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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0495
« on: July 10, 2013, 02:55:34 PM »
That was a great post, Dom, with the transcription of that scene.  I agree that the writing really goes off the cliff with these episodes.  Soooo bad.


Current Talk '13 II / Re: Cross-Over Question
« on: July 10, 2013, 02:22:01 AM »
Is this the 1980s Twilight Zone series?


Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0494
« on: July 10, 2013, 02:19:57 AM »
Thanks, MB!  After this reminder, I remember that the last time this episode was posted, you or somebody mooted this theory, that Jon had to skip the day's work at the last minute and Grayson may have stepped in and done more or less the Barnabas lines with very minor rewrites.

That makes a lot more sense than any other explanation I can think of.

Best, G.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0494
« on: July 09, 2013, 02:28:25 AM »
Magnus, I understand where you're coming from, but my point is that Julia only acts this way in this one episode.  It's very different from the character has been established and how she behaves after this one episode.

I kind of wonder if this one might have been ghostwritten by a non staff writer.  I have a theory that it may have happened more often than we realize.


Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0494
« on: July 08, 2013, 11:52:51 PM »
I always find this such an odd episode in terms of how Julia's character is written.  She's such a cold, bitter rhymes-with-stitch, especially to Willie, for whose care she had been technically responsible.

In her next episode, she's back to the more caring Julia we've come to know in the 1968 episodes.  I find this one an odd blip to say the least.

No one else has commented on this so I guess I'm in a small minority in finding the writing to be very discontinuous here.


Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: The Originals
« on: July 08, 2013, 08:44:23 PM »
MB, is there a page or something that has all of the Tarot cards on it with thumbnails or hyperlinks or whatever?  I have a friend who is a Tarot fanatic and I'd like to send her a link, but neither of us is on Twitter so perhaps I'm out of luck.

Looks interesting!


A very reliable source has confirmed that the voice on this track is indeed Grayson Hall.

I just love this...


Thanks for letting me know, MB.  I am afraid I got confused.

I had some correspondence with Cousin Barnabas of that site last year for the Grayson Hall blogathon so I'll see if I have an email address so I can congratulate him.

I guess it's that melancholy Byronic profile that confuses me with all the Cousins Barnabas...


Her eyes are incredible.  Dominic West is excellent too.


In a brilliant bout of superb detective work, our own Cousin Barnabas has unearthed one of the Holy Grails of Grayson Hall fandom--one of Grayson's Blue Oyster Cult voiceovers.  The file is posted here:

Hats off to Cousin B!  You're the best!


I saw the movie on a videotape from the library about ten years ago.  I'm surprised it's never been released on DVD but there are so many excellent films from the past that have been neglected in that regard.

This four and a half minute clip gives you a good taste for the film and its foreshadowings of DS:  sealed rooms, unattended for years, thrown open to reveal barrages of brightly burning candles; long sinister soliloquies from a troubled protagonist; a flawlessly gowned and coiffed Joan Bennett, eyes widening in mute horror; and one of the rooms even has a set design reminiscent of the Collinwood basement.  Natalie Schafer can be seen but only has one or two lines:



Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: Banshee DVD/Blu-ray
« on: July 05, 2013, 09:12:42 PM »
Thanks MB!  Yes, I mean Mr. Starr.  I'm sure Ms. M. (I will never, ever be able to spell her last name, much less pronounce it) has her fans and they appreciate knowing about this opportunity to, shall we say, commune with her in all her glory.

I appreciate your keeping a lookout, so to speak, on my behalf with regards to Mr. Starr's appearance in the deleted scenes. I realize just how purely altruistic your motives are.  Altruism, yeah, that's the ticket.

DS content... speaking of Ms. M it looks as if the WB DS pilot has been buried in some bypass somewhere (obscure Wicker Man joke) so those who can't attend the DS conventions aren't going to be getting the chance to see her work as Our Favorite Witch?

cheers, G.

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: Banshee DVD/Blu-ray
« on: July 05, 2013, 07:34:28 PM »
*wonders whether we get to see everything, and I MEAN everything, on that incendiary lead actor* (the MALE one, to be perfectly clear, since people are now using actor to refer to women thespians--actress is such a lovely word, derived from French, and perfectly respectable English, but now due to be consigned to the rubbish heap?)

DS content... I always thought it would be interesting if a Banshee had appeared at Collinwood.  The closest they ever got, I suppose, was the plot point of Melanie's "episodes" in PT 1841 whenever a certain event occurred.

I have a book in my library printed in Dublin that includes eyewitness accounts of actual Banshee phenomena and it's extraordinary.  The "screaming" often manifests as a huge rippling sonic wave that can beat down bushes, make the earth rumble, break windows, etc.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: July 04, 2013, 03:10:59 AM »
I wonder whether American Film or Video Watchdog or something similar will ever do an article on the technical aspects of Depp Shadows.  I am really very curious about the process used for the realization of what we're seeing here.  The snapshots are underlying just how unusual the look is achieved by Burton in this one.  It often really does look like an animated painting.  I may have to get the DVD back from Netflix at some point to try to see if I can tell myself through the film just which sequences were done this way.  It seems as if the process was used in its fullest form for certain scenes.  HBC looks as if she wasn't just made up but CGI'd for her role in this, and if it was done for Alice Cooper, why not for others?  But this is a kind of CGI that's new to me.  Then again, I don't see very many current films...

I just may drop Tim Lucas a note and ask him about this...  Had it not been for the series of captures on display here, I would never have noticed this aspect of the movie.  It's intriguing me much more than anything to do with the actual content.

cheers, G.

Patti--you might be interested to learn that Fritz Lang became very fond of Joan Bennett when they were working together in the 1940s (although I think there were days when they practically detested one another).  I don't know if it was Lang who coined the nickname "Lazy-legs" because Joan did not like standing for very long, but that was how he would often address her on set.

They made, I think, three films together, the best of which is usually considered to be Scarlet Street.  The third one, called I think "The Secret Behind the Door," also stars Natalie Schafer (future alumna of Gilligan's Island) and has a plot that could have been a storyline on DS (and has a very moody DS like atmosphere).

Presumably because he wanted to see Joan, Fritz Lang came to visit the DS set one day.  It is said that he made some lighting suggestions which were immediately utilized.

There's a lot more to say about Fritz Lang.  Some would say that he invented the modern science fiction film with Metropolis.  A couple of years ago I was able to see a 1963 French New Wave film in which Lang appeared playing himself.  Jack Palance was in it too.  Of course Jack Palance went on to become involved in other Dan Curtis projects.

In summary, there are a lot of connections between Fritz Lang and the world of Dark Shadows.



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