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Messages - Gothick

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Current Talk '16 I / Re: Questions: 2012 v. OS
« on: February 02, 2016, 10:16:11 PM »
Joan wielded a pistol in an episode during the 1897 storyline, but she was in the role of Judith Collins at that point.

I'm far from an authority on the topic of the Burton/Depp film but I feel quite sure that Burton just included a shot of the waves that he chose (or perhaps deliberately manipulated with computer tech--I would actually be interested to read something about how the film was processed because a lot of the screenshots have such an extraordinarily painterly look to them--pity the content was so naff)--that was meant to mimic the famous opening credits sequence on the OS.

Vampires and blood--I have a memory of Julia supplying Barnabas at some point with medically obtained blood, but I realized that that may be a false memory--that may never have been explicitly stated.  In the Malcolm Marmorstein scripts in 1967, it was again implied that Willie was draining cattle of their blood to service Barnabas's needs.  Pretty gruesome stuff.  Some fans think that Barnabas himself was going out in the fields to nip the kine himself, but there's a scene where Barn grimly orders Willie out of the house with "You know what you must do."


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: February 02, 2016, 11:55:16 AM »
I am not a fan of Depp Shadows.  But it's worth remembering statements from Burton and others (if I recall aright) that a large chunk of the movie was sliced away by studio mandated edits.  Something like half an hour to forty-five minutes of the print he turned in.  It was so weird to read about this because it was such a repeat of what happened with NoDS.  I know DS seems to be a phenomenon with some truly uncanny aspects but that one really takes the cake.

Apparently a number of plot elements that no longer make any sense in the picture were more fleshed out in Burton's completed film.  Which was then butchered by the studio.

Depp's makeup AND performance are two crucial elements that don't work for me.  I actually thought the early scenes before Depp's arrival were well done and show signs of being a decent movie--not how I wold have liked this to be done, but not the awful embarrassment that does often make me cringe when people who aren't fans mention it to me.


Current Talk '16 I / Re: DS image on tonight's SAG Awards
« on: February 02, 2016, 11:48:44 AM »
That's an incredible choice for him.  I don't remember Riley either.  Somebody involved in that show production must be a fan.  Lovely to see our beloved foyer and a bit of the drawing room in the photo!

You know you're a DS fan when you're visiting your parents and see Abe Vigoda's obit on a TV news show (I never watch television when I'm at home) and think, "Oh no, Ezra!"


That would be a cool line in that it would more firmly define the story of NoDS as being set in a parallel universe with its own history.

Given the storylines of the final year of the show, maybe that's what Sam Hall intended.


Happy Belated Birthday!  Hope you enjoyed some Witchy treats for your special day!


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: <OT Carnival of Souls
« on: January 15, 2016, 03:15:11 PM »
I saw notices on the Net a year or two ago that the CARNIVAL OF SOULS actress was on the convention circuit doing autographs & appearances.

I saw it when I was at college... in the Early Bronze Age, darling... and while I enjoyed it, haven't felt the urge to revisit.


Those are wonderful captures.  I still haven't seen the "new" home video releases of the films.


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: Semi OT - The Bennetts
« on: January 05, 2016, 03:33:01 PM »
Just FYI, OUR BETTERS has nothing to do with Abraham Lincoln.  That's rather amusing.  It's a sophisticated early 1930s society comedy in which Constance plays a sexually vivacious older woman dealing with a daughter whose concept of morality is of the "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" variety.  Grayson was actually in a revival of the play at the Yale Drama School theatre in the early 1950s--that was how she met Sam.  He was a student there.

OUR BETTERS is mainly remembered now for the final sequence in which a flamboyantly queenly male tango authority shows up at the manor and frivolity erupts.  Vito Russo used to show this in his lectures that led to the CELLULOID CLOSET.

The original film of MADAME X was also early 1930s... maybe with Helen Hayes?  Can't recall.


Uncle Roger, I have read that Stroka was going to play the flamboyant boutique owner in the village.

Since nobody was maimed or killed in that scene, OF COURSE Curtis cut it.


I remember reading somewhere once either a speculation or rumor about who was going to play the hippie, but I can't recall the name now.

Awesome idea MB!


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: Semi OT - The Bennetts
« on: January 04, 2016, 04:32:36 PM »
Constance was sheer delight in human form.  I love her in OUR BETTERS. I do not know if it is available or not on DVD.  One of her best known roles was in the original film of TOPPER.  And I think she had the lead in WHAT PRICE HOLLYWOOD ('33), a great performance from her.


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 II / Re: Penny Dreadful
« on: December 21, 2015, 05:08:09 PM »
That's a surprise about the comic.  In terms of "writers." I thought John Logan wrote them all.  I guess I didn't really pay attention to the credits for season 2 since I marathoned the shows over a weekend.

Time to re-watch...


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 II / Re: Penny Dreadful
« on: December 21, 2015, 05:05:47 PM »
He used the name John Clare in season 2.  I don't remember him being mentioned onscreen as "The Creature"... it may have been how he was billed.


Abigail and Trask both had better wardrobe choices and much more flair with words than that tired old bigot Davis.


Calendar Events / Announcements '15 II / Re: PostCool1
« on: December 20, 2015, 02:59:00 AM »
There's a nice photo of Postcool1 with Midnite and Dee Kearney at the bottom of this page.  I think it was taken around 1999.


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