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Not sure what Nathan Forbes' revolutionary wang has to do with this, but I'll take what I can get.

Bottoms up?


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 II / OT: Jessica Chastain
« on: November 12, 2015, 01:38:08 AM »
Fans, this afternoon (because our office is closed for Veteran's Day), I was finally able to attend a screening in Boston of the new Gullermo del Toro film CRIMSON PEAK.

I think fans of DEPP SHADOWS should definitely check this out.  It avoids the kind of humor that ruined the Burton film IMO but with an equally loving (and at times, frankly insane) attention to Gothic detail and Gothic texture that are very appealing to fans of DS.

Jessica Chastain really steals the film, and her performance here would be so very worthy of an update of DS.  I think in part the performance and the character were intended as an homage to Barbara Steele's 1960s Italian horror roles, so there's another DS echo there.

Another thing is that the costumes in the movie are simply stunning, for those who enjoy Victorian fashion.  The movie seems to be set around 1905 or so although some details are inconsistent.  hmmm, that's not something we're used to seeing much is it?  Inconsistency in costuming and design? LOL.


Your Easter Bunny is so cute. Does he have fangs?  Very DS.

cheers, G.

Current Talk '15 II / 1991 DS new DVD release in correct 4:3 aspect ratio
« on: November 10, 2015, 09:24:24 PM »
Fans of the 1991 series will be interested in this report.  It might be described as a mixture of good news and bad news.



Current Talk '15 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #1006
« on: November 06, 2015, 10:42:20 PM »
Damion Edwards was really a sideshow to pad things out until everyone came home from Lyndhurst.  I do enjoy the scene where Angelique banishes the rebellious spirit.

This Angelique was somewhat practiced in spellcraft, though she was even more guilty of tending to use a sledgehammer where a fly-swatter would do than her counterpart in our own band of time. And some of her spells simply went right off the rails.


I watched a trailer yesterday and it seems  really similar to CONSTANTINE which already has a big following and needed a new home... wonder why they didn't just buy CONSTANTINE?  I mean how many shows can there be with occult themes, smart-mouth Brit bloke with designer stubble, hip chick immune unlike every other female in a five mile radius to bloke's "charms," and sexy black angel on a life or death mission?

TV really is eating itself alive these days...

all that said... I wouldn't kick Mr. Lucifer out of bed for eating crackers.


I'm not all that interested and don't have access to the "Hallmark" channel in any event, but it was nice to see that Catherine Disher has a role in this and that the character apparently has some bite, so to speak.  I really enjoyed Catherine's work as Natalie on FOREVER KNIGHT back in the 1990s--Natalie was kind of a hip update of the Julia character on DS.


Current Talk '15 II / Re: TVLines's Top TV Witches
« on: November 04, 2015, 01:55:14 AM »
What a lame poll.  It would be more accurate to call Vanessa Ives on PENNY DREADFUL an occultist, though she was trained in certain arts by a Witch.

It looked mostly like a parade of ladies who spend more time researching hair care products than studying the art of magic.



Thanks for the giggle, MB.


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 II / Re: HHTA
« on: November 01, 2015, 02:21:58 AM »
Philippe, that's an excellent photo!  I love the MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH.  Basil Rathbone recorded it for an LP series at some point (early 1960s?) and the recordings have been digitized.  I think it's on YT.

I might park on the sofa later tonight with a 1965 British B-movie, DEVILS OF DARKNESS.  I just watched it again a few months ago but I'm in the mood for it tonight.  There's a fun party scene where various "degenerate" types bop around an arty interior to the sounds of jazz while devil masks leer at everyone from the walls.

On Monday evening I attended a 35 mm screening of one of my favorite films BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN (1935), at Brookline's Coolidge Corner Theatre.  It was very well attended and a very fun evening.

Best,  G.

Current Talk '15 II / BLACK SABBATH (1963) and DARK SHADOWS
« on: October 28, 2015, 04:24:35 PM »
Fans, last weekend I viewed the 1963 classic BLACK SABBATH.  This was the US release edit of the film directed by Mario Bava (released in Italy under a title that translates to something like THREE FACES OF TERROR). 

The movie presents three stories, each presented by Boris Karloff, who takes an important role in the final tale, "The Wurdalak," based on a story by Count Alexei Tolstoy.

"The Wurdalak" is based on old Slavic vampire lore and includes the idea that the vampire is driven to take the blood of those he loved best in life.  Ring a bell?

The second tale in the set, "The Telephone," seemed as if it might have been the springboard for the infamous "Grayson solo" episode in 1967 in which a terrorized Julia struggles to get through a night alone at Collinwood.  A memorable clip from that episode is available here: 


A little known fact that was mentioned at one of the festivals, by Jonathan Frid himself if I recall correctly, is that Frid did the voice for "Dave" on the phone in this show.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: October 28, 2015, 03:47:10 PM »
Depp Shadows is showing on the "ABC Family" channel tonight at 8:15 p.m.  I would think there are likely to be some minor cuts to the movie since some of it is hardly what I would call "family friendly" (a phrase I detest, but if you're going to go that route, it means no hanky-panky at all).

Just in case anybody cares.



Another good one from the old days is INNER SANCTUM.  I always loved it when they "opened the creaking door"... SO DS.  As a child, I had this thing for imitating the sound effect of the coffin lid sl-o-o-o-w-w-w-ly opening on the show.  I think it drove my Mom nuts.  No doubt one of the many reasons why she detested the show.


Marcos was a great guy.  Hope he's having fun, wherever he is.


I listened to that one a couple of years ago and I still remember it.  Only some of the Witches Tales broadcasts survive but they're great fun.  At one point the "old Witch Nancy" was actually played by a little girl aged around 12 or 13 I think... she had an amazing faculty for mimicry.

Grand stuff!  You have great taste Lady Arashi!  Have you listened to any of THE STRANGE DR WEIRD?  Those are fun.


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