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Messages - Gothick

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Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: P&P Question
« on: October 24, 2013, 09:58:54 PM »
Another DS connection with this version of PIT & THE PENDULUM (which I adore) is that Barbara Steele, who played Julia in 1991 DS, has a special role.

The stock footage of the house by the sea was re-used in a couple of Monkees episodes too...


Current Talk '13 II / Alec Newman as Barnabas
« on: October 22, 2013, 10:19:46 PM »
This clip from the 2004 DS is the only bit ever to be released (officially and to my own personal knowledge at least).  It used to be on Alec Newman's website but is no longer there, but a nice fan uploaded it to Youtube.  Alec Newman as Barnabas and Marley Shelton (hope I'm spelling her name properly) as Victoria Winters (sporting what seems to me a very Carolyn Stoddard-like look):

Happy Halloween.


Current Talk '13 II / Re: OT: Karloff's Farewell
« on: October 22, 2013, 07:45:04 PM »
"The Incredible Dr. Markesan."  After seeing several stills from it as a child in Famous Monsters, I finally got to see the episode a few years ago.  It's a really good one, even if the stupidity of the Dick York character really does beggar belief.


Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0571
« on: October 22, 2013, 04:50:18 PM »
Youtube link for this show:


MB, a friend of mine whose teenaged daughter just left for college described how she watches television.  She typically marathons through half a season or more of episodes on a given weekend while chatting with her friends, doing her homework, having a playlist on, and for all I know painting her toenails as well.

It seems as if a number of adults have the same habit.  Overstimulated much?

The opposite extreme is represented by a couple of people who ban phone calls when the new True Blood airs...


Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Peter Turgeon in De Duva (1968)
« on: October 21, 2013, 10:53:41 PM »
I stumbled across this on Youtube just now and was surprised to see Peter Turgeon amongst the cast members (as Uncle Anders).  De Duva circulated in museum and library showings when I was growing up in the 1970s.  It is a short film in black and white done as a satire on Bergman, especially WILD STRAWBERRIES and DAY OF WRATH, with actors speaking fake Swedish (really quite clever if you listen closely) and subtitles:

The movie lasts about 14 minutes.


The show is supposedly on hiatus now till sometime in early November, I presume to help take advantage of the ratings "sweeps" (which seem really archaic to me, but don't ask me to explain behavior of the people who run the "industry").  Since there's such a huge buzz around it, perhaps they're going to fill in the time by repeating the first five episodes.


Calendar Events / Announcements '13 II / Re: OT: Tawny Heatherton
« on: October 21, 2013, 12:30:24 AM »
That sounds like a riot, Uncle Roger.

I keep noting just how frequently DS is mentioned now in various media forums, outlets and organs (or should that be orifices and organs, lol) and it seems a little unreal.  About 20 years ago if the subject came up I always felt I had to try to explain it.  I no longer feel the need to do that.

I haven't read any of the reviews from the debut of American Horror Story: Coven but it would be interesting to see just how often (if at all) DS is mentioned in them.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: And Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: October 20, 2013, 06:12:41 PM »
Thanks to MB and michael for explaining.  I did think Magtoria's attitude in the fire scene was strange--at least, the picture of her posted here seemed odd.  I really don't recall much about this part of the movie from my single viewing.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: And Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: October 20, 2013, 04:11:30 AM »
Is there a context for today's capture and quote?  I'm completely blanking on this part of the movie.

My question is partly rhetorical--no need to feel obligated to post an answer.


Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0570
« on: October 19, 2013, 06:34:26 PM »
The Youtube link:

I always cry that Frid and Karlen did not get to re-do this very important, pivotal scene they share in this episode. But Frid recovers beautifully (IMO) and suggests that the earlier stumbling was just a case of Barnabas once again struggling to hide his own emotions from others... or himself.

In the opening voiceover, Karlen speaks of Liz as "a woman who has held a family together."  I like that that was acknowledged even if only in a voiceover.


Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0569
« on: October 19, 2013, 05:18:44 PM »
Today's scenes with Mrs. Johnson really underline how much the character has changed since her original manifestation in 1966.  1966 Mrs. Johnson thought Roger Collins was more or less the spawn of Satan.  The original Mrs. J was fairly strongly religious, or at least a strong belief was more than a little hinted at in some of her lines.  In the original Laura storyline, Mrs. J strongly disapproves of the holding of the seance or anything to do with the occult.

Her personality changes could very plausibly be explained by her experience of living at Collinwood.  I really wish they had given the character a scene where she explained to Burke, or somebody, why she had decided to stay on there.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: And Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: October 19, 2013, 05:13:30 PM »
Today's image and caption are hysterical.  I'm imagining Grayson's Julia playing this scene.  And Julia's role in the OS was really to sort of let the perennially clueless Barn know when, metaphorically, his own ass was on fire... a role that shifts to Liz in Depp Shadows.


Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0569
« on: October 18, 2013, 09:01:24 PM »
One of my personal favorite episodes, and somehow it always makes me think of Halloween, so it's cool that we're watching it now.

The Youtube link:

Love the opening scene between Nicholas and Mrs. Johnson...


Current Talk '13 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0568
« on: October 18, 2013, 03:47:17 AM »
Youtube link for the episode:

For those who are into that sort of thing, I believe Roger Davis clutches his hair.


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