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Messages - Gothick

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Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / Re: Penny Dreadful
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:18:36 AM »
I am not into award shows, but I have to say that Helen McCrory has really captivated me in the role of Evelyn.  I've only seen episode 1 of the current series and various clips SHO has posted to YT, but she's invariably awesome--such fabulous craft as an actress, and I think she would have been PERFECT on DS--the ORIGINAL series that is. 

I also personally would like to see Simon Russell Beale get an award because he's totally ringing my Thayer David chimes as Lyle, but I think the character is probably too minor and, inevitably, too eccentric, to attract attention from the Emmies.

Somebody was speculating that Lyle and Ethan should have a roll in the hay since Lyle is evidently besotted with Ethan.  I found myself wondering just what Lyle's intricately composed hair and beard would look like in the wake of such... vigorous exercise.  Let's face it, Ethan doesn't go from Mild to Wild--he STARTS Wild and goes BESTIAL.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: HELP...and more HELP
« on: June 16, 2015, 07:53:58 PM »
I'm sure you have thought of this, but have you tried phoning Best Buy?

I work in Cambridge, Mass, which is a major epicenter of computer geek culture in the Northeast, and there are a couple of shops here that fix cracked screens.  I imagine that simply remove the cracked pieces and replace with the correct new screen.

I don't know where you live but you could try googling "cracked screen" and your town and state name.

Best, G.

The plot outline wasn't original to NoDS.  I saw an episode of ONE STEP BEYOND from the early 1960s that was a very similar story to NoDS, complete with the husband being taken over by the angry male spirit of a previous house owner (not, in this case, an ancestor I believe) and getting stroppy with his wife.  New England setting, too--in Maine, if I recall aright.


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Infamous Ep #0938
« on: June 15, 2015, 03:09:25 PM »
An even bigger "much ado about nothing" was the whole Java Queen thing, endlessly discussed and speculated upon during the Gerard haunting story in the Summer of 1970.  Complete with pirates who later became zombies, and a cool model of the Queen that showed up in David's bedroom.

Then we go to 1840 and ... zilch.  I think during the big plotting session that supposedly happened over a weekend in Sept. (or maybe even early Oct.) of '70, somebody realized just how difficult it would be to stage a shipboard romance storyline in the confines of the existing studio space.

That wasn't the only major continuity gaffe in 1840, but it was a doozy.


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Infamous Ep #0938
« on: June 14, 2015, 08:08:08 PM »
Dark Lady, when I mentioned Claude North, I wasn't thinking of his demise but more the fact that there was his huge build-up to his appearance and then all of a sudden--he was dead.

I know it wasn't possible for Claude to be played by Thayer David, but IMO the role needed an actor of that kind of presence and depth.

Of course I did think Brian Sturdivant was a sexy little thing... just not the right actor for that role.


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Infamous Ep #0938
« on: June 14, 2015, 12:33:57 AM »
Dark Lady, I actually love PT 1970.  It is the last storyline with a plot that has a coherent development, and a finale that draws together all the loose threads in a satisfactory conclusion. Granted there are speed bumps--notably Aunt Hannah's abrupt disappearance once Hoffman comes back (she was evidently viewed as a surrogate for Hoffman, as Alexalique's co-conspirator), and the whole Claude North thing (I wonder if Brian Sturdivant just failed to show up for work one day--that's what happened with Craig Slocum).  I also enjoy getting to see Edmonds, Bennett, Thayer and others play such way-out characters.  John Karlen played an alcoholic writer, but Will H. Loomis was still more with-it than his previous characterizations--though I will always love Willie best of all his roles.  The Jekyll/Hyde plot isn't all that interesting to me, but every storyline has something that I feel the urge to fast forward through (in 1795, it's the Vicki/Peter stuff and Vicki's endless trial scenes).

The final weeks of Leviathan are memorable for that awful "Shadow" "special" effect.  Ah well.


May Christopher Lee's spirit know true Peace.  He leaves us with such a bounty of gifts.

His death marks the true end of the epoch of classic horror.

For Depp fans, there's a really cute photo of a blond Depp giving Lee an award or some kind of tribute in 2013.  It was posted on a Book of Face post about Lee's passing yesterday.


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Infamous Ep #0938
« on: June 12, 2015, 11:56:02 AM »
I actually thought Chris Bernau and Marie Wallace were wonderful in their work as the Todds.  I think the people who wrote those letters may have lacked what we used to call "maturity"--my Mom would say "Don't be so immature."  The Todds were very different from what kids were used to seeing on the show at that point.  The whole set-up was an unexpected step in a very different direction.  I still think the first five or six weeks were really good, some of the best episodes the shows produced. IMO it got bad when DC was told that the ratings were dropping and, more significantly, had to figure out how he was going to do the movie while the series was still in production.  Whoever hit on the whole Parallel Time shtick really should have gotten a bonus because it was a brilliant concept to achieve that goal--have some actors carrying on with the series while most of the heavy hitters were in Tarrytown.  It meant that the wind-up of Leviathan was really speeded-up, though.  I do feel for the writers being given those targets and having to come up with stuff that hadn't been properly planned.


Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Infamous Ep #0938
« on: June 11, 2015, 02:45:51 AM »
It's fascinating to read those old letters from 1970.  I actually enjoyed the Leviathan storyline at the time.  Nobody I knew watched the show at that point so I watched in my own weirdie bubble.  I was already a Lovecraft fan at that point so I actually thought bringing a touch of HPL to DS was cool.

I do remember the announcements regarding this episode.  I was somewhat puzzled because the "revelation" turned out to be a re-cap. 


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / JGL--Sandman
« on: June 08, 2015, 01:00:02 AM »
JGL fans will find this of interest:

I read some of the Sandman books and there was considerable occult content.


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 I / Re: Penny Dreadful
« on: June 07, 2015, 06:07:18 PM »
and Dorian's new lover is named... ANGELIQUE!!!


Current Talk '15 I / Re: The Best Episode of the Series
« on: June 06, 2015, 01:46:46 AM »
That's a really good choice, Josette.

The writers really dropped the ball with Quentin and Chris.

One of my favorite moments is in Leviathan when

[spoiler]Liz looks down at Paul, whom she thinks has been knocked out by a drug, and tells him:  "How did you think I would EVAH take you back?"  And then turns contemptuously away.  It's a great moment for those who have seen the 1966/67 storyline, and probably the Liz character's last moment of glory on the series.[/spoiler]


Current Talk '15 I / Re: The Best Episode of the Series
« on: June 04, 2015, 09:14:35 PM »
I doubt I could pick just one episode as "the best," but it's very refreshing to see a fan write something like this about something other than the usual suspects--Barnabas is released from his coffin, Barnabas reminisces about the death of Josette to a terrified Carolyn and a thoughtful Vicki, Angelique curses Barnabas, etc.

Best,  G.

Current Talk '15 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0925
« on: May 31, 2015, 01:43:41 AM »
Sublime, MB.  I loved Chris Bernau and wish he had returned in another role.  He really had the DS affect (however one chooses to define that).  I mean, he got out one of the most infamous lines in the series without cracking even a hint of a smile:  "I'm just... plain ... SCARED."

I also feel that Marie's work as Megan was underrated.  This was a committed, believable performance. 

I do not think the faux "incest" angle would make it onto daytime today.


Sounds confusing and frustrating.  Oh well.  At least the marathon seems to have generated a fun flurry of attention.


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