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Messages - Gothick

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Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / Re: Halloween in Hollywood
« on: November 01, 2016, 10:33:30 PM »
That's awesome reporting, Midnite.  Thanks so much!

xo, G.

Current Talk '25 I / Re: A New Slideshow Is Coming
« on: October 30, 2016, 08:43:26 PM »
Hilarious.  Craig Slocum always seemed to be in a completely different show from everyone else.


Thanks!  Love them both!  For some reason, the first photo was displaying with Carlotta's line for the second capture.

Best, G.

Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / Semi OT: House of Dracula (1945)
« on: October 30, 2016, 04:16:09 AM »

Tonight's holiday viewing was Universal's HOUSE OF DRACULA (1945), in my opinion the best of the three serious "monster house" films from the period.  Again, a major plot point in DS was borrowed for this film--in fact, offhand I can think of at least two major plot points from this story that turned up in our show.

I find myself surprised to say that I'd still rate ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN higher than this HOUSE OF DRACULA, considering the series as a whole--my inner fanboy just can't stop bouncing up and down in my seat at the thrill of finally seeing Bela Lugosi play Dracula again.

Patti might be interested to know that A&C MEET FRANKENSTEIN includes a climactic battle between Dracula and the Wolfman.  Maybe that's where Ms. Twilight got the idea of vampires and werewolves being mortal enemies.


Holy Hell, today's shot of Carlotta and Gerard is totally awesome!  Excellent work, MB!

cheers, G.

Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / Re: The Old 'Switcher-oo'
« on: October 29, 2016, 08:02:04 PM »
An interesting switch on anything else I've ever seen is offered in RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE in that the werewolf only shifts shape when he's under the vampire's control.  It was a psycho-physiological result of the young man, Andreas, being "infected" by the vampire's evil.  I thought that was an interesting take on lycanthropy.  It would be interesting to know just who came up with that idea.  I don't recall it occurring in any other film or TV show.


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / Re: The Old 'Switcher-oo'
« on: October 29, 2016, 07:52:51 PM »
THE RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE is one of my favorite films.  Glad you got to enjoy it!

I think the idea of a feud or innate acrimony between vampires and werewolves was made up by the author of the Twilight books.  It might have been something that came up in modern pulp vampire and werewolf fiction such as the seemingly interminable books by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro and others.  I haven't read any of that, so I don't know.

The pre-Victorian lore about vampires, werewolves, Witches etc. was to say the least rather different from modern media images.  You can read books by S. Baring-Gould, the "Reverend" Montague Summers (who was quite a character in his own right), Claude Lecouteux (an excellent modern researcher of old lore) and others, if curious.

Best,  G.

How cool that Buzz got some screentime again!

If ya feel it, SIT IT!


I am not on the mailing list for the Seaview Terrace event, but I've seen references to fans gathering there on the Book of Face. I thought it had happened last weekend but the references have been really vague so I honestly do not know.


You know you're an obsessed fan of a certain actress when the question that goes through your mind reading the above remains:  "Is Pierson FINALLY going to release Grayson Hall's Playtex commercial on the new DVD??"


For anyone who is curious, here is the "Sweet Transvestite" number from the new version, featuring Laverne Cox:

The other big production numbers all appear to be up on Youtube as well.  I played "Time Warp" and enjoyed having a look at Reeve Carney's interpretation of Riff Raff.

It is all very energetic but something about it just does not work for me... opinions I have seen are divided between giving it an A for effort and treating it as a tired disaster zone.


This info was just posted on another site:

First episode they are showing is #251 when Barnabas locks Maggie in the basement. For some reason Decades has numbered the episode as #7116. The last episode shown will be when David informs Burke and Dr. Woodard of the mausoleum secret room. They've numbered that one as 7199.  (end quote)

I wonder if this ultimately came from somebody who has some kind of connection with Decades, because otherwise, I have no idea how the person was able to figure this out.  Those new episode numberings are strange.  I wonder whether the "7" comes from 1967 and the 116/199 refers to the actual episode number WITHIN THAT YEAR.  I don't have time to try to figure out if that would work.


Fans, I found two of the Universal "complete legacy" classic monster DVD sets in my local Newbury Comics (a media shop in the Boston area) marked down--they are used, but appear to play fine.  And so, I am watching Frankenstein vs. the Wolfman (from around 1943).  I don't remember ever seeing this one before, apart from a bit when I came into it towards the end of a TV broadcast back around 20 years ago.

Let's just say that the opening sequence, set in the Talbot family mausoleum, proved to have a very familiar look and feel to it.  You might be surprised.  I know I was.

DS definitely stole... er, borrowed... from the best.

For fans of the Universal Sherlock Holmes films (with Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce), this one includes a very Inspector Lestrade type role for actor Dennis Hoey.


Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / Re: Happy Birthday, marcos1!
« on: October 23, 2016, 09:01:54 PM »
Happy Birthday Mark, wherever you are.  You're a sweet guy and you deserve a terrific day!


That's a very cool article, MB.  Thanks!  I don't recall having read that before.


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