« on: April 09, 2013, 07:10:59 PM »
Gerard, I would always get so excited whenever I would hear a cue from DS on another program, after the show went off the air. I don't remember the music from Night Stalker so much, but I do remember the string of productions DC did for that ABC late night slot that were dramatic adaptations of Dorian Gray, Frankenstein, and others. They all had the old DS cues which he recycled for the score. Even when DS was still on, he did the same thing for Dead of Night/Darkness at Blaisedon (a personal favorite in my home).
The strangest instance of this was at some point in, I think, the early 1990s, all of a sudden DS cues were being played during some Saturday Night Live skits. I didn't watch often enough to be able to report how frequently this happened, but the one or two times I experienced it, it was a very strange thing to see and hear on the TV.