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Messages - Gothick

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Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / Re: The October Gathering
« on: September 10, 2016, 06:30:11 PM »
Interesting if true that James Hall was kept on for a few days after his re-cast had been planned.  On DS, re-casts normally happened over at most a 24 hour period--sometimes more like 12 hours, or less.  I think that was the case when Craig Slocum left (or simply failed to show up for work).

I wish I trusted KLS's memories more, but she's told us so many things over the years that are documented to have been not at all the case.


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / The October Gathering
« on: September 10, 2016, 02:08:09 AM »

I'm sure that Shadowgram will be announcing further details of this soon, but this page produced by the Collinsport Historical Society about the upcoming October event in LA was posted to the Book of Face, and I thought fans here might like to see it.  Interesting that James Hall will appear.

If John Karlen also attends, it will be a possibly unique opportunity to see both Willies together for the first time.


Current Talk '16 II / Re: "You CANNOT Accept a Gift Like This..."
« on: September 10, 2016, 02:05:09 AM »
THE PEN edged out Bleedervalvulus Collins for ultimate Dark Shadows Superstar. 


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: September 08, 2016, 05:17:44 PM »
Thanks, MB. I'm so confused by whether it's Daphne or Carolyn that gets attacked at whichever point in whatever version, apart from the OS of course... my memories of the WB thing are really quite sketchy.  I know I should be really clear about it since you spent a year analyzing every page of that script but alas...


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: September 08, 2016, 02:21:50 PM »
Looking at today's Burton/Depp image, I was reflecting that Depp Shadows was the only version of the story where Barnabas didn't prey on Carolyn.  But then, I don't think he went after her in the WB pilot.  It would be interesting to know if they were planning to do that storyline.

In the Burton/Depp project, it would have been so very icky if he had attacked Carolyn since to all intents and purposes, she was still a child--albeit, a very precocious one.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: My Crappy ISP
« on: September 06, 2016, 03:49:27 PM »
I have Verizon as my ISP here in Mass., Patti, and I get the same.  They send me multiple notices every month trying to get me to "upgrade" to FiOS.  I've heard it's the same crap.  Buffer buffer buffer.

It's so much more relaxing to just put the DVD in the disc drive and actually sit back to enjoy watching something.  Rather than the anxiety that kicks in whenever I try to view anything I actually care about online.


Jessica Chastain was almost shockingly brilliant in CRIMSON PEAK.  Hiddleston and Mia (I have given up trying to remember how to spell Mia's last name) are both very good, but Jessica steals every scene she's in.

My criticism of the movie, for what it is worth, is that it was overproduced to an absurd degree.  I told a friend after I saw it last November that it would have been much better if del Toro had spent 30 million less on it.  I could make the same comment about the Burton Depp Shadows disaster except there wasn't all that much to salvage from the latter.  A vast improvement would have been made if Depp had never appeared onscreen.

And that's all she wrote.


THE CRIMSON CULT is a major guilty pleasure of mine.  I have a DVD from the UK which is slightly censored and isn't the best quality, alas, but it did come with a great illustrated booklet about the filming. 

Karloff got all the best lines and scenes.  Michael Gough had a funny role as a mentally compromised factotum.

Barbara Steele's role was almost just a cameo, but her costume was to die for.


That's such a fab shot of Grayson delivering what may be my favorite line in the entire film.  (Too bad Lara's "Laura my darling" got cut--it was such a bitchy line.)

I don't remember ever seeing the shot featured today of David and Kate. 

I am struggling to make myself order the two film DVDs in time for Horrorween.


I didn't remember the Cassandra drawing at all, but just as I was typing this, an image floated in to my mind and I think I did have the mag long ago that had it.  I bought 16 religiously when the show was on because it had such good coverage.  When AfterNoon TV started up towards the end of '68, it also had several fab features on the show.  And it even covered my beloved STRANGE PARADISE in at least one issue.

