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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '25 I / Re: And Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: August 27, 2013, 07:05:53 PM »
Today's image reminds me of a question whose answer I couldn't figure out from my one viewing of the film.

Magtoria's childhood incarceration at Windcliff Sanitarium has zero to do with Julia, right?  The fact that the van says Windcliff is just a nod to fans?

I don't remember any dialogue from the film where Julia or Liz speak of Windcliff, and I'm presuming that in this DS-verse, Julia has no connection with the sanitarium.

Am I right?


And needless to say, best wishes to John Karlen as he continues on his road back to health/wellness!


I understand how you feel, Gerard, but so far as I am aware, Jim Pierson actually works for Dan Curtis Productions (or whatever it's called now) as a paid employee.

I love the books I catalogue (well, some of them *wink*) for the large University library that employs me, but I'm "in it for the money" because if I don't get paid, I can't provide for myself and keep it all going.

Just a thought.


Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0525
« on: August 24, 2013, 02:34:28 AM »
I love Humbert Allen Astredo, and the 1968 Nicholas is my all time favorite Astredo performance. 

dom, I always thought that Cassandra was returned to Hell as a result of Trask's incantations (ridiculous though the idea seems on paper) because she had no actual mortal existence in 1968.  She was a displaced spirit who had a "body" that existed as a result of Witchcraft.  How or why the antics of a ghostly Elmer Gantry type could have any effect whatsoever in casting out such a powerful spirit whose magic, as she frequently told us, "came from the Devil himself," is never made clear.  My own glint of an idea is that because Trask came from the same era when Angelique (in the ORIGINAL storyline, not the subsequent revisions) had her mortal existence, that fact gave him the power to return her spirit to the darkness from which it had come.

I'll really have to re-watch to spot the pornographic antics between Roger Davis and Joel Crothers you mention...

So pleased you are enjoying Humbert and Nicholas!  He's a strong part of why 1968 is my forever personal favorite storyline.


I missed Philippe's earlier update in July, but I am glad to see that his convalescence has been going well and he has been able to make some contact with friends.

Offering prayers for a full return to health and a safe, smooth, timely convalescence.


Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Semi OT: article about BTVS
« on: August 21, 2013, 04:44:45 PM »
The topic of this article is "Buffy, the vampire slayer" (WARNING: spoilers for early seasons) but I think some of the general thoughts could be applied to why we love DS so much...



Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / The Dark Shadows Music Book
« on: August 20, 2013, 02:58:33 AM »
While in the big comics and memorabilia shop I mentioned in my post in the comic book thread last Saturday, I also happened upon a reasonably priced copy of the DS Music Book, and I did bring that home with me.  I don't own a piano although I think there is an app for Mac that could enable me to play at least some of the selections in the book (this may be for the iPad rather than the Macbook).  The main selling point for most fans would be the rare photographs.  I would imagine that nearly all, if not all of these have been reprinted again in other PomPress books since the volume's original publication in 1996.

The book is an enjoyable bagatelle to own if you are into collecting more unusual mementi from the series.  The most fascinating image to me was a photograph of the cover of the actual "Ode to Angelique" sheet music used on the series during the PT 1970 storyline.  The sheet music cover included a photo of composer Bruno Hess.  I laughed thinking how much PT Quentin must have *loved* having that around the house.


That's good to know, Quentin. 


I guess it is really old at this point but yesterday, in a massive comics shop in Salem (Mass.--yes, Virginia, the one with the Witches) I had the chance to browse issue 10 of the main DS book.  I nearly bought it because I saw what looked to my rather critical eye like a fairly decent drawing of Grayson in her 1967 Hoffman mode.  She was having a colloquy with Nicholas Blair where they were back to their old game of trying to out-bitch one another.  I found the writing just enough off-key to be grating.  So I did not take it home with me.  There was also an issue of the "Year One" thing that showed Barnabas rising as a vampire for the first time in 1795.  I found the art in that one really ugly--it looked as if someone had thrown up all over the pages.  Ugh.  There was, too, an issue of the Vampirella thing but I just couldn't be bovvered (as Catherine Tate's snotty schoolgirl would say).

cheers, G.

