« on: July 05, 2013, 07:34:28 PM »
*wonders whether we get to see everything, and I MEAN everything, on that incendiary lead actor* (the MALE one, to be perfectly clear, since people are now using actor to refer to women thespians--actress is such a lovely word, derived from French, and perfectly respectable English, but now due to be consigned to the rubbish heap?)
DS content... I always thought it would be interesting if a Banshee had appeared at Collinwood. The closest they ever got, I suppose, was the plot point of Melanie's "episodes" in PT 1841 whenever a certain event occurred.
I have a book in my library printed in Dublin that includes eyewitness accounts of actual Banshee phenomena and it's extraordinary. The "screaming" often manifests as a huge rippling sonic wave that can beat down bushes, make the earth rumble, break windows, etc.