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Messages - Gothick

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Grayson was wonderful in this episode.  The complete episode has a couple of really good moments, too.


This was a really good role for Diana, I thought.


I wish I could somehow see a capture of the VHS version of the scene where Charles is shot from below as he's haranguing his dear brother who is about to invade the sanctity of his bower.

Awesome sketch of Charles's favorite model.  Good catch, MB!

Love the blurred glimpse of Rev Strack's insidious pout.  The Pout of Doom!

Very much enjoying this thread!!


Holy Hell, MB.  And to think that THING nearly killed Dr. Julia Hoffman!  All is explained that now that we  know that it was residing in Charles Collins' studio.  Clearly, the thing had had a spell put on it by that relentlessly vicious Witch, Angelique!



Gawd, MB.  It looks as if the "restoration" is way too dark.  Hope that's just a fluke of this particular shot.

I saw the "restored" Horror of Dracula in the Brattle Theatre last year, or was it 2014... The "Blu Ray" was used for the screening, and the thing was so dark, you couldn't see what was going on for at least one third of the film.  A lot of it also looked bluish.  Somebody online said this was because audiences now expect a "horror film" to be dark and vaguely blue.

We live in a degraded age.


I like today's photo.  I know you can't see "anything" but as you know, I have a vivid imagination.



I personally have felt every time I've watched the film that Angelique was a Witch--or certainly had magical powers.  Nothing in the movie makes any sense unless this was so.

I think sometimes people think the narrative points to her having been wrongly accused of witchcraft and I'm not sure where they're getting that.

Of course if the seance scene had been included in the theatre edit, it might have helped clarify the plot. 


That trailer was better done than I had expected.  Nice to hear Lara's voice, albeit briefly. 

I'm trying really hard not to be unkind but I do not think the narrator has the right kind of voice at all for this type of material.  The music and Lara made it work for me.


youtube only charges for certain licensed content.


Great captures.  If I ever saw this episode, I have no memory of it.


Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss 2012/Questions
« on: April 10, 2016, 04:35:44 PM »
btw, in the new book FOLK HORROR REVIVAL: FIELD STUDIES edited by Andy Paciorek, there's an amusing article by Tina Rath, an authority on the scholarly study of vampire lore (particularly in fiction, films, video games etc.).  It's called "All you ever knew about vampires is wrong:  a transcript of a Fortean Meeting talk."  She spends several pages discussing the mythic powers of silver over vampires and explores various possibilities about how this notion came about.  It's a fun read.


Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss 2012/Questions
« on: April 10, 2016, 04:14:12 AM »
Miss Rice's novel QUEEN OF THE DAMNED involved vampires in ancient Egypt.  I forget the full backstory.  There was a film made with an actress who died tragically soon after, I believe.

Midnite, Kosmo reminded me that he had told you that I had told him (lol) about THE VAMPIRE'S GHOST.  Even though it was only a few months ago, I had COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN about that film.  My short term memory is truly shot to aitch e double hockey sticks. haha

xo G.

I wish the Gregory scene had been included.  But it was entirely about character development so of course, it had to go.


Happy Birthday O most divine Misterioso!


Current Talk '16 I / Re: Discuss 2012/Questions
« on: April 08, 2016, 05:03:12 PM »
I've never heard of vampires being allergic to silver.  There's been debate about when the idea that a vampire could be killed by a silver bullet came into media vampire lore.  No basis for it any of the European folklore, if I recall correctly.

It's almost not worth bothering trying to make sense of that movie because it was so heavily cut by studio mandate that a lot of it, especially once BarnaDepp returns to the street, is just plain incoherent.  At least it was to me the one time I watched it.

I would think of it as punishment being made to watch the thing again.  The Roger in the cloakroom scene was one of many that made no sense at all.


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