« on: February 13, 2014, 03:49:24 PM »
All of this is very subjective, of course... for me, as I have complained a number of times, the Barnabas and Angie stuff in Depp Shade was just way too arch and over-the-top... the Liz dialogue was good but I think that's a tribute to Pfeiffer's prowess--and her scenes with Helena as Julia had a spark and an edge to them that I found sorely lacking otherwise. Why I like Grayson's scenes so much in the OS is that sense of "edge" and the unexpected she can bring to a scene, particularly when she's matched with an actor such as Karlen or HAA.
That said, my least favorite things in this WB version were the handling of Angelique and, to some extent, Liz--I wish we had heard behind the scenes stuff about just what was going on with the direction of Blair Brown, a very accomplished actress from what I have heard. I have to wonder if the scene of Vicki's arrival at Collinwood might have been re-staged had the network ordered the series and the pilot actually been aired as episode one. In the case of BtVS as I recall, a pilot was produced and then a completely new episode one was shot... I wonder if that might have happened had the network moved forward with DS. From reading the thread from 2004, the dumping of it seemed more about network politics and a fairly strong switch in where they were moving with their programming, than about the failure of the pilot as delivered to come together...
Just some idle thoughts.