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Messages - Gothick

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Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / Re: Daughters of Darkness
« on: June 27, 2016, 02:16:12 AM »
That's a cool ad, MB.  I of course have no memory of Karlen's interview, though I almost certainly read it all those years ago.  Would be interesting to read that again.

Sorry you found the ending a downer, Patti.  I think it's kind of cool, but to each his own.

For anyone interested, I have long suspected that this movie was meant to be a kind of homage to Roger Vadim's film BLOOD AND ROSES (1960).  In the 1795 storyline, specifically around the time of Angelique's wedding to Barnabas, they actually restaged a certain sequence from that film (BLOOD AND ROSES).  I saw the French film long before I ever got to see the 1795 episodes (I started watching DS a few months after the conclusion of 1795, in 1968) and when I did finally get to see those shows, it instantly struck me that once again, DS was "borrowing" from the best.

Anyhow the finale of DAUGHTERS OF DARKNESS mirrors the finale of BLOOD AND ROSES in a few ways.


Interesting.  Either she was deliberately making a statement, or she just didn't think--or didn't care.

I am "friended" to Lara Parker's personal page on the FaceBeast ("you BEAST! you BEAST!"), which is how I've been seeing a lot of photos from the Festival since they tag her on them.  I'm not really interested in being friended to various peripheral actors at this point.  My postings here are one of the very few involvements in DS fandom I have maintained.  I have too many other demands on my time for anything beyond this.


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / Re: Daughters of Darkness
« on: June 26, 2016, 02:32:47 PM »
John's commentary on that film is priceless.  I think he mentions having an altercation with the director when the latter behaved badly with the ingenue actress.  As usual, I can't recall the details.

I actually remember reading about the movie when it finally got its US release.  I don't think that was until sometime in '71 though I think it was filmed in 1970, soon after John participated in hoDS. Rex Reed gave the movie a very strong good review in a New York paper that my grandfather used to buy.  I was so surprised because Rex usually did not have much time for horror films. 

Most of the scenes were done in one take.  I think John talks about how his stage training and, of course, his experience doing DS made it something he could do. Delphine also had a lot of stage experience.   She has this really long monologue in this one incredible scene where she's describing how Countess Bathory tortured her victims and in part of it, Karlen is nestled up against her and she's stroking his nipple.  They don't make em like that anymore.


Thanks for the review of "The House" screening, Michael.  Maybe it will be included on MPI's next DS quidnunc.  It would be NEW material...

As for McKechnie, par for the course.  But there could have been something occurring behind the scenes that led her not to want to be there.


A fan who must be attending confirmed that John Karlen is indeed at the Festival.  I looked again and I noticed he was holding Marie Wallace's hand.  It was sweet.


That's very cool.  I don't remembering whispering to the person I was sitting next to.  I had forgotten the thing about some stupid exec's vendetta against Grayson.  Expletive deleted!

Oddly I read the same thing a few months ago about Majel Barrett.  I was watching the first season of Original Series Star Trek and I was reading some stuff fans had compiled online.  A couple of the suits really took a personal dislike to Majel and loathed the fact that she played the first mate character in the original pilot.  When she returned in the role of Nurse Chapel in the reboot, the same execs loudly complained that they didn't want to see her in there at all.  Somehow or other, these imbeciles were overruled.

It's way off topic at this point, but an energetic young man at a gathering I attend in Ontario a couple of times each year always calls me "Majel Barrett" whenever he sees me.  He is an art historian and an authority on Egyptology and 19th-20th century British art.  I take this as a high compliment.


Clearly, someone who works for TV Guide understands that the true signature personage of DARK SHADOWS is The Pen.   This is why the show is usually described in web blurbs as "DARK SHADOWS, the Gothic soap opera featuring the exploits of that legendary villain, The Pen, who terrorized the residents of an isolated mansion in Maine."

In many middle and high schools, there was a telephone tree where kids would phone one another around 4:02 p.m. to inform everyone "make sure to turn it on, gang!  The Pen showed up in the opening monologue!!!!!!!!"


