty much belies his belief in that altogether.

Just how I see it--other viewers may disagree, of course!


Hi, Doctor and K9, what I recall from my own listening is that a fan (maybe David, b/c I know he was around back then--don't know about the others) was commenting that he saw the movie in a theatre at the time and his friends were saying that the story did not feel like DS to them and they felt it WASN'T DS.  Presumably, they were expecting the second movie to involve Barnabas, or at least material more directly related to what was shown in the original series.  I think once you drop that expectation--that it's going to be somehow a re-telling of a story from the OS--it's actually a much better film--and certainly would have a greater likelihood of being seen as such, if the story it told were all there.  As Darren carefully explains in the tape, the whole climax, and point of the story, is missing from what we have now.

One comment about Darren's summing up of the missing climax:  [spoiler]Darren quotes a line of dialogue where someone, I think the John Karlen character, says after the recovery of the bodies of Charles and Angelique (btw, I had missed that Angelique's remains were left in the same cubbyhole where Charles was walled up alive--egads!)  that it's clear now that Angelique wasn't a Witch.  I still feel from what is seen and shown in the movie that it's ambivalent.  The Chinese would describe Angelique as a "hungry ghost," a spirit who had acquired great power due to having suffered a death through injustice.  At the very least, it's clear that when Angelique was alive, she was a very strong-willed woman who had the ability to make others do her bidding.  Witchcraft or sheer human charisma?  I think it is ambivalent and that blurry area is, to me, one of the most satisfying things about the story.[/spoiler]

btw, I do not know if it was ever announced here, but Wallace did an earlier podcast with KLS about hoDS.  I plan to listen to it at some point soon.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Another New Slideshow
« on: March 10, 2013, 03:24:26 PM »
Thanks, MB.  I presume that Lacy did have to loop his dialogue in the studio after the fact, then...

I don't think they even had cordless microphones in 1970.


From the blurbs Nicky posted on his site, Vicki is a character in the "Year One" series which is as one would expect, although it sounds as if they're playing fast and loose with the original storyline.

I've totally lost interest in any of these, but for those of you who enjoy them, have fun.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Another New Slideshow
« on: March 09, 2013, 05:08:48 PM »
In today's shot of Jerry Lacy at the funeral sequence in hoDS, it looks as if he's wearing a microphone.  I wonder if that's the case.   I never thought of it before, but with all the water from the good gentlemen of the Tarrytown Fire Department involved, I would think that Lacy's dialogue in that scene would have had to be looped in postproduction.

Still loving this slide show... thanks MB.


It was kind of cute (if maybe a little stereotypical) that the main guy got so excited when he thought there might be footage out there of either Parker or Jackson displaying breasts in the lost footage.

Again, thanks for a fascinating evening!


Just finished listening... truly fascinating!  It was cool to hear the clip of David Selby talking about re-looping his dialogue, too.

I think your point about Dan Curtis having anxiety around being perceived as somehow "arty" with the original cut of NoDS was very perceptive.

I'm surprised that the fans involved seemed unaware of the historical phenomenon of the double feature with horror movie marketing, which I'm sure had a lot to do with Aubrey's demand that it be cut down to a 90 minute (or close) length.

Best, G.

Wow!  this looks incredibly cool.  Excitement! I look forward to listening sometime over the weekend.

Best, G.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0401
« on: March 07, 2013, 03:06:42 AM »
I think Angelique's spell (or "Working" as it is technically called) did affect Vicki's mind, although the writing and direction failed to clarify just what was going on.


Fans, today I inadvertently stumbled across 3 different Youtube postings of the very short one-act play performance Jerry Lacy and Nancy Barrett put on last Summer at the DS event in Tarrytown.  This seems to be the only recording of the complete performance:

One of the other two has a much better angle of the central section where Carolyn and Tony are talking, but unfortunately the person was not able to finish out the recording.

This was a bit better than I expected, and of course, very nostalgic to see.


Fans, a friend just pointed me towards David del Valle's current blog:

If you scroll down, the current entry dated March 4 and a recent entry from February contain material of interest to DS fans.  March 4 is David's review of Barbara Steele's new indie film, The Butterfly Room, while if you scroll down a bit further you'll see a photo of David with Ms. Steele and, further still, a memorial tribute to Jonathan Frid with some personal memories from David.

Best, G.

Uncle Roger, that's really wild about Lada.  Sounds as if she has had a lot of fun.  She was always so uninhibited and physical on Hullaballoo, I can see her doing well with what you mention.

I'm guessing Lada would be in her mid Sixties now.  She looked about 19 or so when she was on Hullaballoo.

Best, G.

I've seen footage of Donna on Hullaballoo in the past.  What a fabulous showcase of talent and FUN that was.  The talent sweepstakes series of today, the various idols and whatnots, don't come close to the entertainment the variety shows of the 1960s used to bring into American living rooms.

My favorite of the backup dancers was Lada Edmunds Jr.  She's the gal with the huge spiky red mane who seemed to be in constant energetic animation when she danced.  Her technique was very freeform and I doubt whether the more formally trained dancers approved.  Lada did a film after Hullaballoo, and had a record out, but sadly her career went nowhere--hope she had a happy life anyway.


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