« on: March 06, 2014, 03:25:51 AM »
Cousin Barnabas, I would tend to agree. But this Vicki is very different from any other version of the character we've ever seen. She's expensively and carefully coiffed and groomed, reads Forbes mag, and seems to have had some medical/psychiatric training--the snippet you just quoted is supposedly typical of how social works specializing in disturbed children talk, amongst themselves, about their cases (and having been privy on occasion to such conversations, it's not really that wide off the mark).
This Vicki seems so far almost more like an update of Julia than Vicki as portrayed in either the OS or the 1991 series. There's no innocence and certainly no sense of a personal quest bringing her to Collinsport.
I don't remember enough of Vicki's further scenes to say more, but I'll be interested to see how this Vicki plays out as we continue our collective viewing of her journey...