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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '15 I / Re: NODS script Grayson!
« on: May 20, 2015, 11:24:15 AM »
Sorry to hear about your bereavement, Taeylor.  It's nice to have you back with us.

Yes, Grayson was a truly exceptional actress.  I do think her performance as Hoffman in PT 1970 shows that she could be very understated.  In general, I think fans do not realize that the directors of the series, particularly Henry Kaplan, actually encouraged a really overstated approach to work on the series. In all fairness, I suspect that this was because reading the scripts, the idea of a naturalistic approach to lines such as, "You have BETRAYED me!" or "You will walk the night as one of the living dead... FOR ALL ETERNITY!" or "Julia... YOU MUST!" would have seemed beyond absurd.  The only way those lines work is to recite them, with total conviction, at five hundred percent volume and intensity.  But anyway...

Grayson's performance as Carlotta was a gem.  Her best screen performance ever was probably as Miss Fellows in NIGHT OF THE IGUANA.  Huston had wonderful instincts when it came to directing Grayson.

Best, G.

Some fans may enjoy this article about "the Twin Peaks Festival" which sounds like one of the more unusual fandom events I have read about in my time.  The link points to a site that often includes explicit gay male photography, but the images on this article are completely G rated.  It includes a photo of the author as a very young man posing with an individual known as "the Log Lady."  John Waters must have loved it.

cheers, G.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Living DS writers?
« on: May 19, 2015, 05:23:56 PM »
Wow, maybe the interview was in TWODS.  I wonder if I still have that issue.  Have no idea why I misremembered it having been in ITOH.

Lots of people in the "industry" use ghost writers. 



Current Talk '15 I / Re: Living DS writers?
« on: May 18, 2015, 11:03:11 PM »
DS fan and publisher of a DS zine (was the title "Inside the Old House"?) Dale Clark did interview Violet Welles in his zine many years ago.  I believe Dale is also on FB and I had the inspiration a couple of months ago to contact him to see if the interview could be shared with other fans online.  But then I dropped the ball and failed to write to him, I suppose because I looked for my own copy of the zine and couldn't find it.  (Found other issues, but not that one.)

Violet was mentioned briefly in a book about some aspects of the NYC theater scene recently.  I think she was described as a "hippie turned publicist."  Apparently she was earthy, and a woman who did not mince words.  She wrote some of the most delicious dialogue for DS.  Reportedly, Violet ghost-wrote several scripts for Gordon Russell, which is how she got the gig to do her own scripts under her own name.  In the interview she says that she wrote all the scripts for the final month which were officially credited to Gordon.  I think he had other things on his plate then so she took over.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: May 18, 2015, 11:32:11 AM »
A few production photos from Depp Shadows have been posted on this most excellent blog:

For my money, by far the nicest shot is a candid photo of a delighted Depp and Burton chatting with THE Elder Statesman of classic horror, Christopher Lee.


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / Re: Penny Dreadful
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:39:11 AM »

Warmest congrats on the launch of Season Nine!  I'm sure it will be a ghoulish goulash redolent with ghastly grisly gaiety!



Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / Re: Penny Dreadful
« on: May 15, 2015, 02:22:45 AM »
Wow, that was Patti Lupone?? EMMY.


In DARK SHADOWS history, the arrival of Buzz is noted by all authorities as THE pivotal turning point.  Ratings shot up and fans wrote in by droves, demanding to know the secret of the Buzz hair and the products used to treat it.   Special security arrangements were required as mobs of "teeny-boppers" (in the lingo of this bygone era) made the area around the front of the studio impassable to traffic around the end of taping time.  Fortunately, fans still were not aware of the secret "back door" exit from the building, described in one later interview by Thayer David as "like a rip in your sleeve that disappears if you look at it from the wrong angle."  Shirtless photos of Buzz dominated 16 magazine in that legendary month of June 1967.  It was only when the dazzling glamour of Grayson Hall appeared on the scene that the Buzz legend began to fade.  Scholars of Shadows continue to debate the ratings miracle of the "Introduction of Buzz" storyline and how radically it changed daytime television for all eternity.

If you feel it... SIT IT!


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / Re: Penny Dreadful
« on: May 11, 2015, 06:29:23 PM »
For what it's worth, I watched the episode on Showtime's site yesterday.  The "edit" just seemed to involved blurring out body parts on various nude female actors.  I found this ridiculous but I guess it makes somebody out there happy.

Great show!


As an aid to those who might want to learn more of this fascinating topic, here's a clip from a certain scene Kazinsky did with Ryan Kwanten in TRUE BLOOD:


purring, G.

Oh man.  Kazinsky is absolutely smouldering in that photograph.  I'm afraid I have never seen his assets but I can imagine they're... formidable.

The premise for Lucifer sounds really ludicrous...



In my continuing exploration of Old Time Radio (OTR) horror series, I stumbled upon THE STRANGE DR WEIRD (great title), which ran in 1944-45 and was sponsored by Adam Hats on the Mutual network.

This story, "The Summoning of Chandor," features a plot very similar to a certain moment in the 1795 storyline.

The show runs for 15 minutes.

Best,  G.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Cast Member...?
« on: May 05, 2015, 01:57:02 AM »
I thought Tom was low-key compared to Dirk Wilkins.


There were more credits when I checked IMDB earlier today but mostly random 1970s television roles.  There was one other credit from around 1984 and then nothing.  Presumably he changed careers.


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Cast Member...?
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:51:23 PM »
There's an interview with Frid (I think in Baltimore's City Paper from the 1980s, possibly during the ARSENIC & OLD LACE tour) where he refers to Briscoe's Tom Jennings performance--without naming Briscoe--as "nearly pornographic," or words to that effect.  I wonder if he was thinking of the scene where Jennings closes in on a flailing Betsy Durkin with pop-eyed, tongue-twirling relish.

I personally blame whoever was directing at that time--Henry Kaplan always wanted "more" from the actors. Nobody ever thought these would be seen again after the single broadcast so sometimes the actors just "went with it."


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