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Messages - Gothick

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Lighting a candle for Philippe's safe and smooth healing, and may the cancer prove benign and heal completely and finally from his system.



Current Talk '13 I / Dark Shadows at 47
« on: June 27, 2013, 08:24:45 PM »
Today 47 years ago, at 3:30 in the afternoon, viewers on the Eastern Seaboard (and elsewhere in the US in other time zones) first heard Alexandra Moltke's melancholy, poetically charged voice recite these fateful words:
My name is Victoria Winters. My journey is just beginning. A journey that I hope will open the doors of life to me, and link my past with my future... A journey that will bring me to a strange and dark place, to the edge of the sea, high atop Widows' Hill, to a house called Collinwood... A world I've never known, with people I've never met. People who are still only shadows in my mind, but who will soon fill the days and nights of my tomorrows...

Amazingly, by some kind of television miracle, 47 years later we're still hear talking about Vicki and the surprising places her journey took her... and far, far beyond Vicki's own journeys ... to the shadow of a tall dark man with tragic eyes named Barnabas Collins.

Happy Birthday DS!


Current Talk '25 I / Re: And Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: June 26, 2013, 03:15:09 PM »
I have to say, that's a GORGEOUS shot of Julia's lab in today's capture.  I totally missed that phantasmagoric lampshade to the right side of the image.  I do find myself wondering how the family were able to afford some of the more elaborate and expensive decor elements although that lampshade has a very 1960s look to me and could have been derided as "dated" at the time.  Hard to say.

Or perhaps Julia paid for the furnishing and fitting-out of her own lab in the mansion...


Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Re: B.S. = B.S. ! ha
« on: June 25, 2013, 04:49:15 PM »
Black Sunday is an exquisite film.  And there are some elements that could well have inspired some themes in DS, particularly the Angelique/Alexis storyline in Parallel Time 1970, but there are other elements too.


Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Re: Memories of Joel Crothers
« on: June 25, 2013, 04:45:27 PM »
Hi Annie, thanks for your nice note.

Just to clarify, Felice has not written a book about Joel.  I inquired if Felice would be publishing more of his diaries from the late 70s and 1980s but his response was somewhat evasive--I gather that if more is published, there may have to be some editing involved to protect some reputations!

Felice has published two books of short stories that are fictionalized versions of material he has selected from the diary, but he specifically told me that none of the stories has Joel has a subject.

Best, Gothick

Current Talk '25 I / Re: And Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: June 24, 2013, 03:12:55 PM »
MB--even though to put it mildly I wasn't enamoured of HBC's performance in this role, I do admire her artistry as an actress, and these photos, and the snaps you shared from the deleted scene with Pfeiffer, make me realize how briliant her work in the part *could* have been, if certain decisions about the tone & content of the movie had not, apparently, resulted in a lot of her work in it being consigned to the cutting room floor.

Again, there's a sense of incredible potential that, to severely understate, just wasn't fulfilled in the final product.  For this viewer, at least.


Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Re: Memories of Joel Crothers
« on: June 23, 2013, 11:45:34 AM »
Thank you all for your gracious comments.

David, I wouldn't bother buying the book if your motive is to learn more about Joel.  He is mentioned maybe 3 times in the diary excerpts published in it.  The mentions are sort of like this:  "Joel Crothers came over and we baked cookies together. He was quite chatty, as usual."  Another entry speaks of Joel being around when Felice was staying on Fire Island one summer in the Seventies.  It was pretty clear that Joel was very much on the scene in the gay community of the time.  I didn't even know from these references that Joel and Felice had shared a sexual dalliance, although it was hardly uncommon in those circles back then (and, perhaps, some other circles more recently... but I'm going WAY off topic here).

Anyone who wants to "bully" Your Humble Servant is welcome to try. From my years of watching DS and the work of the incomparable Miss Joan Bennett, THE Mistress of Collinwood, Now and FOREVER, I've mastered the art of the "the freeze."  LOL!

cheers, Gothick

Current Talk '25 I / Re: Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: June 22, 2013, 11:08:38 PM »
What a wonderful portrait of her.  I love Barbara's work in this scene, and as you know, for me she was one of the very few bright spots about this series.


Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Memories of Joel Crothers
« on: June 22, 2013, 03:58:53 AM »
Fans, this evening I went to the one remaining gay bookstore in the area to hear veteran gay author Felice Picano read from his new book.  Felice's 1970s diaries were excerpted about 20 years ago in a book entitled The Violet Quill Reader.  I remember what a surprise it was to learn that Joel Crothers was a good friend of Picano's (and, he revealed this evening, an occasional bedmate).  I wish I had had a tape recorder with me this evening so I could simply transcribe Felice's words verbatim, but this was the gist of what he said.

During the Q&A, I explained my surprise when Joel turned up in the diaries.  Felice said that Joel was an amazing man, not only because he was so handsome and gifted, but also, he was something of a super-intellect--he gave Joel's IQ and it was quite high (I can't recall the number Felice cited).  He said that one morning he woke up in bed next to Joel and suddenly was seized with an urge to strangle him (very DS, isn't it?) because they were chatting and Joel "simply knew EVERYTHING."    He also recalled helping Harvey Fierstein get the first production of "Torch Song Trilogy" (a play which won awards and subsequently became a film with Matthew Broderick) and persuading Joel to act in the original production (I believe at Off Broadway's La Mama theatre).

He said that Joel was so brilliant that he eventually became bored with everything.  Joel was a huge star in the 1970s and 1980s on his various soap operas and Felice witnessed Joel being mobbed by women after a taping one afternoon, all seeking his autograph.

He said that Joel's work on DS could be considered "real acting" because the last thing Joel ever was was a "boy next door" type.  He said that Joel came from "a family of over-achievers" and he was just following in the family tradition.

Despite Joel's brilliance, he was a very kind-hearted and loving man and was popular among his friends.  He had a certain physical attribute that made him highly sought after among gay men but his friends cherished Joel because he was just such a nice person to be with.

I found this conversation quite fascinating since I have never read anything about who Joel was as a person.  I hope you enjoy reading these notes.

Best, Gothick

It does seem likely, although one scene reminded me of the account in the original source for the DS I Ching scenario--I forget the title of the book, but it mentioned a person going into an I Ching trance and having a lycanthropic manifestation.

Good stuff!  The evil Warden was very Trask-like, too.  Thanks for the tip!


They're starting new seasons of TV shows in late June now?  Wow.

I really feel like a time traveller... from the early Bronze age, at this point...


Current Talk '13 I / Re: Mont HoDS #225
« on: June 20, 2013, 01:59:45 AM »
Humbert Allen Astredo also appears, as a doctor attending Maggie.  I'd completely forgotten about his role in the movie until a few years ago when he popped up in one of MB's captures!


MB Darling, If that is the case, I am afraid you have yet to really LIVE.

Enjoy the experience of LIVING!  and bear up Darling, I love your eyelashes...


Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Re: Next up For Burton/Depp
« on: June 18, 2013, 10:53:43 PM »
The Vincent Price "Last Man on Earth" was the first film adaptation of Richard Matheson's novel, I am Legend.  It was filmed in Italy.  Public domain prints have circulated for decades.  I don't know whether the movie has ever had a restored release on home video.

The Bob Fuest "Last Days of Man on Earth" is a cult film so it's not surprising that the prices are so high.  It's one of those films that you are love passionately, or can't even get through ten minutes of.

"The Devil's Rain" had some funny bits for Bill Shatner (recording artist whose cover of "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" caused quite a stir once upon a time), Ernie Borgnine, and Ida Lupino.



Grayson Hall's legendary appearance as Pepe, chic lesbian impresario of a bohemian New York nightclub in the early 1960s, can now be enjoyed on Youtube.  I'm linking to part 2 of the film which opens in the middle of one of Grayson's early scenes, but it's very easy to find part 1 from here:

The other parts all appear to be there.  Enjoy!


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