That's an excellent description of the play from Prof. Stokes.  I probably read it at the time, but as I've been complaining, my short term memory has become quite unreliable (and at times, nonexistent).

I have been seeing cast photos on the Book of Face today, and tonight, one was posted that was actually a fairly decent photo.  It looks as if John Karlen was able to attend after all.  I saw someone in a wheelchair who looked like a skinny version of an older Karlen.  Everybody looked quite happy to be there.


I wish I could remember if the surviving footage of this sequence was among the bits screened by Darren Gross at a DS Festival I attended sometime around 2005.  (I think that was the same occasion when I saw the existing cut of the rejected WB pilot.)  I remember a scene where Carlotta brings a breakfast tray to Quentin and Tracy's bedroom (which obviously follows on a scene that's in the regular release cut), the piano scene, and the seance scene. Don't recall this one.

Holding onto the ever more unlikely hope that someday we'll all get to see the restored cut.


For what it is worth, I thought KLS had some great stuff in her pre-Barnabas episodes.  I'm particularly thinking of the ones where Joe comes over for dinner, and where Maggie goes up to "the big house" in an attempt find out what was going on with her Dad.  Maggie had good scenes in the diner at the start of the Laura storyline and of course, with Mrs. Johnson.

IMO KLS had weak material until she came back from Europe to play Kitty.  And unfortunately, we all know what happened with that character.  But until the unfortunate events began, Kitty had some really sharp, good writing and KLS played it really well.

I'm not all that big a fan of KLS but when she was "on," she really did shine.  I thought it was really disappointing for the actress that she got stuck in yet another kidnapping storyline as late as PT 1970.  I bet that had a lot to do with her decision to walk away from the show.


Current Talk '16 II / Re: It’s called Relationship
« on: June 24, 2016, 12:56:39 PM »
It seems very stream of consciousness.  I couldn't tell if she wanted to change the channel TO or FROM DS.

To quote a certain governess, "I don't understand."


Oh yes Barnabas FIRST APPEARED talking to MAGGIE in that dear old diner set... just as the very first episode of the show opened with Maggie turning to the camera and saying "You are a jerk, J E R K!"

You really need to brush up on your DS history dear...



Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / June 27: Shirley Jackson Day
« on: June 24, 2016, 12:46:24 PM »

This is an interesting article with several implicit DS connections.  DS made use of plot elements from both "The Lottery" (in the final PT1841 storyline) and the original novel (and film adaptation) THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE.  I never knew that June 27th was the date Jackson gave for the titular lottery in her short story.  That's really rather uncanny.  The 68th anniversary of the publication of "The Lottery" is Sunday June 26.


Bella appears in her interview (only really short clips, alas) in the video featurette wearing a fab flower-power styled top/blouse that makes me think that she has a personal love of Sixties fashion. It's decidedly NOT the type of thing featured in the Refn film.  She looks fab in it.

Maybe Refn will cast Eva Green in Suspiria. Eva deserves better than Tim Burton.  Just my personal opinion,, of course.

MB darling, BVOTD is a HOOT!  The movie was scripted by the late Roger Ebert who actually spent a lot of time in a video he did for the DVD release some years ago talking about how GREAT the movie was.  The songs by the band in the film, the Carrie Nations, actually include some cool numbers.  The Strawberry Alarm Clock do perform to Incense/Peppermints in a party sequence early in the movie.  The 1967 studio recording was used, though--it wasn't a live performance.


Reading my weekly issue of the DigBoston paper over lunch today, I was surprised to see Bella Heathcote mentioned in a villainous role in the new film by the latest hot auteur, Nicholas Winding Refn, The Neon Demon:

Bella is featured in this video showcasing the director and some of the stars, including Christina Hendricks, alumna of the cult series Mad Men, a Sixties themed show which referenced DS in one episode.

Another DS related note about Refn is that reports were posted a month or so ago claiming he is planning a remake of Suspiria, the Dario Argento cult film which was Joan Bennett's last feature film.


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