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0516
« on: August 11, 2013, 02:54:28 AM »
The 1821 death date for Naomi presumably carried over for the original backstory for Barnabas, in which his own death happened in the 1830s (I'm thinking 1832 or 1837 for some reason?).  I should write, THE PROP for Naomi's tablet in the crypt was a holdover from previous years and nobody probably bothered to think, "Hey, we changed the storyline, we need to fix this."

I remember reading long ago, in an issue of 16 I think, that in one scripting session around 1970, nobody in the room could remember what had happened when in a previous storyline.  They were baffled as to how to proceed and then somebody said, "Hey, the studio kids are outside--let's ask THEM!"  and of course, they were able to quote chapter and verse.


Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0518
« on: August 10, 2013, 07:55:24 PM »
This was the first episode I ever saw of DS.  I was fascinated by Thayer David.  The piece of jewellry he lost at the Evans cottage is described in the script as a diamond stick-pin.

I've heard from many sources over the years that David Ford was written out because his marriage to Nancy Barrett was on the rocks.  But I've wondered if it was simply that Ford wasn't all that good an actor and seemed to be getting worse as the months wore on.  I certainly thought he was better in the Laura Collins storyline and the original introduction of Barnabas storyline than he was in 1968. 

I've also heard that Nancy herself nearly left the series during this period, but Grayson talked her into staying.


Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0519
« on: August 10, 2013, 07:48:49 PM »
I think the 1968 Cassandra period is the only time on DS when we see a Witch and Warlock shrink at the sight of the cross.  I personally find this just plain silly, but I won't belabor the forum with the reasons why.

Nicholas (when he eventually shows up) is right--Cassandra should have been able to handle Trask's ghost.  It's interesting to speculate why she ultimately fails to prevail over him.  The only answer that makes any sense is her growing emotional attachment to Barnabas AND the adulteration of her own powers with her indulgence of other emotions, such as gloating over Elizabeth's fate.

This was the 2nd episode I ever saw of DS and it made me an addict FOR LIFE.


Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: Happy Birthday Midnite!!!!
« on: August 10, 2013, 03:30:13 PM »
Happy Birthday darling!  Wishing you many splendid happy returns!

xo Gothick

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: Karen Black
« on: August 09, 2013, 02:10:40 AM »
I heard this sad news a few hours ago on the international Social Networking Site.  I was shocked as I considered Ms. Black "too young to die."  She was about a year and a half younger than my own mother (and Lara Parker) as it happens.

I was thinking about Ms. Black a few weeks ago when a fan started a thread here about what role Ms. Black would have played had she been cast in the original series of Dark Shadows.  I had to smile because I recalled that many years ago now, when a gala was held at the Museum of Television and Radio in Dan Curtis's honor, many DS luminaries showed up, and Ms. Black made a late entrance to the room.  At the time it was reported that she was overheard to look around her, narrow her eyes, and demand of a flunky:  "Wait a minute, this isn't a Dark Shadows thing, is it?"  She was assured that it was indeed an evening in honor of DC and she proceded to her place onstage.

I also think of a performance art band, maybe based in NYC, about 23 years ago called "The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black"--it was written up in Michael Musto's column and I believe Ms. Black may have eventually attended, or even participated in, a performance.

May she know true peace.  We'll miss her.


Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0515
« on: August 09, 2013, 02:03:55 AM »
DarkLady, I'm sure that extras with less than 2 lines got paid really cheaply.  I'm amazed that we are able to recover the information about such personnel this far away from the events, but Jim Pierson may have been able to find the information in DCP's production files from the series (wonder what ever happened to those--I know some odds and ends were sold at a Festival auction several years ago).

I've always wondered just how often KLS played the ghost of Josette.  In one of the Laura episodes from early 1967 where the ghost visits Laura in the cottage while David is sleeping, it really doesn't look like KLS.  That is one of the clearest looks we get at the ghost.


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