Great detective work in tracking down the 1967 drawing, MB!  I don't care for her portrait of Liz, but other than that, it's very good work.


Somewhere, maybe on a Facebook DS group, I saw Frenchy's very first DS drawing from 1967.  It was really well done and included Roger and Elizabeth, I think.  I don't believe she ever featured them much in the work she did from the later period, which is the material more often seen on Shadows fan sites.

It would have been really fascinating to have Gloria Stavers guest at a Shadows event.


Current Talk '16 II / Re: 1991 Shadows news
« on: August 25, 2016, 12:11:35 PM »
Holy Hell.  But that is fascinating on one level.

Thanks for sharing that, MB!


Current Talk '16 II / Re: 1991 Shadows news
« on: August 25, 2016, 03:53:36 AM »
Another extra that should have definitely been included in the TGG set was that "making of" documentary that I guess was included in the VHS set.  (It might have been a separate tape; I honestly can't recall.)  A fan did share that with me several years ago.  I finally checked Amazon just now and the TGG set is currently going for $60 to $65.

Certain fans might snitch to DCP or whoever because they want to have a market for their sale of bootleg merchandise at fan events.  Including material that was originally to be intended to be shared among fans FOR FREE. 

As the Countess du Pres might have put it--c'est la guere, cheri!


Current Talk '16 II / Re: 1991 Shadows news
« on: August 24, 2016, 07:41:37 PM »
Cool.  I completely missed the posts about the TGG release.  I remember posts about other releases and it was always the same crap prints as before.  I think I just stopped reading the topic because I presumed that the correct aspect ratio prints were NEVER going to be issued.

By "commercials," I think he must mean commercials for each week's upcoming episode. He must be even more of a diehard DS fan than I had guessed to have captured all of those.

I was living in China during the original broadcast, though my Dad thoughtfully taped the first two evenings of it for me to watch when I got home. 


Current Talk '16 II / 1991 Shadows news
« on: August 24, 2016, 02:42:16 PM »
Dear Fans,

Those who enjoy the 1991 DS nighttime series might find this note which I received from a friend of mine who has been revisiting that show.  My friend writes:

Speaking of aspect ratio issues, I have good news regarding DARK SHADOWS (1991).  It was released on DVD at least 3 times here in the U.S. with the aspect ratio butchered.  However, last year a company called TGG Direct quietly issued a box set of the series in its original fullscreen format.  Print transfer quality is excellent, and it’s great to finally see high quality prints of this show in the ratio it was intended to be viewed.  The only drawbacks are that they still failed to include the extended cuts of the first and last episodes which Dan Curtis prepared for MPI’s VHS releases.  And the color timing on the day-for-night sequences is still faulty, causing those scenes to appear far too bright (almost full daylight).  So the only releases that display those accurately are still MPI’s VHS iterations.  TGG Direct’s set appears to have gotten a very limited release, and even though it is only a year old, I believe it is already out of print.  Sealed copies are still available on Amazon, but the manufacturer is no longer offering copies, and the few copies still for sale on Amazon are going for double MSRP.  I broke down and bought one as a birthday gift to myself this year (as prices are sure to go even higher once the remaining copies sell out).  On the other hand, the same prints have recently been issued in the U.K. and Germany, and imported copies of those can be had for under $20.00.

One more tidbit before I run.  I recently dug out my personal VHS captures of the original 1991 NBC airings of the series, and isolated all of the network-specific material (promos, previews, bumpers, etc.) that were left out of the VHS and DVD releases.  I turned them into one continues DS bonus feature, and posted it to YouTube last week.  Here’s a link, if you’d care to see it:

Since I’m an incurable completist, I’m eventually going to post not just the promos for each episode, but all of the commercials that ran during each broadcast.  (end of his letter)

I don't know if this upgraded release of the series was reported here.  It may well have been, since I don't always pay attention to topics relating to that redaction of DARK SHADOWS.



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