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Messages - Gothick

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Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: <OT In the Year, 2020...
« on: June 05, 2016, 02:46:52 AM »
Nope, not sarcasm.  It's something people started doing a few years ago when they didn't want to switch to cable (here it can cost over $100 a month--Comcast seems to have a de facto monopoly) when analogue TV broadcasting supposedly went dark.  I read that the govt made a large amount of money selling the airspace or bandwidth or whatever the hell it is that was freed up.

I'm a Luddite in recovery and I really have no idea how it all works.  I think you may need a converter box for the new type of plug-in electric antennas to work.  I really have no clue. 

I have a huge backlog of stuff to watch both in physical format and stuff I find online and most of the new shows have no interest for me.  I was watching Penny Dreadful but I've resigned myself to just catching up with it via DVDs from the Library.   I have access to a huge media library where I work so when I need a fix, I check that out.

The thing with Me-TV and the other channels of this type--there are several of them, one called Retro and another Decades which is the one that has run the DS 1967 marathons (it always seems to be the same block of shows)--is that they seem to have massive amounts of commercials and in some cases, the shows play stretched-out in fake "letterbox" format.  I sometimes do watch the channels when I'm staying with my parents in their retirement home in Fla.  My sister tends to binge on these home renovation and real estate shows on the "HG" network so there usually is no time to watch anything else.  I can't watch the shows that have been distorted to accommodate the current trend in screens but sometimes, they are shown in proper aspect ratio.

Me-TV does run the "Svengoolie" show, I think.  Me-TV may randomly get blocked out by something local, I have been told, and the schedule seems to vary from region to region.


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: <OT In the Year, 2020...
« on: June 03, 2016, 03:59:42 PM »
I don't know what kind of TV you have, Patti, but if you have the right kind, you can get one of these antennas that has to be hooked up to the set.  I think you plug it in and it captures certain available signals.  Me-TV and some of the other "retro" channels might be available through it. You could go to Best buy or similar and inquire if nobody you know uses one of these.

A co-worker watches Columbo every Sunday night using this, I think.  He does it kind of in remembrance of his Mom.  She loved the show and he enjoys it as well.  It is all 1970s episodes.  Comfort food.


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: New Dark Shadows Book
« on: June 03, 2016, 03:55:21 PM »
Interesting.  It reads like somebody's blog posts about the show.  Might be at least somewhat diverting as an e-book if you're on a long trip and desperate for entertainment.  I'm not sure just who the intended audience is.

You can use Amazon's "look inside" feature to read the early entries.  I wasn't impressed.


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: <OT In the Year, 2020...
« on: June 02, 2016, 05:12:55 PM »
I stopped watching "traditional TV" years ago. A number of my co-workers do watch things such as "Me TV" with the aid of an antenna they plug into some kind of signal box winched onto the back of the TV set (I think the way I am describing this is archaic but I don't have one so don't know just how it works).

According to the numbers I have seen, the Netflix and Amazon series are steadily encroaching upon the ratings enjoyed by the "traditional" networks.

I haven't read the post about Outcast but usually, only the first episode is offered as a freebie--you have to subscribe, on some kind of platform, to see the whole thing.  This has been a pretty common practice now for at least the past five years or so.


Seeing and hearing Thayer David is always a special event.  I think I did see this episode but I don't recall who he played or what he did in it.  A few months back, I did finally get to see his wonderful guest appearance in the David McCallum series THE INVISIBLE MAN which only lasted half a season.


Current Talk '16 I / Re: Mr. Popularity
« on: June 01, 2016, 08:37:41 PM »
They only overlapped in a couple of episodes.  From what I remember, Chris Jennings was the most popular of Don Briscoe's characters.


Current Talk '16 I / Re: "Knock Knock"
« on: June 01, 2016, 08:34:48 PM »
I think Stoker made use of the lore in the novel DRACULA.  It would be interesting to read the works of the late "Rev." Montague Summers and see if he reports finding traces of this in the old lore.


Karlen does full frontal nudity in DoD, but it's in medium shot and rather shadowy so you don't see much.  Nevertheless, a friend to whom I loaned the video asked me eagerly if Karlen had done porn at some point in the early 70s.

It's a very strange movie by a Belgian director who was an unpleasant individual, but accomplished a beautiful meditation on the image of the female vampire.  Delphine Seyrig has a lot to do with what makes the movie so memorable.  A lot of the scenes were shot in one take.  It's quite kinky... don't know that it would be your cup of Maxwell House, but you could give it a shot. 

The movie in some ways in an homage to another of my favorite films, BLOOD AND ROSES, directed by Roger Vadim in 1960.


I agree Uncle Roger.  It's too bad the writing for the two characters had not continued with work of this calibre.  Their scenes together after this one tended to be pretty perfunctory, but they did have a great chem, which added a distinct quality and really made you think they were brother & sister.


Current Talk '16 I / Re: "Oh Where, oh Where..."
« on: May 29, 2016, 09:43:23 PM »
From what I have been able to determine, most of them worked without a contract.  That is why things happened such as Dennis Patrick leaving to do a movie before his storyline had concluded during Leviathans.

In her very first book, My Scrapbook Memories, KLS wryly commented, "In general, we were not overpaid on DARK SHADOWS." 

Grayson's original contract was described as being 13 weeks or 13 episodes whichever came first.  There was a long gap of several weeks between her first two appearances.  I was told privately by a fan that Grayson had dinner with Louis soon after she started and she quizzed him about how much he was getting because she wanted to be sure her agent had negotiated the contracted correctly.  I guess she was pretty upfront about things like that.  As she commented in a fan interview on one occasion, with crisp matter-of-factness:  "Of course, we have to be paid."


Also, if I recall correctly, in her first book (published in the 1980s) she recalled that she spoke the first line on the show, which she identified as "You are a jerk--J E R K!"  Since the first year episodes had never seen the light of day at that time after the initial broadcasts, that is perhaps a pardonable mistake.


Her memories often need to be checked against sources.  It was "live on tape" and they had rehearsed that first episode for around two weeks if I recall correctly.  I'm sure it was all quite nerve-wracking for a young actress.


KLS has done a video to promote an auction she will run at the Festival.  It is to benefit a charity foundation for medical research on the degenerative disease that killed her late husband.

It's amazing how upbeat KLS always manages to be, even when speaking about grim subjects.

And of course, she looks fantastic!


I so agree, Michael.  Mrs. J giving Maggie a dime to show her appreciation is a priceless moment.  Laura in 1966 lighting a cigarette.  Julia prowling around Chris's cottage in a scene that lasts maybe 12 seconds.  Portia Fitzsimmons crisply informing Sam he could be big stuff in the Manhattan gallery scene.  Stokes critiquing various individuals' taste in furniture and decor.  Roger mewling "oh REAAALLLY Liz!"  Judith telephoning Gregory at a certain moment.  Hoffman talking about the FIRST Mrs Collins's room.  And on and on.

The weirdest thing about the DS "phenomenon" or worse still, "the franchise," is how little all the hype has to do with why we REALLY watch... some of us, at anyrate...


Dear Fans,

A fan reported on the "Many Faces of Nancy Barrett" group on FaceBeast that Nancy's episodes of THE DOCTORS from 1971 have been playing on something called Retro TV--I presume this is one of the innumerable cable channels available in some markets.

I copied a screen shot of Nancy as a nurse (in a wig that is like a blonde version of the one Lisa Richards wore as 1970PT Sabrina) but am unable to find the utility to upload it to this post.  If one of the mods wants to advise me, I will post it here, or maybe somebody else will.

Best,  G.

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