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Messages - Gothick

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That's a beautiful photo of Angelique from this scene.  Thanks, MB!


Wow, that would be fab if "The House" screening actually happens this time.  I would love to see this included as an extra on one of MPI's releases.  The other one I would love to see is the 1966 CRUCIBLE with Thayer and Clarice.  That was supposed to be shown at one of the Festivals long ago, but I think I heard that the screening failed to materialize.

Nice to see Nick Besink and the others attending, too.

Hope it is a great time for all who are attending. I am unable to make it.

Best, G.

Current Talk '16 II / Re: Was There a Library at Collinwood?
« on: June 19, 2016, 02:33:50 AM »
Oh yes.  The good Professor was keen to see a rare early edition of THE FEDERALIST in Liz's private library.  No doubt a family heirloom... Joshua's conversations with the Countess leave one in no doubt whatsoever that he was well read in such matters as were discussed in the pages of that publication.


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / Aquarius
« on: June 18, 2016, 12:42:09 PM »
Although this isn't directly DS related, this newish series about the Manson Family begins with episodes set in 1967. The themes include the Summer of Love, San Francisco hippies, and a lot of things we were hearing about when DS hit big.  The show also stars David Duchovny who I think has a following here.

I haven't watched the show, but my friend who wrote this review said it's available through the Flicks of Net.


Current Talk '16 II / Re: Was There a Library at Collinwood?
« on: June 18, 2016, 12:36:26 PM »
It's not surprising that they never showed the library.  I mean, they never even showed a washroom, and I'm sure there were several.  Sometimes I think of Liz's personal powder room as being very dainty, French Regency, afloat in shades of lavender and blue.



Thayer David's future wife, Valerie French, is featured in this 1959 B-movie thriller, THE FOUR SKULLS OF JONATHAN DRAKE:

Valerie reminds me a little of Alexandra here.  Her marriage to Thayer happened around ten years after this picture was released. Legendary character actor Henry Daniell is also on hand in a minor supporting role.


Current Talk '16 II / Re: Dark Shadows: The Beginning Collection 1
« on: June 11, 2016, 05:02:25 PM »
The circ info says that 10 copies are available--it should mean just of this set which is a lot, but it may mean total number of sets of DS.  One might have to ask one of the ref librarians for clarification.  I see that 6 are marked available and there are 2 holds marked.

It's really very nice to see just how popular DS continues to be with the public.


Current Talk '16 II / Re: Dark Shadows: The Beginning Collection 1
« on: June 11, 2016, 04:58:01 PM »
A friend who lives in Portland OR says that the library has many, perhaps all, of the DS DVD sets, but they are so popular they are almost never actually in the building.  He was able to watch one of the Beginning sets featuring part of the Laura 1967 storyline which is his favorite, sometime last Wnter.


Wow, Marilyn Michaels.  There's a name from the buried past.

Sounds like a very special evening!


I saw on FaceBeast today that "Decades" is going to run their relay of DS episodes again to celebrate the DS 50th anniversary.  I presume it will be the same chunk that starts with the release of Barn from his coffin and ends up somewhere later on in the 1967 storyline.

I don't know the dates but presumably someone who is into it will do a thread for this.


Current Talk '16 II / Re: Why Do We Hate Certain Characters?
« on: June 08, 2016, 07:24:28 PM »
I love all the ones in the poll.  It's hard not to fast forward through any and every Roger Davis scene but there are the actor actors in the scene to look at and enjoy.

Sometimes Lisa Richards gets on my nerves because apart from traumatized Sabrina in 1969, her other two characters (recovered Sabrina and PT Sabrina) were written as such drips.  I do think Lisa is an excellent actress and it was just poor writing that is responsible for the annoyance.

I don't "hate" Craig Slocum but I do wonder why on Earth he's there.  What is he supposed to be doing?  No real answer.

Jerry Lacy is one whose characters I LOVE to hate.  LOL.


Interesting comparison, Doctor & K9.  Both were certainly larger than life--onscreen and off!

I love the Tom Baker interviews where he talks about what it's like being a living god.  He has a great sense of humor about things.


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: <OT In the Year, 2020...
« on: June 07, 2016, 02:14:47 PM »
Well, Me-TV isn't an Amazon product or service... for all I know, their customer service representatives may be instructed not to answer questions about matters that do not relate to Amazon's products.

This might help:


That's so sweet about Matthew being a Grayson fan.  What excellent taste! 

A lot of Who fans have been very critical of Matthew's acting in the Tom Baker Who series, but I enjoyed his work at the time and it's always a treat to see one of his episodes again.  A year or so ago I had the chance to watch Earthshock, his finale on Who, and it was great!


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 I / Re: <OT In the Year, 2020...
« on: June 05, 2016, 05:20:58 PM »
Yeah I have seen the speed-up bit in action, and I've been aware of the cuts for many years now.  It's one reason why I keep so many old shows on DVD. 

Another facet that bugs me is cases where the shows have been tampered with to make them "look better."  The only example that comes to mind is Star Trek where the old model shots and some other FX have been "upgraded" with CGI that will look even more dorky and worse, inartistic, than the original work in ten years time.  I've heard that when these shows run on TV now, the CGI versions are shown.  Because of this, last year I collected the pre-CGI prints on old DVD sets, most of which I found used at very reasonable prices.  I did see that in the latest "Blu Ray" issue of these shows, you could choose to watch either the "upgrade" or the work actually created in the 1960s.  This has been how the BBC has handled episodes of Doctor Who where FX were "upgraded."

I also read last year that Lost in Space was being retooled to fit the popular 16 x 9 look.  I haven't seen it yet but presumably this means that only a segment of the original image is selected to get the required aspect ratio, as was done with the disc release of the 1991 DS series.


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